
First Day in the Castle

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Word Count 2240


The first day at the castle. Harry slowly leaves the Land of Morpheus. He was always groggy after waking up. Mostly due to his terrible sleep schedule. He raised his arm and rubbed his eyes. He noticed a discomfort on his neck.

'Stupid bed, stupid mattress and stupid fucking pillows. I'm going to need to go back home and make a new Enchanted mattress and pillow. '

Harry was about to stand up, when he noticed a weight on his chest. He looked down and saw Hope cuddling to him. Her head was on his chest and she had this dopey smile on her face


Harry sighed 'What did I expect. Hope is a serial cuddler. She was very clingy as a kid. But she was affection starved and took every opportunity to 'bond' with me and Melinda. She might have grown up and become more serious and reserved in front of others. But she is still the same with me.' (serial cuddler xD)

"Hope wake up" Harry slightly shook her.

"Mmm" Hope groaned as she lifted her head. Her eyes were half-closed and it was obvious that she was still half asleep. "Harry with me in bed? A good dream tonight" She just smiled as she laid her head back down and snuggled even closer

At first Harry was amused. He even got some pictures to embarrass Hope later on. But then as the minutes passed he was starting to get slightly annoyed since he really had a lot of work to get to.

So he did what any sane person in that situation would do. He cast a tickling hex on Hope.

"Hahaahahahahahah. Stopp!!! Hahahahahah! PLEASE!!!"


Hope fell of the bed and landed on the floor. Harry canceled the spell and leaned over to look at Hope whose face was red and she was taking a few deep breaths.

"You are the worst!" Hope glared at Harry who smirked at her.

"You already knew that"

"Humph" Hope huffed as she stood up. Harry chuckled at her attitude.

Both of them started to do their daily rituals. Personal hygiene, clothes for the day those sorts of things

"Harry.." Hope said in an unsure tone.

"Yes Hope?" Harry turned to her waiting for her question, she seemed to fidget under his gaze. Her hands were close to each other and she was moving her thumbs over each other, she also couldn't look at him in the eyes, signs that she is clearly nervous. Hope took a deep breath

"Doyoufindmeattractive" (Do you find me attractive)

She spoke so fast that Harry didn't process it at first, but when he separated the words he had only one reaction.


Hope saw his confused expression and steeled her nerves.

"Well you are 11 and I am 13. But with all of those magical plants and meats we have been consuming and with our training. Our bodies mature a bit faster... It's just that, I haven't noticed you being interested in me in the slightest... when normal boys your age will at least show some interest... Am i not attractive in your eyes..." She said while rubbing her arm.

Despite being so pretty, strong and smart, she is still self-conscious about herself. She was a TriBrid. A mutt, someone who was considered a freak by everybody. Even through Harry declared her as the next Lady Potter and his future wife. What right did she have to marry someone like Harry, who was genuine magical genius with a infinitely bright future.

'Maybe it would be best to just be a servant and a bodyguard. Someone-'


"Owwwwwww!" Hope grabbed her forehead. She opened her eyes to see Harry's finger in front of her. She realized what he had done. He flicked her forehead, and he flicked it hard enough to send her head backwards.

Harry sighed " I was wondering what was running through your head. But to think it was that, I thought we dealt with your self-confidence and self-worth issues"

"I am sorry" Hope bowed feeling completely useless at the moment. But suddenly she felt Harry's fingers raising her chin. The next moment she felt his lips on hers.

Hope blanked out. She didn't understand what was happening. One moment she thought she was going to get reprimanded by Harry and the next he was kissing her. And he didn't stop.

After a few more seconds Harry slowly retreated and was greeted by Hope's dazed expression. He couldn't help himself and chuckled, snapping her back to reality.

Once Hope's brain processed what had happened. Her cheeks took on a deep red color. The blush spread to her entire face and her neck.

"I.. You.. Wha?" Hope started to stutter

" Hope Mikaelson" Harry's tone changed. He was dead serious at the moment. His momentum made Hope instinctively straighten her her spine

"You are THE TRIBRID. As you are right now you stand on the path to surpass the potential of all three species that course through the blood in your veins. In Salem you are the only one who could keep up with me you took the Number 1 Spot in each year you were in. You are Melinda Brown's adopted daughter, one of the greatest Enchantresses in the world and her pride and joy" Hope listened to him with wide eyes as tears started to gather in her eyes.

"And The Most Important Thing. I CHOSE YOU. You are a part of my family. If you do not trust your judgement then trust mine, it hasn't led us down yet." Harry smiled at her, she was red as a tomato and her heart wouldn't stop beating as tears fell down her cheeks

Harry petted her head "Pull yourself together. Trust in me and yourself and just keep walking forward. Come on we have a lot of work to do"

Hope stood frozen in her spot, Harry slowly left the room. As soon as he did Hope jumps on the bed puts her face on the pillow and screams loudly.

'Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! He kissed me!! Harry finally kissed me!!! And what did I do!? Stand there like an idiot!! Uwaaaaaaa!!! So embarrassing!!! Uwaaaaaaa!!! Somebody kill mee!!!!!!!!'

~ Harry morning work out

Harry was in the Lobby at the corner. He had set up his treadmill that he enchanted all by himself. Which was not that difficult since its pretty basic. He runs for about an hour to get his blood pumping for the day. It was going to be long and exhausting one.

After his workout Harry goes to his lab room and goes to the big white board. He has an enchanted black marker that will scan his surface thoughts and write them out.

'Now time for my plans'


Underneath that Harry wrote three categories.

IMP (Importiant), LATER , PASSIVE

That should do it for the categories


-Room of Requirement.

