Transmigrated as Harry in HP /DxD world. What if Harry didn't grow up with Durslies? What if he was taken in and was allowed to grow to his full potential? OP Harry. Smart Harry. Mad Scientist. Doesn't Give a Shit. (Lots of HP Bashing. MC doesn't care much about DxD ) I will also posting this story on RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub and Fanfiction
Merry Chirstmass People. I hope you all are having a good time with your family and loved ones. So a friend recomened to me that I make a Christmas Discount of some sort. And I did intend to make one. But I was drunk yesterday so yeah. Here it is now.
I haven't tried this yet so I hope it works. It will start from today 26/12/2024 and last until the first 01/01/2025. It will be 30% off on your first month on all tiers. But once you take a tier I don't think you can change for a bigger discounted tier, it will bill you the regular price. So look out for that.
Christmas Code: B8C11
Word Count 1650
"So are we done here?"
Harry Potters question was only returned with silence. The wizards in the chamber couldn't believe what they were seeing.
One of the 'prominent' members of the Wizengamot. Was killed by a young boy.
"H-h-he killed him" Fudge said with a shocked expression.
"He killed a pureblOOD LORD!!!" Dolores shrieked
Her loud scream seemed to bring the others back to reality. They started to murmur and whisper amongst each other.
'Impossible. That's Impossible. No eleven year old could defeat an adult wizard. Not even Dumbledore and the Dark Lord could do it at that age' Lucius gripped his cane so hard that his fingers turned red.
(A/N, I don't get why the hand would turn white after gripping for a long time as it is common in fics)
"YOU! HOW DARE YOU KILL GOYLE" Lord Crabbe yelled out
"Huh? How dare I? What fucking century do you think you are living in?" Harry picked his ear with his pinkie finger and then blew it off. Completely ignoring the deranged wizard who was getting angrier by the second.
"THATS IT!" Crabbe pointed his finger at him
'Oh No!' Lucius looked at Crabbe in shock 'He can't be that stupid!'
'He is.' Lucius facepalmed 'I just assumed he was goading him in and putting on an act for the Wizengamot. Did he not just see what the Potter brat did? He broke through Protego Maxima like it was paper. The brat did say he finished his magical education. But why is he so powerful? And even if I wanted to i can't stop this'
Harry just raised an eyebrow before turning to Amelia Bones "Can he do that? Just declare an Honor Duel without any reason? I'm confused. If every time someone wanted to have revenge and they ask for an Honor Duel how does it end? How do you stop families from just killing each other to the last man?"
Amelia Bones resisted the urge to rub her forehead. Why can't things be simple for once? She coughed in her fist putting her in the spotlight so to say.
"Lord Potter, to answer your question, once Honor Duels have been used to target the specific person more than two times. The Ministry steps in calm things down and reach to a satisfactory conclusion."
Harry just raised an eyebrow "You mean you have to step in since you can't afford to lose any more 'pure bloods' right? Meaning once things get too far or the richer family loses too much."
'They call in the Ministry who steps in for a price of course. Usually resulting in the weaker family swallowing their loss.' he kept silent about that part. It didn't do him any more good to antagonize them 'too much'. A little was fine. Harry purposefully antagonized them to make things easier for him to manipulate them.
"Quite" Amelia responded back, surprising quite a few people. But frankly Amelia didn't care. It was refreshing to see someone speak their mind like this.
Harry turned to Crabbe "In that case I refuse your challenge"
This sent murmurs across the chamber. Refusing the Honor Duel is seemed as shameful and cowardly. But Harry Potter clearly had no problem with fighting and killing
"Why?! Are you scared boy!" Lord Crabbe said angrily
'Fool. Calm yourself' Lucius looked like he wanted to strangle the idiot. The boy even refused. They could use this to smear his reputation. It was a win for them but Crabbe was too blinded with anger.
Harry chuckled "Afraid? How childish" quite a few people smirked and smiled at Harry's comment. After here was a child calling a grown man childish
"Why should I waste my valuable time fighting you? I gain absolutely nothing from this. I refuse to move for anything that has no gain for me."
Lucius threw the other members a signal to stop him
"What would it take?!" Crabbe Senior asks completely ignoring the members of the dark faction trying to stop him
Harry smirked. ' How Predictable. '
"You are asking me to put my life on the line. The last heir of a family that has existed for over 2500 years. And as the one who did kill me. You would gain a large part of my wealth and properties. So its only fair that you put in an equal amount of capital. I want everything. Every property. Every Business. every last Knut. I want everything you own." Harry smiled maliciously 'Including your soul'
The anger in Crabbe's eyes disappeared. Instead they were filled with greed. If he kills this kid, all of it will be his. All the Gold and Properties. And magic dating back 2500 years. All his!!
