
Flamel Mansion

Yo guys. Sorry for the wait. I said I would upload more and I planned to. But the people at work are so fucking incompetent. I came back and it was chaos. I was like the fuck did you all do, I was only gone for 3 weeks.

I came back and they are like 'You are finally here'. We are understaffed as hell but hey won't hire new people. They shuffled things around. Made things work. New work plan that doesn't work. This week was fucking hell. I barely wrote anything this week. Just went home and fell asleep. 

FML. Anyway here is the chap

Word Count 2300.


'Ahhh... It has been many years since I have been here' Dumbledore thought to himself as he stood in front of the deceptively normal gate.

Perhaps due to their age or maybe it was something that they always had. The Flamel couple try to show off their wealth in the most subtle ways while appearing relatively modest.

Their gate, despite its normal size and appearance. Something you would find in the less wealthy wizarding purebloods. It was actually made completely of Orichalcum, a magical alloy that is incredibly difficult to create. Mostly because if its properties to dispel magic. Orichalcum Shield or clothes will block most magic, an Orichalcum Dagger can pierce a Protego. Its not perfect and a lot of magic can negate some of its effects. It strangely synergises well with wards and barriers. So it negates direct magic and synergises with support magic. That also justifies the price of several thousand galleons per gram.

The gates opened and there was a passageway to continue, made of just some large stone plates, that look like the ones you could find anywhere in the wilderness. But this one a 'trick'. This pathway led to the main house. From the sides of the pathway there were many glass greenhouses.

'The stones on the pathway were from a much bigger rock pulled from the depths of the sea. These stones store and redistribute water. Extremely useful for the next deception. Just normal greenhouses. I think not.' Albus scoffed in his mind.

These greenhouses are perhaps the most expensive thing here. Six centuries of work, perfecting these. The Flamels boast the largest and most rarest greenhouses in the world. On the Magical Side of course.

Each 'small greenhouse' was twice the size of a Quidditch field. Most of their plants take decades to mature, some even a full century. They use some of their plants to trade and gather many other materials

Now to their actual home. If an ordinary person saw this house it would appear normal to him. Just a slightly bigger house than what the muggles have. But for those who know, they understand why it is called a Mansion.

The house was made entirely from stones found in magical mines. Each stone was a different size and shape and was meticulously carved with runes so that it connected to another stone. Because the stone was at its most raw state and hasn't been processed unlike the stones from Hogwarts. They could store magic and the flow of magic was stronger.

And even more impressive is that the house was built over two undercrossing lay lines. Nicolas paid quite the price to buy this land. But thanks to that and an ginormous high quality ward stone. The house was impenetrable and could even stop a low ultimate class for a while.

Perenelle Flamel was a Grandmaster Warder. She gets many contracts from the supernatural world to design their defences. A warder with more than 600 years of experience. Her services don't come cheap.

While some species have their own ward masters. For some reason or another they aren't as good as humans. This is mostly because of how mana works with their genetics. For the Underworld wards made by devils will obviously be stronger since Devils use Demonic Power. Mana enters their body and gets turned into demonic power.

Same with Angels in Heaven with Holy Energy and the Fallen with their normal Light Element.

But for the Human World. Wards made by humans are the best. Since their mana is neutral. Even Yokai and other factions hire Humans to do the job. But warders are usually arrogant old men who think they know best, because warders are always in demand.

And Pernelle has made many friends with her calm and easy going attitude. And since she invents new wards every decade or so. She has all her old clients coming for an upgrade.

As soon as he entered past the gate Dumbledore felt the 'Guest Rite' they have applied to the wards. Since he was invited here as a guest, if he were to attack or do something against the Flamels the wards would activate and target him with double the strength since he broke the 'Guest Rite'.

The closer Dumbledore came to the house the more he felt the wards oppress him. 'They are a lot stronger then the last time I was here' he frowned as he reached the doors.

The doors swung open and Nicolas was there to welcome him. Except the old man didn't look so welcoming.

"Albus. I didn't expect you to be here. Didn't we agree that you would only come here to return my stone to me?" the old man said with his head slightly tilted

'As expected of my teacher. He pulls off the senile old man act better than me' Dumbledore mused "Nicolas, there has been a development. A terrible one. Someone snuck into Hogwarts and stole the Mirror along with the stone"

Nicolas froze for a split second before relaxing a bit and frowning. "Stole it? Didn't you boast about how great the Defences in Hogwarts are. And that you even added more on top of that? You gave me your word that the stone would be safe. We made a geas"

"Nicolas. This is no time for blame. They got past 200 layers of defence. Without tripping any trap. Even I couldn't have done that. I think they are from the 'Other Side'" ' I can't let Nicolas know that he made a geas with my 'fake personality', he must already be suspicious by my previous acting. Or he thinks that I have truly started to go senile.'

Nicolas sat down in the chair as an elf brought both of them tea. "The Other Side huh. So the Supernatural world finally got involved with me. Pretty stupid of whoever it was. Its common knowledge that many people owe us a lot of favours. Looks like i need to remind the world again that the Flamels are not easy targets."

"You said that you have the stone marked. That you can find it anywhere in the world" Dumbledore pressed. He wanted Nicolas to hurry up. He needed the location of the stone so he could quickly return to Hogwarts. Who knows what damage the thief might have done or more importantly what he has taken from his office.

"I can. But strangely enough you seem to be in a hurry to return my stone. Even after you escaped the punishment of the Geas" Nicolas already saw through him. "Quite frankly you were more unpredictable the last time we spoke."

'Well of course. That's why I made the other personality. But he will drag this out if I don't admit it.'

