
Rowena Ravenclaw

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Word Count 2120


"Rowena Ravenclaw!" 

An illusionary figure appeared in front of Harry and Hope.

The first thing they noticed that she was tall, and very beautiful. Heart shaped face, high cheek bones, full lips and smooth long black hair reaching till her lower back. She was wearing a deep blue dress in old robe design.

'Well did live a thousand years ago. That dress corresponds with the style from that time period. But why is she so young. She should be in her fifties or sixties. The Potter Family was brought back to what age they died in. Does the Stone bring you back how your inner self thinks you look like. If that's the case than this woman is a narcissist as well'

Rowena opened her eyes. She blinked a few times, before her eyes widened.

"Who are you... where am I? No.. I remember this place. This is the entrance room to my Room of Innovation." The woman said in a Scottish accent

Harry raised an eyebrow. 'Room of Innovation. Named after Innovation Clear probably. And its not like the name is wrong. Frankly I like it more than the Room of Requirement. Maybe I'm bias because I'm a researcher.'

"Greetings my name is Harry Potter" Harry said with a gentle smile. 'Rule #1. NEVER TELL ANYONE YOUR TRUE NAME! Hadrian James Potter is going to be my secret as long as possible. Well until someone bribes those greedy ass goblins. I should kill off any goblin that knows this information'

Rowena frowned "Potter? Ahhh, from that old family. Child what year is it? I did glance at Hogwarts once every few decades after i died. But I stopped after eight times."

Harry grinned "Rowena Ravenclaw welcome to the year 1991. A thousand years have passed since Hogwarts was established in 990"

"T-Thousand!!" Rowena said with a surprised expression "Hogwarts has withstood a thousand years" she then got an extremely proud expression on her face

"Yes. Yes. I'm sure you are very proud, but I'm a very busy man, so can we please proceed with our conversation"

Rowena noticed the way the mood changed, 'Hmm, he isn't an ordinary child. Wait... how could he have summoned me in the first place. A boy as young as him, practicing necromancy... if it were an old man I would understand. But he looks like he has just entered his teen years'

"Child how have you summoned me here?" Rowena frowned, summoning spirits isn't something one can easily do. It requires a complicated ritual on the night of Samhain.

Harry smiles as he shows her the Resurrection Stone in her hand

"You should recognize this. From the Tale of The Three Brothers"

 "The Resurrection Stone?" Rowena said in a shocked tone "I always thought they were a myth."

"No, all of them are real. Now my first question. Where have you been watching over Hogwarts? Did you go to Heaven?" Harry says with an extremely serious tone in his voice.

This was a very sensitive manner. Going by history Wizards and Witches are forbidden from going to Heaven. And if they don't go there. Then which Death God has a hold over their souls.

Harry needs to stop the Potter Family souls from spying on him. And he needs to destroy the ones that already know too much. He is sure that his family is now paying attention to him.

"Heaven. You mean from the Church" Rowena scowled "Those bastards are the reason we have to go into hiding. Do you think we can go to their so called 'Paradise'" she spat out.

"Nay, those with the gift of magic end up in a dark void. Where we look over the mortal world until we ourselves decide to 'pass over', to where I do not know"

Harry immediately started to theorise on what he had heard. 'Dark Void? Wizards go into Limbo? And if no one is looking after them or guiding the souls. That means they are outside of any Death God's Domain.

I see. Wizards were created by devils. And Devils are practically hated by every faction. No one wants their damaged goods. A few souls don't make a difference in the grand scheme of things. Even now. There are only about 50 000 thousand wizards in the popular wizarding countries. With America coming closer to 100 000. Even if you combine all of the souls. It won't even reach a million.

Wizards had a pathetic population when they were created. And it was only now that they reached this number. Not to mention that the Church hates them. So getting on the bad side of the Church and Heaven over some useless devil creations. Is just not worth it.

And now even if someone wanted to take those souls. It would be seen as embarrassing, since they waited for so long, any Death God who claims those souls will take a hit to their reputation and be seen as 'desperate' '

Harry lets out a sigh of relief. 'Phew. Glad I don't have to waste the time to kill off all of the Potters who looked at me from beyond the grave'

Now that at least one of Harry's objectives has been completed he was much more relaxed. "I'm happy to hear that. I don't fancy meeting any Death Gods so soon. Now for my second question, well more like request. I want the blueprints to the 'Room of Innovation' and your Secret Library "

Rowena frowned "You want the design for my legacy. The legacy that i spent over a decades to gather and to create. You couldn't crack the safety measures I installed "

Harry shook his head "Nope. Didn't even try, if I was in your place I would have installed a bomb that would go off if anyone tried and killed everybody on this floor."

"Kill everyone on this floor? Have you no compassion for the students? How can you say that? Have you no shame young man?" Rowena pointed her finger at him and scolded him

Hope just facepalmed. Already knowing what is coming.

Harry showed a slight sneer "Shame? Never heard of it. I only do what's in the best interest for myself and my family. And this 'Room of Innovation, will definitely help out. It is a researchers best friend. I want one in my home."

