
Class Schedule

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Word Count 2000


'A job?' Was what all of the werewolves thought.

Hope looked at Harry like he was insane. Which admittedly he was.

'A-are you serious?! A job! Kid look at us' Michael said though the telepathic link Harry had created. He was flustered and angry. They are already suffering, he and his friends don't need someone mocking them further

Harry frowned "I'm not the type to joke around about things like this. You guys are in a rough spot, but you are strong, well in wizarding terms. And I need strong people with me. So we can make a deal. You work for me and I will make your lives as comfortable as I can, maybe even find a way to turn you back, but I doubt that can be easily accomplished"

' This isn't like Astoria. Whatever those magicians and devils did it was most likely permanent. Due to Fenrir's blood.

Most magical beasts can turn into a human form after reaching a certain level. Fenrir when fully unleashed, without any mind fuckery or control, is a Fucking BEAST. He can rip apart gods like they are chew toys. Yet he doesn't have a human form. Probably something about Fate and Prophesies. As far as I know his brother Jormungandr one of the Five Dragon Kings also doesn't have one. Honestly any offspring of Loki really got screwed over in life.'

'What would this job entail?' asked telepathically he also growled and used body language to communicate with the other wolves as well. Making sure they are also a part of the conversation.

"I need some guards for a few of my more important stores. My wards should do the job but I want some extra protection. And lets just say I know how incompetent wizards are. I was actually planning on hiring and training werewolves for the job. But since you guys are so strong, you can do it until I get the right people. After that you will be guarding more and more important locations. You will basically be watch guards.

In return I can give you a good life. No need to live in the forests in fear anymore. Hell I can even take you in muggle London. A few illusion spells and you will appear just like big dogs to them. Add a notice me not charm on top of that and we are golden" Harry smiled, this was a good pitch. They were living hard lives, and Harry basically offered them a golden ticket out of it.

After a few minutes Michael comes back and stares at Harry's eyes. Harry linked their minds again.

'We accept your offer. So what do we call you now? Boss?'

Harry smirked 'Call me whatever you want. Get ready, I'm going to take you all to one of my properties. Don't resist' he clapped his hands and a big magic circle appeared beneath them. And a bright light engulfed them



When the group opened their eyes again they were at another location.

The wolves looked at the door built into a large hill.

"Harry where are we?" Hope asked with a sigh

"One of the safe houses I built around Britain. Its quite easy you know, Just harden some earth, vanish the inside. Make proper ventilation and done. I put some emergency supplies here potions, non perishable food and money, along with a few portkeys. In case I ever get so injured that i can't reach you or go home. Oh i will be giving you a list later. Kind of forgot about it honestly." Harry just shrugged nonchalant

"Wait here for a bit" Harry said to the group and entered one of the empty rooms.

A few minutes later Harry came out, "Okay go an take a shower, I set it up so it will go automatically. Go to one side to get shampoo and the other side for water to fall on you. Go get yourselves cleaned up. I'm not letting you in the house when you are all dirty like that. And I'm sure some of you would appreciate hot water after all this time"

The female wolves didn't waste any time and directly rushed into the room. Followed by the guys.

 And enjoy they did. A most of them were in pure bliss when perfect temperature shower started. They avoided the deeper rivers in the forest as they were also filled dangerous animals.

Harry brought them different kinds of cooked food.

The wolves literally cried when they ate cooked chicken, pasta and other types of food.

While they are wolves now, they used to be humans. The wolf part can be satisfied with hunting down and eating pray. But the human part wants a wider variety of food. And they aren't ordinary wolves anymore. They can eat whatever they want and it won't make a difference.

'The blood of Fenrir changed them on a fundamental level. Even if it was probably diluted. That's the only reason I can think of.. why they even had the slightest bit of chance to survive the experiment.'

"Rest up, you are safe here. I need you in peak condition for the tasks I will give you. So until then, relax and unwind." Harry smiled at them

' Thank you. Harry Potter' Michael bowed his head, and so did the others

"You are welcome"


Today the first years officially start their educational journey in Hogwarts.

Hope just woke up Harry and he was in a great mood. Why wouldn't he be. He just hired a couple of excellent workers. All as strong as the current hope without having learnt any magic, high to peak Low Class.

Just one can practically wipe out the Death Eaters given that they are not all together at the same spot. And since they are a Pack.

'I'm guessing they can hunt people stronger than them. I'm not sure if I am an accurate measurement for beginner-Mid Class.

Most people who become mid class are either balanced or are somewhat skewered to a certain attribute. Like Fighter, Knight, Mage. Well, I'm beyond skewered towards the Mage Category. My knowledge of magic is beyond my level, I'm only really limited to the amount of mana I can use. Most Mages at my level only know one element and stick with it.