"My office was breached while I was on my way here" he gritted out

"Ahhh" Nicolas smiled, as he calmly drinker his tea "So this isn't about me getting the stone back. This is about you finding out where the thief is"

"Yes. And i would appreciate it if we make haste "


Nicolas put down his cup. "And why would I do that for you? Did you think I would do it just because you asked?"

"What do you want" Albus had already predicted that things would end up this way.

The old man just smiled. He enjoyed seeing this cocky brat struggle. The reason he took Albus as a student in the first place is because he wanted another opponent to toy with. He was unrivalled in Alchemy and needed some more competitors to liven up the profession

" What I want is simple. Give me all the information you have on Harry Potter. Including the prophesy you are keeping hidden from the world." Nicolas asked seriously causing Dumbledore to freeze.

"Why would you wish to know that?"

"That's for me to know and it isn't of any concern" Nicolas said in a no-nonsense tone. ' People are getting interested in the boy. There is a situation I can exploit to get some rare materials. Not to mention his pots are driving Perenelle mad. Interesting little things. No matter how much we lower our aura and magic, or how much we seal away. As long as we enter a 5 meter radius they crack.'

'What could he want with Harry Potter?' Dumbledore mused on the possible scenarios. But then decided to give up 'It doesn't matter. Whatever his intentions are with Harry are none of my concern. They boy will die. Now or later doesn't really matter. But it would be best if it was later, after I have taken everything that he has and reclaimed the Hallows.'


Flamel clapped his hands "Excellent. Now lets make our way to the library" he stood up and started to walk. Dumbledore followed behind silently to the place where he had spent many days in his youth. And the place of his many frustrations.

Flamel's Library. A collection of rare and powerful tomes and magic. Oh how he had wished to read them all. But Nicolas only allowed him to go to the beginners Alchemy Section and something from the intermediate. Everything else was warded shut.

The library was huge. Much bigger than Hogwarts. Even though Hogwarts is older, Nicolas is richer. Since he has the stone, that means he possesses Infinite gold. He can buy whatever he wants and he does so.

Dumbledore looked at the jovial old man. He was obviously not amused when he heard about the stone's disappearance, but he was not worried. It takes a great degree of knowledge to use the stone. And he can just hire people to get it back. A lot of money and a favour from Nicolas is better than a useless red rock. And if Nicolas finds out they try to sell it to some other Alchemist. Well there are plenty of people he made examples of in the past.

Nicolas pulls on a specific book and a secret passage opened up. He turned to Dumbledore with a small smirk.

'How cliché' Dumbledore kept his facial expression still. Seeing that Albus was not reacting Nicolas sighed "Ahhh. Young people these days. They just don't appreciate the classics"

This time Dumbledore's eyebrow twitched. 'Young? I'm so old that I would have died of old age If I wasn't powerful as I was. He really knows how to get under a persons skin '

Nicolas lead them to a small room. Dumbledore recognized some of the writing and runes on the walls.

'A divination ritual room. A powerful one. There are many rare stones and objects here to increase the strength of the scrying ritual. The Stone already has a locator spell on it. The scrying ritual is just to make sure the stone is found on the first try. If he tried to located the normal way, the thief would just increase the anti divination defences around the stone'

He saw Nicolas go for the normal Locator Spell.

"Are you not going to use the ritual?"

Flamel smiled "Nah, the ritual is very expensive and frankly I don't believe the thief is very skilled"

'He is obviously insulting me. By saying the thief isn't skilled, that means I am even weaker than the thief since he managed to rob me. Blast this man. If he wasn't stronger than me I would have killed him already'

"Albus, you said the stone was stolen correct?" Nicolas said in a strange tone

"Yes Nicolas! They took the mirror and raided my office as well!"

"Then why does my spell say that the stone is still in Hogwarts?"



Hogwarts. Familiar Pov

Hope was chastising Harry for always being so reckless. She was his bodyguard, yet he kept leaving her behind.

The Snakes were amused.

"They are so cute together." Sabrina the Malabar Pit Viper watched in joy as Harry was getting yelled at. Harry had enough and kissed Hope to 'keep her quiet'

'About time, but I still don't get why they waited' Salazar grumbled before closing his eyes again.

" We know. You are hapless in things like this." Selena tapped him on the back with the back of her tail. Salazar returned just by smacking her over the head with his tail.

Lionesses were cuddling with Astoria.

' Yay, Hope's wish came true' Kiara said happily

'Nice going girl' Nala roared out a bit.

'What are they doing? Why is he kissing her on the mouth instead of the cheek' Astoria tilted her head. Normally girls her age already know what kissing is. But since she had a scumbag as a father. She never saw a real kiss, only the kisses her mother and Daphne do to her

Nala's roar startled Hope and she pulled away, turning towards the group she saw that all eyes are on her. Harry just smirked realized what she was thinking. Hope smacked his chest a few times before leaving the room with her face entirely red.

Zeno the Thunderbird was looking at himself in the mirror. Trying to find the 'coolest' pose and ignoring the whole situation.

Harry looked at the situation and scratched his cheek. 'Whatever. It all worked out in the end. Now I need to extract the Elixir from the Stone. Frankly. I completely understand the term 'Waku Waku' now.'

He grinned as he felt his mana course through his body, his emerald eyes lit up slightly

'Not even two months into Hogwarts yet I already have the Stone. Now that's what I call progress. And now that I do have it, time to accelerate even faster. Harry Potter is going in the Industrial Age'

~ A/N

Industrial Age.

I am a huge Civ 6 fan. I love playing it, I love the freaking challenge. It makes me think. I go out of my way to make Deity (Lvl 8) even Harder. ( I'm getting my ass kicked almost every single game. I hold on but its hard to win)

Once I get better with it. I'm going to add a mod that adds 5 more difficulties and another mod that makes the A.I smarter. But I rarely play now, don't have the time. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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