
Home and World Problems

~ Potter Mansion

Melinda was sitting down and drinking a cup of tea. All of the children were at Hogwarts. At the moment only Melinda, Bella, Ophelia, with Sirius and Andromeda who comes to visit occasionally.

Now she was enjoying some well deserved peace and quiet.

'Haaa. How long has it been since things have been this quiet? Since Harry and Hope went to Salem i guess. Though they just kept coming back randomly in the week. Harry always needed to get something from home and Hope that lovely child just wanted to spend time with me'

Melina looked through the window 'But it won't be the same this time. Hogwarts is like a treasure chest to Harry. He will spend most of his time there I am sure of it. I give it a week before he starts tearing down walls to see if the stones are inscribed with runes or just to see the magic that flows through the stones'

'Heh, Hope is probably getting pulled in Harry's crazy pace as usual.' She smiled at the thought. For all his intelligence Harry is still a child in some ways. Especially when he finds an interesting topic. Mostly the same things that interest other boys. Explosions, ships, robots but in Harry's case Golems.

She will never forget his face when the first golem he made moved. It was pure joy. Then he proceeded to use every rune and enchantment he can until the golem literally blew up. He wrote down the results and tried making another one.

Harry might be a genius but his work ethic can't be denied. He failed hundreds of times before he succeeded in making his Pots and his Ship.

'Can he be even called my student? The only possible thing i thought him was enchanting. So technically he is my disciple in the art of enchanting. But everything else is all him. Meh, I'll always be remembered as his benefactor anyway, that's enough for me'


Melinda's phone let out a notification.

'Oh. A new contract has arrived'

Melinda is very famous amongst women who want quality fancy enchanted clothes.

GRANDINE is quite well known amongst those circles. All of her work is custom made for the client. She has a lot of regular clients. From lingerie to everyday clothes or fancy formal events.

Occasionally she will enchant a weapon or Jewellery to see if she can make some progress in that field. After all, for a magician there is always something more to learn.

Melinda opened up a message. ' Hey Linda. Its Mary. Me and my husband are going on our second honeymoon so to speak. So i want something special. I checked my measurements and they are the same as the last time you measured me. I want some of your 'special lingerie's'

She posted a photo as source material.

'Call me when you have the deign finished. We have two months before we head out.

Lots of love Mary' 

Melinda chuckled. "Ahhh. Its good to be young"

She stood up and went to her work station. Time to make another customer satisfied.

~ Bella Character Dev. 

Bellatrix was looking at the mirror. She hated at what she saw. Her hollow and sunken face. Her skinny body, ribs entirely visible through her skin, you could see the bones on her wrist and ankles. She looked down at her breasts, what were once firm and perfect were now saggy and ugly. Her teeth rotten and yellow. At the age of 40 she now looked years older than what she would look at this age

Even with Harry's potions and healing. Her time in Azkaban left a mark.

Bella quickly put a Glamor on her face. She couldn't look at her hollow and sunken face.

She sighed at the illusion she put on herself. She looked 17 again. Her face is now back to how it was. Bella stood up and got herself dressed.

'Pull yourself together girl. If you have enough time to be sulking that you have time to fix this. Harry said he will soon posses a way to heal me. When that time comes I need to be ready. Ready to get revenge on the bastards that did this to me. My parents are fucking lucky they are dead. I wanted to torture and kill them myself. But i will settle for my former comrades especially my 'Master'

She scoffed at remembering their faces "Soon. I will show you how Blacks get revenge on people"

Bella went down to the secret library. Harry allowed her to enter here. He had made it very clear for her to forget all of her thoughts on inferior muggles and magicians. She was to learn and use everything. And after reading those books that he left her on Muggle Weaponry and Magician Spell Class. She can see why.

Muggles could destroy a city with their 'Nuclear Weapons'. An 'Ultimate Class Magician' could do the same. It is said that Grindelwald could also do it but Harry denied that.

The only way a wizard could cause that much damage is to let out 'Fiendfyre'. A wizard doesn't produce the flames. He 'summons' the flame from the depths of the Underworld. The stronger that they are the more flames they can summon. Technically Grindelwald could destroy a 'part' of the city. Since he was so powerful he could charge up a spell and make a 'High-Class' attack only once, before his reserves go dry.

(A/N. This is my take on things. Using it to fit in DxD world.)

'And there are people out there in the world who can smack him around like a child. Relying on Magecraft. So that is what I must do. Study, learn, and then kill every Death Eater and the Dark Lord. By using any means available. Guns, Magic and Magecraft'

~ Andromeda and Ted Tonks

"Andy" Ted said softly as he put an arm around his wife

"I'm worried about her Ted. Bella is more or less back to how she was when she was 17. Which is a miracle in itself. But I'm worried about her Ted. She is pushing herself too hard. She needs to rest and recuperate. Its thanks to Harry's potions that she is till able to walk around like this"

Harry's potions still need to run their course through her system. Slowly fixing her malnourishment without any side effects.

"She needs this love. She needs closure. After what all those bastards did to her and others. She has all the right to get revenge on them. Harry said that Vol- Voldemort is alive."

"I-I just got her back. I just got my sister back and I don't want to lose her again."

Ted held her harder "Then go help her out Andy. Tell her about what things she has missed. Maybe start studying Magecraft together. It seems like a waste for us not to learn it. It could save our lives one day."

Andi just nodded, if that's what she has to do to protect her family against new threats. Then so be it.