Rowena was about to click her tongue and tell the brat to go to hell. Since her spirit was summoned by the Stone, after a while knowledge started to appear in her head. Knowledge about how the Stone works. The boy could not harm her in any way.

'Wait. There is a way to get him back, you are too young to play with someone like me little boy'

"Sure, I'll help you gain the blueprints for my 'Room of Innovation', along with my Library" Rowena agrees. And then has a smug look on her face. "But only if you find and return my diadem to me"

Hope's eyes widen and she looks at Harry in shock who was frowning. But on the inside he was having his evil mastermind laugh.

"The lost Diadem of Ravenclaw. That's quite a challenge. You do know your Diadem hasn't been found for the last thousand years" Harry says with a difficult face

"Heh" Rowena smirks "Will you do it or not" 'Spend all of your life looking for it you stupid brat... Was I ever this petty... No but only to Salazar and Godric. Those two fools pissed me off so much that i got extremely petty with them. Salazar's smug expression and Godric just being an annoying pain in the ass with his womanizing. This child reminds me of them.'

"I'll do it. But you will need to swear an oath on your soul that you will understand why. After all its not like I can trust you to keep your word."

Rowena just smiled "Agreed. It is completely understandable, I would have done the same. I Rowena Ravenclaw. Swear on my soul should Harry Potter find my Diadem. I will show him how to create his own Room of Innovation."

A light shines from her ethereal body.

"Are you satisfied now child. Now release me from this contract. I do not belong in the mortal plane. Not in this form. Call on me if you ever find my Diadem. Not like that will happen in your lifetime"


Hope facepalmed. Hard.

She couldn't keep it in and was actually pitying the Spirit Woman. 'You poor fool'

Rowena was dumbfounded. What could have caused this young girl to hit herself on the face. She turned to Harry only to see an extremely smug expression on his face.


Harry snapped his fingers and the Diadem appeared in his hands

 "Found it!" he said with a grin.




Rowena was speechless for the next few moments, but soon sighed, she was an intelligent woman. And she could tell that she had been tricked. No, scammed. This was all a big SCAM.

 "You predicted this didn't you" she slumped a little. Watching the green ethereal spirit slump made Hope feel even more bad.

'She is dead and she is still getting bullied. Not even the afterlife can save you from someone like Harry'

"Of course. After all you sent a hunter to go get it back. The history books might not mention that fact. But 'Dead man tell no tales' doesn't apply to ghosts. It was simple to learn about what really happened. And from there i set this all up"

"I'll show you how its done" Rowena said in a defeated tone

"Hey don't be so down. Since I got what I came for I'm feeling quite generous. After you show me how to make this room. I'll take you to your daughters ghost. Maybe if you apologize it will allow her to pass on... then again. If an endless void is all that is waiting. She might prefer to stay in the mortal world. I know I would.

Mental note. Make contingency plans to get a body, if I am ever killed and survive as a Spirit. Tom made the same mistake. Crap, I have to research cloning now."

Rowena blinked at the unfamiliar word "Cloning? I have never heard of that word. What does it mean?"

"Hmm? It is basically creating an artificial human. A fake human that is a perfect copy of yourself. A homunculus."

"Homunculus... Yes.. I have heard of that phrase. It started to spread around the time I last glimpsed at Hogwarts. So its common now to make them."

Harry was about to correct her but shut up. Actually he didn't know if it was common or now. But Homunculus parts did show up on auctions. And Magicians do buy them, just so they can catch a clue on how to do it. Cloning or crafting a homunculus is still very much a secret passed down from Master to Disciple among Necromancers.

"Well that's the answer to your question. Now please. My blueprints" Harry said making Rowena sigh once again but this time explaining why she has been sighing all this time "The blueprints as you say are accessible only to my bloodline. Which means, for you to see them you have to cast away your enter my bloodline, taking the name Ravenclaw"

"No" Harry immediately rejected surprising Rowena "You want me to give up my names? What are you smoking?"

"Smoking?" Rowena tilted her head, this caused Harry to facepalm 'Right. Tabaco is a New World good. Tobacco was introduced to England in the 16th century'

"Right never mind that. I'm not giving away my names. I'll just absorb the Ravenclaw House. My family is older than yours anyway. If you don't do something your soul is going to burn ya know" Harry says with a cold voice

"And I'm saying I can't do that. For you to absorb the Ravenclaw Family, a female member of my House must marry you and be your wife." Rowena scowls

"Kinda hard to do that since both you and your daughter are dead. And why do you have to overcomplicate things. Can't you just order it to appear?" Harry pointed at the book behind him,

"I'm an echo summoned by the stone. I can't interact with the mortal world" Rowena shook her head

'Figured as much' Hope just nodded along. She didn't want to get in between a conversation/argument between the smartest minds that the wizarding world has produced.

Before Harry could start again. A cold voice interrupted them.

"You might not be able to.. But I can?"

A bluish white translucent woman came through the ceiling.

Rowena stepped back once she saw who it was.

"Hello. Mother" the woman glared at Rowena

Helena Ravenclaw has arrived. And she was pissed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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