I on the other hand do multiple elements, runes, wizarding magic and sealing. It's honestly unfair to any others that are also in the beginning of Mid Class. But extremely skewered is sometimes the way to go. That Stray Devil I faced. He was a knight focusing on pure speed. If I didn't have my Escudo spell. I would be dead.' Harry mused to himself as he was finishing up his shower

'Well I just have to get strong enough so that situation doesn't happen again. Then again that happened because of my carelessness. If I had used my Hex Mage Shield from the start he wouldn't have been able to pierce it in the first place.'

"Harry will you really attend these classes?" Hope asked Harry with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm, I will attend the first class for all of them. I want to see how horrendous Hogwarts classes are. I mean they are infamous all around the world for their shitty education system."

~ Great Hall. 

Breakfast while everybody else was eating the regular breakfast the elves served. Harry and his group were eating a pasta, with stir fried vegetables in wine along with some chicken then topped off with a neutral base sauce and lot of Parmesan.

(A/N This is my specialty that I cook. Lately I have been really into Parmesan, I'm practically addicted)

Many students were looking at their food with envy. Even from other tables. The Slytherins were quietly disguising amongst themselves on how to increase the quality of their own food.

'Hmm, the old man is missing.. on the first day? What is he up to?' Harry mused as he glanced at the Staff Table. All of the teachers were there but Dumbledore was missing.

'He wouldn't miss the first day like this, a perfect opportunity to imprint on the young first years.

Fluttering sounds filled the Hall. The owls were here. Harry picked one up, yesterday the Daily Prophet released Harry Sorting. People were very interested in that.

And now, a new shocking headline.

[Noble from the continent found dead in his room] 

Gejutel K. Landegre. Age 68.

The Lord of the Landegre Family.

His grandson will now be the head of House as per his wishes... ]

Harry looked at the newspaper with a little bit of shock.

'Gejutel is dead? This... is surprising. I honestly didn't think the old goat had it in him. Then again a cornered animal is the most dangerous. But if he is reacting like this then the game has changed. Before things were just on a political level. But now he has escalated to murder.

It doesn't matter that there is no proof. People will automatically suspect Dumbledore. I'm guessing that he conveniently has a rock solid alibi for the day of the murder. Probably meeting some diplomats trying to retrieve my family's items. I'm betting he used a time turner. Its quite literally the best way to kill somebody if used correctly and all you erase every trace left. Its actually not a bad plan. The people in the wizarding world are sheep. Dumbledore was in a meeting, therefore he is innocent. A few individuals will suspect him, but without any proof they cant act on it. '

Harry mused for a bit ' This changes a few things. I don't know what changed on his side but I'd better hurry up with the Philosopher's Stone. If he decides to move it somewhere else, acquiring it will get a lot harder. And I'll need to create some protective items for the others. Dumbledore changed the game.

 He won't be able to do anything to me since I can always run away if things go beyond my control, like him just using all of his mana to summon Fiendfyre. Why fight that when I can just run away. But the others don't have that option. I'll just make some really overpowered Portkeys that will pierce through Hogwarts wards and take them to safety. This actually might be fun, to accomplish this I need to find a weak point in Hogwarts Wards. Which I intended to take a look at in the first place. What kind of wards did the Founders put here. I can't wait to see.'

A few minutes later Flitwick arrived and floated the Class Schedules to each student. Harry looked at the piece of parchment with a raised eyebrow.

'Ravenclaw and Slytherin classes overlap. Jezz.. I just praised Dumbledore for doing something unexpected and then he pulls some shit like this once again lowering my Opinion. Is he freaking bipolar?'

(A/N. Harry doesn't know how close to the mark he is. This decision was done by the Fake Dumbledore.)

According to the schedule.

06:30 a.m. - 08:30 a.m.: Breakfast

09:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: Classes

12:00 p.m. - 01:00 p.m.: Lunch

01:00 p.m. - 04:00 p.m.: Classes

06:00 p.m. - 08:00 p.m.: Dinner

09:00 p.m. - 06:00 a.m.: Curfew

There are no classes on Saturday and Sunday. The library is open from 07:00 a.m. to 08:30 from Monday through Friday and from 09:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. And with Astronomy and Flying lessons have their own Schedules

'There is no way I'm wasting time on Astronomy. I can just memorize the stars and constellations and be done with it. Waking up at night just to sit outside looking at the sky is so inefficient. Salem had a giant Planetarium so that classes could be held during the day.

Well now that its almost 9 am, lets see how abysmal their teaching methods are'

~ A/N When they have school events

Halloween Feast on 31 October,

Quidditch match in early November.

End of term a week before Christmas.

Christmas Feast on 25 December.

Second term soon after 1 January.

Exams in early June.

Results in mid-June.

Leaving Feast the evening before the Hogwarts Express returns to London in late June.


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