
Chapter- 15 : Scars Part - 4


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His first stop would be Ollivanders, mostly because he knew where to find the shop. He was sure there would be a wizarding optometrist around but he would have to ask for directions.

The wand-maker was creepy as ever as he handed over wand after wand. Still, after rescuing his emaciated near-corpse from the Malfoy dungeons creepy was actually an improvement on his looks.

Come to think of it, when had Ollivander been kidnapped? Hadn't that been this summer?

The reminder of a war that he had won but that was still very much being waged here made him flinch the next time the man pushed a wand at him. Like all the others before it didn't respond to him either.

"Not to worry, we'll find you a match," Ollivander said solemnly.

Harry hummed non-committally and proceeded to test what felt like a hundred more, watching the old man grow more and more excited. Things were happening exactly like the first time he had been in this shop.

Until at some point Ollivander started to fidget.

"Acacia and dragon heartstring." No response and the man frowned.

"Walnut and phoenix feather." When that one didn't work either Ollivander threw the wand back in its box instead of placing it reverently back on the cushion. He fetched the last of the boxes he had removed from the shelf and offered it to Harry without comment but with narrowed eyes.

Again there was no response and Ollivander glared at him.

"Well, it seems that good old-fashioned Ollivander-crafted wands are not enough for you," the man practically spat.

Cold fingers crawled up his spine. Was... was there no wand here that matched him? Were the rules different for dimensional travellers?

"Um, I'm sorry?" Harry tried, confused at the sudden hostility.

He muttered something under his breath as he went to another shelf, returning with a small stack of boxes that looked much less well-cared for than all the others.

"I'm sure you are. For centuries, since 382 B.C. in fact, Ollivanders have used unicorn tailhair, dragon heartstring and phoenix feathers to craft the finest wands these isles have ever seen. Unfortunately on rare occasions people like you show up with your snobbish exclusivity, all picky and demanding."

Harry shifted his weight from foot to foot, not quite sure what to make of that. "You... Do you have more wands for me to try?"

Ollivander sneered and gestured carelessly at the new stack of boxes. "These were made by others using different cores." His disdain for them was palpable.

The man didn't make another move so after a few seconds Harry eyed him hesitantly and reached out himself to pluck the wand from the top box.

Immediately a familiar rush he hadn't felt in far too long crawled from the tips of his toes all the way up to his hair as the wand in his hand shot gold sparks into the air. It didn't feel quite as good as holly and phoenix feather, but then probably nothing ever would again.

Scowling, the wandmaker huffed. "Holly and griffin feather. It'll do."

He grabbed the remaining stack of boxes and carelessly dumped them behind the counter. "Forty galleons."

What? "That is... much more expensive than I was expecting," Harry said carefully, reaching for his money pouch nonetheless. The man's mood swings unnerved him.

Ollivander crossed his arms and huffed a second time."Wasting half my afternoon only to settle for that. You're paying for my time."

For a moment Harry debated putting his haggling practice of that morning to good use but he was too afraid the wandmaker would suddenly refuse to sell. Slowly he counted out what amounted to a good half of his funds in this world and pushed them across the counter.

"Um, do you know where I could find an optometrist?" he asked hesitantly but jerked back when the man shot him a glare so venomous he was scared of getting poisoned at a distance.

"What do I care? Get out."

Harry fled.


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