

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat or Ko-Fi.

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Word Count 1950


The first week was finished so, students picked up their things to go back home for the weekends. The older students do that or just go to another city to party. 

We portkey back to the agreed destination and meet up with Melinda.

Hope quickly runs off to hug her. Which Melinda happily returned.

The old bat really does look at her like a daughter or a granddaughter.

While she looks at me like I am a nuke. An unstable nuke, that's just about to go off.

This is discrimination!

Melinda looks at me "I hope Salem is still in one peace, otherwise we might have to run. I don't exactly have the money to cover your collateral damage"

My eye was twitching. The nerve of this woman.

Even I can't destroy a warded facility like that in 5 days...


"How was Salem" Melinda smiles at Hope

"It was great. The teachers were nice, even though I'm one year older than everybody. All of the kids are 9 and I'm 10. Well Harry is 8, but he doesn't count. I'll study hard so I can skip grades, I'm sure Harry will"

Hope looks at me with amusement.

"And what about you? I'm surprised you haven't caused a commotion" Melinda smirks at me

"Wait for next week. I laid low for the first one, from Monday I will be showing off a lot so I can get bumped up in the next year. Then the one after that."

"That's good. Never lower your potential. If others are envious and angry. Let them be your stepping stones toward greatness" Melinda happily grinned


A bird screech was heard from the next room.

My sixth familiar that was left back with Melinda.


It was an adolescent Thunderbird. The size of a German Shepard. If this were an ordinary case, I could be sued for having an endangered species. 

But it's not. Zeno was born with a disability. A full-grown Thunderbird has 3 pairs of wings. Going from largest to smallest. From the largest, its wing span is 10 meters. Their torso is a meter wide. 

Zeno has a disability on two. His right largest wing was formed only halfway, and his left middle wing was completely missing. 

Thunderbirds use their wings to gather their magic. Zeno was cast away from his flock. The reason he was born like this in the first place is because of morons. The handlers paired siblings for mating and doused them with lust potions. Zeno was a result of inbreeding. 

When I found him he was starved and half dead. He was only a few weeks old. Most of the time we kept him indoors and slowly nurtured him back to health. 

It was only recently that he had enough strength to start moving. We let him chance after mice, so he can try to hunt for himself. Then start letting larger animals loose. Like rabbits, ferrets and such.

Now the little bugger wants his cuddles. He grew very attached to us Three after we nursed him back to health.


Since I was 8 and he was the size of a big dog. He rubbed his head on my chest and stomach.

I scratched him on the head. Careful not to hurt his feathers

He enjoyed it for a while before he trotted to Hope and did the same. Hope had a bright smile on her face

"Hello, Zeno. Did you miss me? Were you a good boy"


The small thunderbird happily pushed against Hope. She continued to stoke and ruffle his feathers.

(A/N I considered using Thor or Thorfinn as a name. But realized that I wouldn't do if I was there. Why risk alerting the Nordic pantheon. There is an extremely minimal chance that it will happen. But i wouldn't risk it. Names have power)

"So what's on your agenda today" Melinda raised an eyebrow at me

"Dinner then trying out a few ideas that I had this week and some that I didn't get to try out last week."


"Do those spells happen to be destructive in nature?"

I puffed up my chest "Naturally. I'm hoping to achieve a 50% increase in destructive power than last time. "

Melinda facepalmed. "Of course you are. You can go off on your own. Be careful not to get spotted. Hope and I will prepare dinner"

I smiled at her "Don't worry about a thing. I'll be on the other side of the States, blowing stuff up in the desert. Ohh, this is also a good chance for me to start experimenting with Wards"

Hope tilted her head "Umm Harry... have you ever tried to put up any wards except the beginner level ones you put in your room for practice"

"Nope~ That's why this will be so much fun. I will put up the wards, then blow stuff up if the wards fail, which they probably will. I will see where I went wrong and fix it before I continue testing out spells. Repeat that a few times and I am bound to make some progress"

I'm so smart.



Hope and Melinda were just speechless.

Wow, they must be impressed by my desire to learn.

Melinda just facepalmed while Hope hung her head and sighed ' 'He is officially insane' '

"Well see you in a few hours"

And with that I made a teleportation circle beneath me and flashed away

~ Mojave Desert. Death Valley

I look around. This spot should work. I marked its location for a reason. It's far away from Las Vegas or any other cities or villages.

Almost nobody comes near here.

Now for the wards. By definition, wards are protective enchantments. A ward is made by using a ward stone. The number and strength of the wards is depended on the size and quality of the Wardstone.

Then the ward stone is described with runes. The more complex the runes the better the Ward.

It's also common to place the Warstone on top of a lay line. So the lay line will power the stone instead of the wizard

Of course, old places with quality ward stone are either weaker or more powerful.

