Transmigrated as Harry in HP /DxD world. What if Harry didn't grow up with Durslies? What if he was taken in and was allowed to grow to his full potential? OP Harry. Smart Harry. Mad Scientist. Doesn't Give a Shit. (Lots of HP Bashing. MC doesn't care much about DxD ) I will also posting this story on RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub and Fanfiction
If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat or Ko-Fi.
Word Count 3200
Harry waited impatiently for the wolves to come.
"Hope.. why aren't they here yet"
Hope was looking just as confused as Harry "Umm I think they did. The last signal I got from them was they got right behind those bushes and then they left"
"They left" Harry said with a bit of edge
"Umu" Hope nodded "Harry i think you scared them off. Maybe they were just ordinary wolves. Animals have sharp instincts."
Harry stopped "They interrupted me and they just bolted when things looked ugly? Hell no! Hope we are hunting them down. I'm feeling extremely petty right now and I feel like making a wolf skin rug for our room in Hogwarts."
Hope slumped slightly and let out a long sigh 'Great they pissed Harry off. Stupid wolves, the last time this happened was when a mutated mosquito actually managed to pierce Harry's skin and basic Mana Skin that was used as a layer of protection against ordinary bugs. The mosquito most likely fed on some dead magical beast allowing it to mutate.
Harry was so pissed off he burned down a part of the forest where they were mostly located. I think my eardrums ruptured a little from all the lightning he threw at them that day.'
Hope found their scent and led Harry to them. Little bits of lightning were already coursing through his hands. Harry was really petty for the smallest things. Harry casted some spells that erase their scent and sound along with completely masking their presence
When they reached the clearing where the wolves were
Harry anger instantly dissipated. Like it never existed. His mind was only focused on the wolves. If they could even be called like that. They were extremely large, and the presence they gave off was similar to werewolves but it was obvious that they were not that. There was a whole pack of them 6 members grouped up together.
'How? Who? When?' dozens of questions popped in his head. He hadn't seen anything like this even in the Belmont Bestiary. This was something new. Harry let out a wide grin 'Fascinating'
Hope was just frozen in place. She had never felt anything like this.
"Hope" Harry turns to his assistant who studied herself
"As far as I know, this is the strongest form a werewolf can take. The first and easiest is a quasi-from. Where I grow claws and some bestial features to boost my strength.
The second is half form and the third is the wolf form. These are cursed forms that many werewolf's take depending on what bloodline they are from. You can train to get control and even use magic in both forms even as a wolf.
And the one these guys have is the forth type, the Giant Wolf form. All around major increase in Power. All senses increased tremendously. But you literally lose your mind. This is the most primal state of a werewolf. I don't know how they are completely sane. I am not near the level where I can even attempt to transform like this."
Harry turned to them 'So just like I thought they are a new species. Somehow capable of staying sane even in their 'Feral Form'.
The pack suddenly stood up and looked at the location of Hope and Harry. Surprising both of them since they were completely hidden.
They started to sniff the air and move closer, but there was a confused look on their face.
'They can't sense us?' Harry raised an eyebrow 'Did their instincts somehow alert them of my curiosity'
Harry smiled and undid the spells. To the wolves he appeared out of thin air. All of them immediately crouched, bared their fangs and growled. Mana bursting out of their bodies.
'high-Low Class. They are as strong as Hope. One of these guys can rip apart a group of wizards. I'd bet one can rip apart a Green Welsh Wyvern.'
Hope looked at Harry like he was insane. He actually revealed their location. She quickly shifted into her Quasi-Form. Getting a boost in strength and speed. She can't afford to go into half-form. Right now her full focus must be on magic.
"Greetings Ladies and Gents. I know that you guys are some Variation of werewolf. You the Alpha, bark if you can understand me" Harry looked at the wolf who was bigger then the rest.
"AGRRRRR" The wolf growled harder, ready to attack Harry.
"Great you do understand me. That makes things simple" Harry smiled and raised his hand.
"Prylanse Incinis" Harry called out the Magecraft spell, just to intimidate the werewolves.