"I accept!"
~3rd Pov.
Dumbledore watches as Lord Crabbe made it down to the arena. He was glad that he had another chance to observe Harry's fighting ability. Even though he felt that Crabbe Senior was a moron. Just from the one piercing spell they should have realized they were not the boy's match in a duel. If they attack him in a large group then it would be a different story.
The duel began everybody watched eagerly as Crabbe started with a ruthless volley of dark spells. He was not holding back at the slightest. He didn't want to make the same mistake Goyle did. But no matter how many spells he threw at the boy. They were blocked or parried. And Harry returned fire with some really deadly spells.
Dumbledore was analysing how Harry fights. A lot more experience in fighting that what he was expecting. But the moves were Amateurish.
'Well it is to be expected. Young Potter most likely spent all of his time with his Potions and Pots. But to think he has this kind of Raw Power. He is equal to a 7th year student in terms of Magical Reserves. And the spells he uses. He focuses mostly on lethal spells. Most likely taught to him by that old bastard Griffith. That man is extremely troublesome to deal with. He hasn't changed a bit in the last century.
Dumbledore had no way of knowing that Harry was holding back quite a large amount of his reserves. Keeping them restrained. After all wizards are only Low-Class beings on average. Harry had to keep a few aces in his sleeve for when the time comes to go wild.
After a few minutes of duelling with Crabbe getting more and more desperate after each minute. Harry finally decided to put him out of his misery. He disarmed him... quite literally by cutting his wand hand off. Then he encased him in a sphere made up of stones.
Harry quickly put his wand in the stone sphere at the spot he left open. And in a bright flash a an orange fire exploded out from the cracks in between the rocks. Crabbe was being burned alive. Which was true. However the orange flames were an act. In the core of the sphere a green flame was the one doing the actual burning. Harry gained another soul to experiment with or just purify for a small boost.
The sheer brutality of the Boy Who Lived made quite a few people feel sick. A man was being burned alive. Yet the boy had no change in his expression.
"Lord Potter wins" Dumbledore commented he had planned to say something else. But at that moment he got a magical signal from Hogwarts.
A few hours earlier Quirllmort saw his chance to strike when the Wizengamot began. In his current state. Voldemort was extremely weak and impulsive. He didn't think things through. And just acted based on his desires.
Naturally this triggered Dumbledore's alarms so he was notified. After waiting for a few minutes he lets out a small smile 'Ahhh. Tom so disappointing. You can't even get through the first defence.'
It was only a few minutes later that the alarm on the next trap was triggered. Meaning Quirllmort takes a few minutes to pass each trap.
But Harry seeing Dumbledore stop talking so suddenly opened the camera he had pointed at the Marauders Map. And saw where Tom was. He decided this was the perfect time to trigger the alarm on the Mirror. The Alarm that he had been saving for a moment like this.
'NOOOO!' Dumbledore stood up with a shocked expression.
Tom had gotten the Stone.
The ward spell in the final room hasn't been triggered yet. Someone else got there first. Someone who sneaked through all his defences.
'I need to leave Now!'
"FAWKS! To Hogwarts!!" at Dumbledore's command his phoenix appeared and flame travelled away. Leaving behind a stunned and confused audience.
"You can leave just like that? Fuck it. I'm out. I have had enough for the day" Harry stood up and walked away with a fed up expression. But on the inside he was laughing with joy ' Ohh, this is going to be fun'
Fudge quickly composed himself. Now that Dumbledore and Harry Potter were gone along with the deaths of two Lords. Things were too chaotic to continue. It was best to end it here and ask for advice. Yes he needed to consult with Lucius.
Bang. Bang
He banged the gavel a few times " I am ending this Wizengamot session here. We will reconvene at the next session. And with that he quickly stood up and walked away. He was afraid of dealing with the chaos. So his best option was to leave it to somebody else.
While their Minister was running away. The Light and Dark members were yelling out about the cruelty show by Harry Potter. While the Grey Faction slowly left their seats. There was going to be change. All they needed to do now is figure out how to profit from it.
Planned to make the Crabbe Duel longer and a proper fight. Then I was like. Why am I giving this scrub a proper duel when he was always just going to get destroyed. I'd rather use the time to continue writing the next chapter. So yeah. That's why it feels so short