If nobody has lived there for quite some time. Then the ward stone will eventually crumble. But if generations of people have lived in the same 'house'. Then their magic will affect the ward stone. Making it stronger and stronger.

It's also the reason why Hogwarts has such strong wards. Each year dozens of children join the school. Before Voldemort there used to be hundreds.

Now if the old goat wasn't purposely sabotaging the wards, and letting them function as they should. Things would be a lot better in Hogwarts.

Thanks to my enhanced brain. Arithmancy and Runes are easy as hell.

Arithmancy is using numbers to understand magic. From SpellCrafting to Divination, and Runes are essentially written magic. A language that influences magic.

There are several kinds of runes. Nordic, Celtic, Egyptian, Japanese seals, Chinese Talismans, Written Parseltongue, exc.

Since I'm in the desert. Egyptian Wards will work best with some added Parsel-Wards

~ 10 min later


*Shhhhh* The automatic hexagonal flat shield activated. It took the brunt of the explosion but sent Harry flying.

"Damn. Messed up a line, and I wasted a perfectly good wardstone."

Good thing I'm only using the cheap ones. I need the wards to last a few hours. So the cheapest one will do. Experienced wizards can make temporary wards with just their magic.

But even if I did that now, it will mess with my control for when I test my spells. So it's counterproductive for me to even waste time on learning it.

There are only so many hours in the day. I need to choose wisely how to spend them.

After another 15 minutes and 2 more explosions. I set up the wards.

They looked kinda shaky. But they are only supposed to alert me if someone is coming and hide all the shit I do within the area the wards cover.

They have no defensive capabilities, which is probably the reason I could make them in the first place. But I'm happy with my progress. What other 8-year-old do you know that can set up wards?

Now that the wards are active its time to start experimenting.

Well, to start things off I wanted to learn Roy Mustang's Flame Alchemy for the stuff I will be trying out later.

I already have a good grasp on Transmutation. But that is standard physical transmutation while this is a bit of a specialized area. 

Roy manipulates the concentration of oxygen in the air. When attacking, Mustang raises the density of the oxygen surrounding his target to a level at which it becomes volatile and creates narrow pathways of oxygen between himself and his target through which he can direct the ensuing flash fire that blossoms from the spark of his gloves.

Now I don't have his transmutation circle, but thanks to magic or magecraft I don't really need the whole thing.

I can make my own. It's really just manipulating oxygen and giving it a spark. Nothing too complicated.

And just for fun, I got the glove. (Its exactly what I would do and I'm 25. Those gloves are sick)



A fire explosion happened a bit further away from me.

Is this childish? 


But it's so freaking awesome. (I would do the same)

Snap. Snap. Snap

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Thanos got nothing on me

"Oh~ Snap~"




~ 10 minutes of continuous explosions later.

Okay, I got a bit carried away. I turned away from the craters that had glass forming on the bottom.

Well, I can officially take off Flame Alchemy off the list. But it doesn't have so much explosive power. As its just condensed oxygen, meaning it mostly burns the targets.

Now for the more dangerous part. Since I have a wand now. Might as well train to use it. But I will definitely be turning that wand into a staff later on. Maybe just fuse it with the staff that I will get.


Mental note. New Research Project. Wand & Staff Combinations.

Okay back to business. I do a modified circle of the one I sued for Flame Alchemy.

But instead of just Oxygen. I'm taking and compressing Hydrogen and Oxygen in a 2:1 ratio of hydrogen and oxygen gas. And compressing it CAREFULLY as I go along.

When I had a perfect ratio balance. I incase the gases in a bubble and then add a tiny bubble with just some oxygen and a magic circle on a timer to create a spark. 

I point the air bubble and launch it into the distance






"Sweet " I watched as the shockwave tore through anything in its path. 

Ummm, it's kinda moving a bit faster than expected... It probably won't hit me.


And there go the wards...

I grab the key that was around my neck. A portkey.



The portkey activated just as the shockwave was about to hit me.

I was currently spinning around in a grayish space tunnel.

And the next second I casted a levitation and cushioning charm on me. So I don't fall and potentially break something,

Oh, that reminds me, restock my potion supply. 

If this keeps up I'm most likely going to injure myself. Quite seriously at that.

But it's too bad I can't go further than this at my current level.

Quantum mechanics and magic require a lot of power and processing speed.

That's how Ajuka made his Kankara Formula. It has nothing to do with Devil Bullshit, its pure calculation, that's why nobody has been able to recreate it. Many Devils have tried and since they couldn't do it, 'It must be a new Family Ability'. Fucking idiots. Its like a cheat code. An insane amount on numbers tied to one thing. And only Ajuka has it. 

But with time and effort. I believe I will reach that level...

With a LOT of time and effort.

*Sniff. Sniff*

But that can wait. Melinda and Hope are done and I smell chicken.

Food now, research later.

~ A/M

Salem is in Boston