~ Narcissa

She was now in a little apartment all by herself. Harry canceled her marriage to Lucius. She was free. And Harry kept his word, he gave her enough money to survive in the world. She was now in Muggle London. And it was a LOT different than what she was thought.

Andi had helped her out with finding out about the real world. And lets say she started to appreciate modern clothes a lot more. She has now realized how Dull fashion in the Wizarding World is.

And she needed a way to make more money. The problem is she has been living like a housewife right after she finished Hogwarts. She doesn't have any further education. So at most she would be like any other new hire.

She refused to do such work, labor doesn't suit her at all. She still had her pure-blood pride. But she did find out something. Models are payed a Lot more in the muggle world. And she was a very beautiful woman even when she was in her thirties. Magic makes her look like a young woman in her twenties.

A little magic to get herself a good contract and Narcissa Black is ready to hit the big stage. She would earn enough money to keep her luxurious lifestyle and she would only have walk and pose in various outfits and underwear. And if someone wanted something more from her. Well there was always magic to change his mind.

~ Sirius and Lupin

"Open your eyes Sirius! Harry is too young to be left alone like this! He needs to come home to Britain where he would be safe" Remus Lupin yelled out

"Safe? Safe from who? The Death Eaters that got away with prison while I rotted there for 10 years! Or safe from the loving home that Harry has. I think he is actually safer being away from that manipulative old Goat!" Sirius yelled just as loud. He was furious. Harry had warned him, that Lupin was one of Dumbledore's puppets. But he didn't want to believe it.

"Don't call him that! Dumbledore is a great man!" Remus growled

But it was true. It's like he couldn't even recognize the friend he once knew.

"A great man huh? A great man that is constantly trying to interfere with the life of my godson" Sirius withheld a sigh, a godson in name only. "He even dragged him back to this godforsaken island. I'm going to give you your own advice 'Open your eyes Remus!' Dumbledore is just using you"

"Dumbledore saved me! He let me go to Hogwarts!"

"And in return he got himself a little werewolf spy to check up on the packs. And what about us! He may have allowed you to go to school, but he didn't do anything else. Who was there at your lowest points. Who helped you contain your transformations. It seems you have forgotten all about that" Sirius slammed his fist on the table

"I didn't forget!" Ramus called out

"No.. you just let me rot in Azkaban for a decade without even having the decency to come and see me. I wasn't even granted a trial. The old goat could have easily arranged it but he didn't. He needed me away from Harry"

"It's not like that" Remus said weakly

"Tell me something, are you here on Dumbledore's orders?" Sirius suddenly came to a realization

Remus kept quiet, making Sirius let out a depressing chuckle "All for the Greater good huh"

Sirius drowned his drink and stood up "We are done Remus. I don't even want to see you again, near me or Harry. If you do i will press charges"

"Sirius!" Remus called out but Sirius had already left.

Remus put his head on his palm 'What am I going to tell Dumbledore'


Harry Potters invention shook the magical world. The first stock of pots was immediately sold out. First it was done by the various Magical Governments around the world. US, France, Germany, Japan, Russia etcetera.

The next wave was picked up by the magical schools.

Uganda (Uagadou School of Magic ), (Durmstrang) northernmost regions of Norway or Sweden. Castelobruxo (Brazil), Mahoutokoro (Japan), Ilvermorny( US) Koldovstoretz (Russia)

And Harry donated many pots to Salem. Since the school is his alma mater.

(School that he graduated from. The word was at the tip of my tongue. I searched for it like 10min)

Those Pots are a Game Changer. A lot of people want to get their hands on it. And not just buy them from a store. They want the formula/method on how to make it. Maybe get a bit aggressive. But all of them were shut down. Harry Potter had the backing of MACUSA (The Magical Congress of the United States of America)

They formed a deal with him. Harry gives them priority over Pots. And he has their protection. And the deal had worked wonderfully for them. The US has 25% of the 'merchandise' directed at them. Meaning they have a huge head start to making farms for magical plants.

But the wizards weren't the only ones that wanted the Pots. The Devils and Fallen really want it too.

Both factions are located in the Underworld, which has 3 times the land mass of the Earth if you drained all the water. Its hard to grow food down there. Not a lot of land is fertile. They have made expensive fertile zones to grow ordinary crops

And as for magical plants? Its hard for them to survive let alone grow the Underworld Environment. So they have to be grown in special VERY expensive greenhouses. And if these pots can increase the speed at which they grow. Well more money for them. And Devils are greedy.

Only one problem. The Pots are DELICATE AS HELL. Just by being exposed to the Underworld Atmosphere which was filled with mana/demonic energy. The pots break.

Doesn't matter if they teleport them directly to the warehouse. The teleportation spell's mana will break the pots. Hell even a devil or fallen just going near to the pot it will break from the miniscule mana that leaks out of their body.

It was really getting on their nerves. So they will attempt to contact Harry Potter to create a more durable version.

(A/N Which Harry wont do. Because if it becomes more durable, then humans can use magic on the pot and learn how he makes them)

It wasn't really that profitable if they hired humans and did this in the Human World. The problem was that nobody could make a move. But they weren't able to reach him at all. The Wizarding World is infamously isolated. And they hate the supernatural world with a passion.

There were many letters left at his stores. But letter his letters never made it to Harry Potter. Or he was ignoring them. Both results weren't acceptable. As soon as he was located they were going to and ask him in person.

~ A/N

There will be a sort of flashback for this in future chapters. Like how they found out about the Pots and the reactions

I like the way this turned out. A bit of development for the Adults around Harry. And the ending as well. Tell me your opinions