
New Magic

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Word Count 2650


"What?" Dumbledore stared blankly at Nicolas.

"The stone is in Hogwarts. I can't get anymore specific than that" Nicolas replied calmly but on the inside he was feeling some excitement.

'The thief must be reasonably skilled. He must have noticed the thing I hid in the inner most part of the stone. That alone is quite a feat. It requires some knowledge of soul magic to be able to see the core through all the souls in the stone.

It is well known that i can track my stone. But nobody knows how I do it. In the past when it was taken from me they just put it under anti-divination wards or hide it in a difficult place like the bottom of some sea reef.

But this one saw through it. And hid it in probably the best location possible. Hogwarts is filled with mysteries and hidden rooms. Its impossible to check all of them. Or to even find it.

Dumbledore was stunned 'Hogwarts? Why would the stone be in Hogwarts? Did the thief return it? Why because he couldn't figure out how to use it? Is that why he attacked my office. No. That's just stupid. Why did the thief return it. Think Albus!' As Dumbledore was using Occlumency to speed up his thoughts he reached an answer.

' To hide it and to set a trap'

In his mind it was the most logical answer. The thief has been one step ahead of him all day. And now conveniently the stone was returned to his seat of power. Where he was at his strongest. No, the stone was bait. And if he wanted it back, he must set off the trap.

"This is turning out to be quite interesting" Flamel smiled snapping Albus out of his thoughts "Now why don't you start telling me about Mr. Potter as we make our way to Hogwarts. Ahh I haven't been in that castle for almost two centuries. Its good to stretch my legs a bit when you get to my age. Oh this is turning out to be the start of a great day"

'Wonderful. The last thing I needed was someone usurping my authority in Hogwarts. Blast this maniac. I find it difficulty to handle him, even after all those years studying under him. To him everything is a game for his own amusement.'


Hogwarts. Harry's quarters

"Sighhhhhhh...." Harry sighed depressingly, he was on the couch face down and sulking

Everybody was giving him strange looks. Daphne glanced at him before resuming her studies. Astoria had books on transfiguration. Her priority was to become an Animagus. And possibly a Potion Mistress as she had the talent for it.

Tori stood up and approached Harry "What's wrong. You were so happy earlier?" she poked him a few times but gained no reaction

Hope patted the girl on the head

"Harry got some bad news. He needs a new cauldron from China. But a war started out between some clans, and it grew bigger. Now the entire area is a warzone. Harry was really looking forward to the next expensive model. One that could actually withstand his experiments"

Harry sighed even harder "Its not just that its a warzone. The whole thing got so overboard that the Jade Emperors Court is getting involved. The Daoist's were on the move to calm things down but it would take a few months maybe a year for things to become peaceful again."

That means Harry has to use subpar cauldrons. For his experiments. Slowing down his progress so he was sad because the ' stupid cultivators' ruined his moment.

"Jade Emperors Court?"

"China's Main Supernatural Faction." Harry just waved his hand as it wasn't really important at the moment "Fucking cultivators. If the Tian's die because of this shit, I'm nuking the ones who killed them and the people that started the fucking war"

"Why don't you just make your own cauldron. Seems like a thing you would do. Potters Cauldron" Hope asked with a confused face.

Harry sat up and scratched his head "It isn't that simple. I am a scientist Hope. Not an artisan. The Pots I make are different. They are created using science and magic. Not skill. An artisan trains their whole life to be able to produce top tier items.

Items that I need for my experiments. If I started to learn metal working and cauldron making. It would take me at least 10 years at the bare minimum to make anything near the Tian's level, they have been studying and improving their craft for centuries. Same with other professions, blacksmithing, glass making, all the items that I buy are premium quality. So that I can maximise my productivity and eliminate any chance of error as much as possible."

Hope thought about it and she had to admit, what Harry said was reasonable. It was also why he was diversifying the things that he was teaching his family and his other workers.

Why have Andromeda, Ophelia, or any of others study Potion Making? It isn't efficient. Let the most talented one become a Portioner and handle all the potion making decisions while the others learn some other field.

" I'm going in the forest to loot again. Maybe it will cheer me up" Harry stood up only for Hope to stop him.

