Transmigrated as Harry in HP /DxD world. What if Harry didn't grow up with Durslies? What if he was taken in and was allowed to grow to his full potential? OP Harry. Smart Harry. Mad Scientist. Doesn't Give a Shit. (Lots of HP Bashing. MC doesn't care much about DxD ) I will also posting this story on RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub and Fanfiction
If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat or Ko-Fi.
Word Count 1550
Voldemort was one paranoid bastard
But I totally understand him. At first, I wondered why he didn't use blood magic to make the 'safe' more secure
But I realized.
He must have predicted this. Him being killed and reduced to this state
Well somewhat. It's much more likely that he predicted being seriously injured.
And then sending Bellatrix or Barty Crouch to get a rare ingredient or potion. Then Obliviate the knowledge of the safe from them
But he sure was busy. There were 4 other vaults hidden beside the first. And each is just as impressive. How many people did he rob?
But anyway on to more important things.
I am filthy fucking rich!!!
For years Voldemort has been taking 'donations' from his followers. Blackmail people for ' protection' and stealing from his victims
And now it's all mine
But then I realized the problem. A very slight, tincy wincy problem
Where would I put all of this money to keep it safe?
Ain't no way in hell I'm putting it in a bank.
I'll use some of it to buy safe houses and land.
But I need to make Vaults like Voldemort did. And I'm not skilled enough to do it at that level just yet
I need to consult with Melinda she has the power to enchant a boat
Our home is well protected against scrying at least to a certain level. But the defensive wards are rather average.
Now thanks to I have access to all his knowledge. That includes wards, a branch of magic that he was very good at.
Wards in general are a combination of Arithmancy and Runes mostly. There are wards with added charms, with special effects but in general its those two.
Using a special kind of stone that can hold magic called a Ward Stone. Real original. Runes are inscribed on the Ward Stone. The calculations must be exact otherwise the ward will fail. And when making a ward scheme like for a house, the calculations need to be perfect.
Many people have created many times of ward schemes with different effects. Naturally, you have to pay the person a lot of money so he puts his wards on your property.
Voldemort was obsessed with privacy and keeping this thing safe. So he learned and created a lot of wards. Which I now know. But knowing the theory and putting it into practice is totally different.
I'm going to need a lot of practice to get to the level that I want. I should get started on that.
But what I really want is my own floating castle. Aka a very heavy warded Ship. I learned a lot through the black market.
Criminals buy ships and then enchant and ward them. Every room inside the boat is expanded. Except for one room, which will be used to house Expanded trunks for all your items and possessions. Since if you put an expanded object into another. They kind of just implode.
But the best benefit it that is messes heavily with scrying. When someone tries to use Divination to find my location they will face several problems. First, they have to break through the Scrying Wards. Which requires a high level of Divination Mastery.
And even if they break through. They will only get a location that points in the middle of some sea or ocean. And my ship will be long gone before they even get there.
A perfect example of a warded ship is Drumstrumg has a military ship. That ship was made for war. It's enchanted to go underwater like a submarine and even has wards against Dementors.
Now that I think about it. If they have a warship. The American Magicals must have one as well. They wouldn't allow themselves to fall behind when it comes to war assets.
I will ask for their ward scheme. I might have to owe them a favor or two but it will be worth it.
I should also get an Island, Fiddelus it and Ward it.
Doing my dangerous explosive experiments on a ship in the middle of the ocean doesn't sound smart or safe.
I really need to increase the pace of studying wards. My safety is number one. I can study other magic when I don't have to worry about someone finding me and breaking into my home.
~ Right after Transfiguration Class
"Excuse me Mr, Pervell you have been called to the Principles office"
Hm? Interesting. It probably to bump me up a year
"Thank you, I'll head there right away" I nod to the Transfiguration Professor. And turn to my lovely assistant
"Hope you can do whatever you like, I'll find you once I'm done"
The Tribrid just nodded her head.
We have a deal to communicate as little as possible in school. For no other reason than to limit the information, people get from us. The less information about me they have the better.
~ Principles office
I enter the office to see two men waiting inside.
The principal and a tall well-dressed man put out his hand.
"Ian Whitehall at your service Mr. Potter. I was sent here as a representative of MACUSA. It's good to finally meet you"
It's best to make a good first impression so I gave a fake smile and shook it
"My pleasure. Now how can I help you, gentlemen?"
I sit down on the chair. The principal was behind the desk and Whitehall took the other chair. We were positioned in a triangle so each of us could see each other without turning their head.
Benjamin was the first to start "Well then let's get down to business. I'm sure you are already expecting it seeing as how much you have been showing off. You have been moved to the second year effective immediately. Congratulations"
Nice and it only took me three weeks to do it. Well two, it's the middle of week three
"Thank you." I nod at the man
"Now it's my turn" Whitehall spoke up "Mr. Potter. MACUSA has decided to accept your request for Citizenship. Congratulations. Now as you know there will be rules you will have to follow, but you will also be protected"
I calmly smile at the man "Oh come now, Mr. Whitehall. We both know why your government did it. It was to prevent the British Ministry from forcibly taking me. You have just as much to gain by having the Boy-Who-Lived stay with you."
Whitehall was a bit taken aback by my bluntness but smiled "That we do. I heard that you were clever, but even that's underestimating you. Are you really 8 years old?"
"I have been asking that question myself a lot" Benjamin sighed out
" Depends on how you look at it. But since we are here to do business I have a proposal for you and your government
Both men glanced at each other before Whitehall spoke up "What kind of business?"
Benjamin was extremely interested as well.
"Well recently I have made plans to buy a boat. But given how many people are after me I want it to be as protected as possible. I was planning on asking Drumstrung for the plans. But then I realized that if they have a magical boat. You must have one as well an even better one.
So here is my proposition. You give me the Ward Scheme of one of your best boats. One that can also handle a Fidelus charm on top of the Wards.
And I'll make a very public speech about how good Salem is. And that I will 'Consider' moving to the U.S permanently because of how magically advanced the country is. This should give you both plenty of good publicity. Naturally, this will all happen after Dumbledore realizes I am not in Britain. No need to show our hand just yet"
Benjamin and Whitehall seemed to be having a conversation with just their eyes and facial expressions. A few seconds later Whitehall stood up. "Give me a minute"
He exited the room leaving only me and Benjamin
"So why a boat?" he asked curiously
I shrugged my shoulders "It's a very safe way to travel the world. Nobody can scry my location and Appereate to me. They would just end up in the water and I'll be miles away from the location they last scurried. I take my safety very seriously"
Benjamin nodded at my reasoning " I see, that is clever. Paranoid maybe, but you have plenty of reasons to be, with how many people are after you. I can't imagine my government saying no to this. After all we need you alive to get any benefits" he says with a small smirk
Whitehall entered the room with a smile on his face. "I have been authorized to proceed with the deal. I think this is the start of a very beneficial relationship Mr.Potter"
"Funny I was just thinking the same" I replied with the same greedy smile
Benjamin just looked wearied out at the scene. An 8-year-old was doing politics and business with the MACUSA. This would be a memory that he would never forget