A giant orb of fire, 2 metres in diameter appeared above him, his hand looked like it was holding a big Sun, twice as large as his body.
"Now whoever attacks me will become Wolf Barbeque. So i suggest that we all sit down and talk like civilized people" He pumped even more power into the spell while compressing the sphere of fire to stay the same size.
The wolves instincts were going haywire. Their entire being was telling them how dangerous that orb is.
"Grrrr." The Alpha growled, but then closed his eyes and relaxed his posture, he was still standing, ready to run away if things got ugly. The other wolves quickly picked up on his body language, and realized what their leader wanted.
Seeing that they calmed down Harry flicked his hand and the orb of fire scattered apart. "Great. Now lets start with the introductions. My name is Harry Potter"
This immediately got a reaction from the wolves, their ears perked up and they were noticeably less hostile. ' Man, sometime this 'Boy-Who-Lived' fame of mine is really useful. The Wizarding world is full of sheep who fall for crap like that'
"Can you talk?" Harry asked and the Alpha shook his head.
'Well that complicates things. You can't use Legilimency on a werewolf. Their Inner wolf would protect them and attack the Legilimency probe. But not like I have any other choice at the moment. Maybe i can go in without alerting the inner wolf'
"I'm going to try using Legilimency on you. That means I will try to connect our minds so that we can talk. I won't snoop around. So just open your mind and don't resist"
The wolf nodded in understanding. Without proper communication. Whatever they wanted to accomplish would be nearly impossible. If this fails. Might as well end this meet and greet right away.
Harry closed his eyes and focused. When he opened them, his emerald eyes were shining brightly
As soon as his mental probe entered the Alpha's mind, Harry expected to be attacked. But nothing of the sort happened.
Instead he was in a different type of forest. With cliffs and birch trees. Lots of animals running around and the moon was just rising. On one of the rocks a man was sitting down with a wolf in his lap. He had a buzz cut and looked around 30 years old. His Red eyes were shining brightly
"Well I'll be damned. A boy like you knows Legilimency. But then you are Harry Potter." the man smiled "Oh excuse my manners. I am Michael Scofield"
Harry smiled "Hello Michael. I have to say I am quite surprised. I have heard that the Inner Wolf usually attacks Legilimency attacks"
The man chuckled "Oh they still do. But now its under my control. No its more accurate to say Its 'our' decision not to attack you"
Harry's eyes widened before they quickly returned to normal "Interesting. So you 'merged' in a way. How?"
Scofield had a cold glint pass through his eyes.
"We were caught and experimented on. Not just us, many other species as well. I learned a lot of things about the world. Including how evil people can be."
Harry had a pitying look on his face "You found out about the Supernatural huh?"
Michael was surprised before he let out a hollow chuckle "Should have guessed that you'd know. Some group consisting of magicians and devils made the Werewolf curse even stronger. Not just putting us into a half-man, half beast form. But completely shifting us into the 'Giant Wolf' form. At first we were just Feral Wild Beasts, attacking anything that moved or had a pulse. But with time we started to our Inner Wolves. Regaining control. we are now one being."
Harry nodded along. He was extremely curious how this group managed to contain the werewolf curse like this. It is a cure in a way. They aren't attacking people at random, they don't get any impulses. But they are trapped into their current forms.
"I remember they injected us with something red. Something that triggered this change, it was extremely painful, many of us didn't survive the experiment. And we don't have any way of changing back. After they were done and declared us 'failures' they threw us away instead of killing us.
'Go back to the woods and live out your miserable lives like the savages you are' they told us, we were so much weaker than them that we ran with our tails in-between our legs. Day by day we continue to live out our lives like animals. With no hope for a future"
Scofield hung his head in shame. Living like a werewolf was hard enough. They were kicked out of every village. Not allowed to carry wands or go to school. Even if they have money, they were charged with triple the price. Tax for monsters they said. But now they didn't even have the right to call themselves humans anymore
"I'll cast some diagnostic spells on you in the real world" Harry cut off his thoughts, seeing that they were taking a dark turn by his expressions
"Knock yourself out kid, its not like we expect anything" the man waved his hand as the other slowly patted the wolf in his lap. "Honestly just talking to you like this makes me Happy. It makes me feel human again"
After a few minutes of running every diagnostic spell that he knows. Harry found a strange energy in the wolves. And he didn't know what to make of it.