"Nope~. You told me to stop you if you wanted to leave. Dumbledore needs to see you here at Hogwarts and not out there causing a mess"

Harry's face fell "Right... I did say that. Damn me and my smart decisions"

Hope deadpanned. He was hopeless. Frankly she was thinking that Harry would still be this way even if the world was burning down... On second thought he would probably just open up a tiny realm or something and pull us along with his house in it. Food for thought.

"So what do you plan on doing now?" she sat down and pulled Harry's head in her lap

"I need to wait a bit until I use the stone. Dumbledore is most likely rushing back here. And if I was the old man i would probably want to check on me. Seeing as i am an unpredictable variable. But luckily for me a lot of people saw me after leaving the Wizengamot. Thank God I don't have to go back there, that's Andromeda's problem now... Right keep forgetting that fucker is dead."

Hope raised an eyebrow. Harry always had this dislike about the Christian God. And it wasn't because the Church burned witches and wizards. Harry could care less about them.

"Why do you dislike him so much? God I mean"

Harry scowled "Because he is a hypocrite. Its mostly due to pity for the Angels. He created them, his children, and forced unreasonable demands on them. Araquiel, The Angel of Knowledge. He made her guard and maintain his Library. Yet some of the books were forbidden for her. And what happened? She fell one day because of curiosity. Her entire life, her existence. Damned for eternity. Because the bastard practically engendered situations for his children to fall.

The ones who passed the 'test' stayed Angels, his faithful, loyal and obedient servants. The ones who fell were discarded. The thing that really pisses me off is that he breaks his own rules all the time. He is a Thief, probably one of the most famous ones. Lycan, Nemean lion, Tiamat's womb, Absolute Demise the spirit of an Ice Princess. Nereid Kyrie soul of the King of Atlantis. Aeon Balor, Eye of Balor along with a tiny bit of his spirit.

Heaven has waged many wars. And he used all the spoils he took to create weapons for 'Humanity', That's true now. Its the only reason I lived after all. But if you look at the statistics from the olden days, the humans who gained the most Sacred Gears were part of the Church. What a coincidence right"

Hope fell silent. So did Daphne and Tori. The little girl didn't quite understand, but she knew Harry was upset.

"How do you know this. Melinda has never spoken about it"

Harry smirked "Supernatural Black Market. Heaven tries to hide this, but they made a lot of enemies, who actually go out of their way to spread the news."

"Why don't the other people declare war on Heaven then?" Daphne who was silent until now spoke up "I mean if he is dead then isn't this the perfect moment to strike?"

Harry shook his head "On the contrary. Its the worst moment to strike. Heaven has the most gathered faith of any Pantheon on Earth, they have a suicide switch. If any faction attacks them, they will drag that faction down with them. And in the first place the news of God's death isn't exactly well known amongst the masses. Only Gods and leaders know this stuff. Along with some other people"

"Then how do you know? You never explained that" Hope said in a curious voice.

Harry already knew beforehand, but he also had a good excuse. A real one.

"When my poisons started being a big hit in the Underworld. I was approached by some people who have a high position. They said they could offer me a place on the table so to speak. But I have to pay an enormous price. Along with a seat on the table I also get to learn a big secret. That secret was God's death.

They were just arrogant scumbags. One of them probably learned it somewhere and sold it to his associates for a large amount of money. And that kept going on and on, until it became what it is today. They still do keep it a secret. After all if the masses of the factions knew they would demand an attack on Heaven. And if the leaders didn't want a coup. They would have to do it. And unlike popular opinion war is bad for business.

Sure they can make Huge profits short term. But then the problems start. Businesses start to get eliminated. Weaker ones get absorbed. Then you quickly run out of stock and nowhere to find it, pressured by powerful figures to make more. Its just not possible to sustain long term unless you are a big company with a lot of shit prepared for the future. Hence even scumbags in the Black Market want peace. Peace means people are satisfied and its much easier to make deals when you are not hunted or when everybody is not on guard looking for spies"

Daphne was just staring at Harry before looking at the ceiling. 'Two months. Merely two months ago my biggest problem was Astoria's health, my asshole father and getting married to Malfoy. Now I have to worry about a Supernatural World War because of the whims of Gods, Demons and everything else... What is even my life. Maybe i should start learning enchanting and warding. Just in case things go to hell I can find a cave, ward it heavily and save mum and Tori. That seems like the way to go'

"Ohhh I invented a new spell" Harry said offhandedly.