This one is an obvious one. I know where it is and how to get in. But i need to make sure to ask for a room only assessable to me. I also want to raid the lost and found room. Some interesting stuff might turn up. And if nothing else. Ancient high quality furniture.

Just having that alone will be worth it. Calling people to my meeting room for deals. When they walk in they will be sitting and negotiating in a room filled with old priceless furniture. If that isn't a great passive powerplay I don't know what is.

Also get the Vanishing Cabinet from the room. That Cabinet can slip through the Wards in a place like Hogwarts. He already knows where the other one is. The two of them combined are priceless to him. As long as you get one in the targeted location. You can slip through the protective wards and attack from the inside. They are going to be a priority to research and come up against possible countermeasures. Or just to figure out how to make more.

~ Restricted Section

Copy the rest of the books in the restricted section. Potters have been doing this for generations. Slowly but surely adding to the family library. Harry wants to finish it up as soon as possible. The more knowledge he has at his disposal, the higher the chances of success for his future endeavours. And the sooner he can ditch Hogwarts.

~ Ramp up Pot production

I need to find some more capable workers. I'm going to hit the magical werewolf tribes in England, France and Germany. If there are any talents among them or people with basic ability to learn transmutation for my Pots. I will hire them.

Technically it is possible for the Pots to be made with MageCraft...

Actually that might be the better choice.

Translate Pot Transmutation into Magecraft spell. Then write it in a runic Alchemy circle. Some workers only need to pump in Mana along with the materials and the Pot is created.

Industrialized Pot Creation

~ Philosophers Stone

I need to get my hands on that. Not only to bring Bella back to her original age. But also to make Melinda young again. She deserves nothing less for taking care of me for so long.


~ Chamber of secrets.

I need more preparation to fight a 1000 year old basilisk. I don't need to rush it right now. I'm going to need to make some specific spells to help me trap it. Its a 1000 years old. I can kill it, but it will ruin a lot of its skin and organs. And i need that shit. If possible I want to kill it without damaging it.

~ Hogwarts Vaults (REALLY LATER)

I am in no way prepared to go chase after these things. I might look out for the entrances when i have time but I won't be challenging the rooms. I'm 11 years old. I have time till my body and magic matures properly. Aiming for them this early is a death wish. 


~Explore the castle. Look for secret rooms and Vaults. The Marauders Map doesn't show everything. And there might be other useful secret rooms.

~Raid the Great Forest.

All sorts of magical flora and fauna exists in the forest. Just waiting to be taken. I won't say no to free stuff. And its better than buying them. I really hope I find some old ass ginseng. I'm going to need to go to China for a new cauldron. I'm going to trade some of that stuff. Clan Elder "Impossible, its a 100 year ginseng" Cue the Cultivator dialogue. ' I must get if to reach the next Qi Level.' 'I must get it for my clan' 'The final ingredient for my pill. This young master must have it' Blah, blah, blah.

Harry stared at the board just realizing what he wrote " I'm an idiot" he wiped away the Chinese cultivator dialogue. He got so lost in thought he actually started to write down his thoughts.


After finishing writing down his plans, Harry went to the Lobby and pushed one of the Tables to the end of the wall.

He then placed the Marauders Map. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"

The map opened up to show the entirety of Hogwarts. Students were sleeping in their beds. The prefects patrolling the hallways. The professors waking up. Dumbledore was still sleeping though.

"Man being a prefect is just the worst possible job here. You basically agree to work the night shift for free. The only thing they can do is just dock points from other students."

Harry shakes his head and clears his thoughts. He pulled out his staff, his real staff not the monk staff he uses to confuse the public.

He sharpens his focus as he starts to conjure marble. Marble was the best material for what he was about to do. Harry was making the marble by starting out with a small sphere and adding to it as he goes. He keeps using transmutation to shape the runes in the marble and then enchant the whole thing.

In 15 minutes there was a giant eyeball that looked down upon the map. This 'object' will act like a camera and send the 'feed' directly to Harry.

The map will always be open and he will ALWAYS have a direct feed. He can look it up in his mind anytime he wants. That combined with his Cloak and magic and he can move through the Castle relatively undetected.

Next step was to make some spies. To search the castle and listen in on conversations. Harry might be able to tell where people are, but not what they are doing.

Harry conjures a bunch of small stone snakes. Golem Snakes. He then uses transfiguration to turn them half alive. Since they were golems linked to him. They can send him audio and video surveillance.

$ Go into the castle. Find places to hide. And report back to me$

The Snakes bowed and exited the room through the door. As soon as they did, they camouflaged themselves.

" I'm going to need to set up a surveillance system later to link the Snakes to some Monitors. So that I don't waste my time on watching them in my head. I can get some of my housel eves to do it, and write down what they find out "

Harry cracked his neck "Well lets get this done. I need to finish copying the Restricted Section as soon as possible so that I can get it out of the way. Despite my intellect I really do get easily distracted."

Harry exited the room and slowly made his way to the Library. The biggest collection of magical books in Wizarding Britain and most likely the Magical Side of Europe.

~ A/N

Notice how i said Magical.

The Supernatural side is Huge. I'm sure they have a bigger Library than Hogwarts since they have actually improved in the last 600 years or so compared to the Wizards xD

Opinions about Harry and Hope scene please!!!

I tried to make it 'cute' and serious. Along with a bit of Humor. I think this is a very important development. Harry is mostly cold and insane. He is very practical and his experiments are always his priority. This has led to 'unearth' some of Hopes insecurities. I think i did a pretty good job. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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