'Its not mana, nor any variation of it like Holy Power and Demonic Power. Its not Ki, Touki or Senjutsu. I got my chance to come in contact with that in Spain for a while. Even Yokai need to go on a holiday. That Dog Yokai was such a nice guy. Anyway there is the wolf curse still in them, but this doesn't feel like a curse.' Harry mulled things over for a while
Harry scratched his head in frustration "Honestly I'm drawing a blank. Can you give me more information about your captors."
Michael frowned and shivered a bit. The mindscape also shook and got colder. It started to snow.
'Those were very traumatic memories for him. Just revisiting them like this literally shakes him to his core.' Harry frowned as he looked at the mindscape. 'Honestly that's just what I would expect from the Devils and Magicians'
"They said they got the blood from Fenrir. I didn't understand that part. Why would that scumbag's blood have such an effect on us. Fenrir Grayback might be stronger than other werewolf's. But his blood shouldn't cause this. Actually now that I remembered him, it might be a good opportunity to hunt him down. Me and my pack are much, much stronger than him now. "
Harry was barely paying any attention to him now. ' You have got to be shitting me. These guy's have Fenrir's blood coursing through them! No wonder they got bigger and stronger. Along with the insane death rate of the experiment. The unknown energy i found inside their bodies must be Divine Energy.
Fenrir is the God-Devouring Wolf. The God Slayer. Fangs that can kill a God.
Those idiots just picked up a bunch of wizarding werewolf's and probably normal werewolves and experimented with Fenrir's blood on them. No wonder this experiment has a high death rate, its a miracle any of them survived at all. They must have diluted the blood with something, there is no other explanation.
Those that survived got a lot stronger than what they previously were. But at the best they are now Peak Low Class. They are so weak and inconsequential that the entire experiment was probably deemed a Failure.'
Harry snapped back to reality once he heard his name being called a few times by Scofield
"Kid are you okay? You looked lost in thought there. And you had a really scary expression on your face there"
Harry just smiled at the man "Do you guys want a job?"
~ Hogwarts. Headmasters office.
Inside the large circular room filled with all kinds of small silver instruments that emitted puffs of smoke, Dumbledore was sitting on his 'throne' with his eyes closed.
On the walls the portraits of the former headmasters and headmistresses were watching silently. They have seen this scene before. 'He' was about to come out.
Dumbledore slowly opened his eyes. They were drastically different than before. Sharp and focused. Nothing alike of what anybody had seen from him. The old man let out a sigh.
"Ahhh, to think I would be pushed so far by a child. Not even that brat Tom Riddle pushed me so far. The only one who deserved my full attention was Gellert "
A decade after the Fall of Grindelwald. Dumbledore got tired and irritated from the sheep of the Wizarding world. It was taking too much time of his day to keep on his 'grandfatherly mask' in front of those fools. He could not progress further with his goals.
So he decided to take matters more seriously. He invented an Occlumency technique. One that created a 'fake' personality that would control his body.
This Dumbledore would be a watered down version of the original with almost all of the Original's memories. He lowered himself to the level where he could bear to play politics with the wizards around the world.
The real Dumbledore was doing what he always has. Trying to figure out a way to stay alive longer and trying to see Ariana. His greatest shame. Something that haunted him and kept him from researching a higher level. In his mind he has been researching Alchemy for decades. Doing formula after formula.
He wasn't getting any younger. And he didn't want to end up like his Alchemy teacher, Flamel looked great the first 200 years of his extended life. But after 200 years his body withered and got weak. He had to constantly take doses just so the body doesn't fall apart into ash.