Hope suddenly was overcome with dread " Is it a version of the Black Plague?"

" Umm, no. It is surprisingly difficult to find a strain of The Bubonic Plague" Harry confessed making Hope deadpan 'So he did try but wasn't able to find the materials'

"You will not revive the Black Plague!" Hope pressed her finger on his chest.

"Don't worry. I'll be careful"

"Harry. That Plague killed 50% of Europe from 1346 to 1353. 50 Million People died." Hope poked his chest with her finger

"Frankly I call bullshit. Some Gods or Evil Dragons are most likely the cause."

"Either way its way too dangerous to mess around. Harry you experiments blow up at least two times a week. What do you think will happen if you mess around with the Black Plague?"

Harry opened his mouth then quickly closed it "Point taken."

Hope just sighed "What is this new magic that you have developed?"

Harry grinned and waved his hand. All of a sudden yellow lights started appearing. They connected, undercrossed and made various shapes. In a few minutes there was a keyboard and screens made out of light. A second after that an illusion was layered on top of it.

Hope reached out to touch the illusion, but contrary to her expectation she was able to touch it "How?" she said in awe. She hasn't seen or heard of anything like this.

"Science and Magic. The basis for the spell is actually a modified Lumos as the foundation. I layered an illusion over it to make it look better and to actually see the 'screen'. This spell is connected directly into my mind via Occlumency and Legilimency.

That means I can write and pull up any memory I want. The reason I made this is because Humans for some reason think faster when they are writing or typing something down rather than just solving it in our minds. This little spell boosted my efficiency by 12%"

Now this surprised Hope. Harry was all about efficiency. Training his Occlumency like a mad man. Using MageCraft spells to increase his brain function to think faster and have more thought processes at once. He even used mind rituals. And on top of that this spell increased his efficiency by 12 whole percent. ' I swear, with each month he is getting more and more absurd'

"What will you call this magic?"

Harry smiled as he started to type something and pull out a couple of memories to prove that it works. "Welcome the newest addition to our Family Magics. I call it Archive."


Dumbledore and Nicolas finally arrived in Hogwarts through the Floo from the Ministry. All they saw was destroyed furniture. Torn books, papers and debris all over the office. A secret room that has been emptied. And a giant hole in the wall.

"Hoo~ They really did a number on your office didn't they" Nicolas smiled, he was enjoying the moment. He lived for moments like these.

Dumbledore just clenched his fists and teeth. 'How dare they! When I find them I will skin them alive.'

He quickly composed himself. This was no time to get angry. He needed to calm down.

'Calm down. Don't lash out like some crazy waves. Keep it contained. Like the calm before the storm. Wait for the perfect moment to strike' he kept telling himself and slowly his mind cleared. There was no time to lose. As soon as he arrived he felt the wards latch back onto him.

There were many strong magical signatures here. Aurors most likely. He needed to handle the situation delicately. First of all he needs to get rid of the Cerberus on the Third Floor.

"I shall go meet the staff. What will you be doing" he turned to his teacher who just looked at him with an amused smile

"its been a while since I have visited Hogwarts. Don't mind me. I'm just going to stretch my legs a bit around."

Dumbledore just frowned. ' So he wants to search for the stone by himself. Well he can feel free to try. I have been in this school for a century. Very few know its secrets like I do. He will come to ask me for my help anyway. But I have bigger things to worry about now. Like dealing with the sheep and the fact that Hogwarts was attacked'

"Do as you wish" Dumbledore said those words and left the office.

Flamel seeing this just chuckled before he pulled out another device. A compass. 'Believe me, I shall. Now, lets see how precise I can make this. Oh how exciting. I feel like I'm a treasure hunter again. Onwards to adventure' he chuckled to himself and left the office to officially start the search for the Stone.



Fairy Tail Archive Magic