He has already used the Elixir from the Philosophers stone. But instead of youth he used it for a boost of Vitality and with him being connected to the lay lines he could live up to 300 years. He was 110 this year, so he has plenty of time to figure out a way to become 'Ageless'.
Dumbledore decided never to completely return to his body. Even if the wizarding world was burning in flames like when Voldemort waged his gruella warfare. He completely returned to his body a few days every few years to rest his mind.
The real Dumbledore used 70% of his 'thoughts/ processing speed' while the fake persona operated with 30%. Just enough to be slightly above the wizards in the Wizengamot.
The fake persona passed bills and got his bills rejected. He played the perfect part of an old man trying to do his best but was getting older. Yet everybody was still wary of him because the 'fake' would do something to remind them that he was Albus Dumbledore.
And his plan worked. His real self studied the depths of Alchemy while the fake one still used his fame and position to hold a tight grip over Magical Britain along with its resources.
But now his reputation took a deep hit. He was losing resources. He was forced to return and stop his valuable research because of one stupid boy.
"It seems like it was a mistake to consider young Potter a little boy. But then again I understand why my weaker self fell for it. How could anybody imagine an 11 year old boy having such intellect and power. He had already started to make international connections due to his Pots and had the full backing of MACUSA." Dumbledore mused outload as he straightened out his beard
"No matter. I just have to take things seriously now. I can solve my money problems quite easily, I'll just make some alchemical metals and sell them to the Supernatural World. I usually avoid them with a passion since there are many people stronger than me. But i don't have the time to be picky. And I will need to arrange some 'accidents' to befall on the people who tried to take advantage of my weakened state like Gejutel K. Landegre"
Dumbledore poured himself a drink " The situation with young Potter is quite complicated. He has the backing of an entire country behind him. And the boy is without a doubt a prodigy. I dare say he is has more magical talent than me, Gellert and Tom combined. But he is still just a child. And he needs to grow up to properly use that talent in battle. Right now he is just a genius with a lot of backing.
I still need him to die at the hands of Tom Riddle. Tom played his part, terrifying the wizards and culling down the increasing population in Britain. But he took things too far. And then that blasted Prophesy showed up. Making it impossible for me to kill him. And the boy survived a Killing Curse as a baby. I'm going to need to create a few more situations like that where Mr. Potter and Riddle will meet. Let fate decide who survives."
He called out for his Phoenix and Fawkes quickly arrived, and landed on his shoulder "My other self did well. Getting Harry Potter in the Castle and selling the Phoenix Ash. Even though its a valuable material I have a large stash hidden away, without the other me being aware of it, so now people think I am at my weakest point. It should be quite easy to turn things around. People seem to have forgotten about their place. Its time to remind them of it and why they were so afraid of me"
~In Harry's quarters.
A name in the Marauders Map started to change
He was no longer Albus Dumbledore. Or Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. The wizard the entire wizarding world knew him as.
He was back. Back to that man who was considered a Genius. Back to the man who fought Grindelwald and won using everything he had. The name on the map just changed to Albus.
Albus as an individual. His greatest pride was himself. Not his family name or the titles he accomplished. It was the fact that he had built himself up from Zero to the level he was today. That was his Pride. And he was about to remind the Wizarding world what happens when you mess with a sleeping Dragon.
~ A/N
Didn't see that coming did ya 😉
Though some of you might have. I mean Dumbledore was really 'weak' and 'stupid' in the first place. Like this guy is kinda Sus.
What do you think about the 'Real Dumbledore.' The first impression of Dumbledore was of a idiotic wizard who was getting Dementia due to his old age. A barmy old man with way too many positions.
So i think a few of you were like 'No way this is Dumbledore. Especially with such an OP MC.' Well. You were right 🤣
Not gonna lie. I'm nervous with how you are going to take this twist. Because while it was planned to be sudden, like in the movies when things change without any prior warning. Unless those moments are pulled off well, they could crash and burn the story.
I'm generally bad at Plot Twists. Though I have pulled off a few good ones. What are your opinions about this. COMMENT PLEASE!!!!