
A Phoenix

"A phoenix? Wait a minute. Let me see.", Daphne said, reaching out for the phoenix. Will handed him to Daphne quite reluctantly. He assumed that it was a male, but that was besides the point. The moment that Daphne touched the phoenix, the phoenix completely opened his eyes, and cried out. It was a majestic screech, but the both of them had to close their ears. By using two hands to close her ears, Daphne inevitably dropped the phoenix.

Seeing this, Will dived forward to catch the phoenix. He landed in Will's arms. The phoenix stopped screeching and Will looked at his mother.

"How could you drop him like that? He is just a baby!", he said, shouting. The effect of the screech had also made his voice louder, as his ears were still ringing.

Daphne did not answer him, and looked at the phoenix. She spoke after a few minutes, confirming Will's thoughts. "He is indeed, a phoenix. What was professor Dumbledore thinking? To give such a precious beast as a gift! He is one of a kind. A mythical beast that will be forever loyal to its owner. Wait here. I need to speak with your father.", she rushed out of the room.

Will stroked the phoenix's head slowly, as if soothing it.

"Don't worry. You are my pet now. That means that you are in my care.", he whispered slowly.

After an hour,

Raphael, Daphne and Arthur were in Will's room. They were looking closely at the phoenix. Seeing these humans look at it so closely, the phoenix instinctively ran towards Will, who was on the other side of the room.

Arthur laughed. "It must be fate. Of course he knows about Will. I should have known, I should have known. The phoenix there is drawn towards Will because of his lineage. That is why it went towards him, and that is why it hatched the moment he dropped some blood on it. Well then, that is a good thing. A phoenix is a wonderful and loyal pet. It can protect him. Why not leave them be, let them bond. They will need to connect."

"Father, this is a mystical beast we are talking about. What will it eat? We cannot possibly know that. No one does. Who has domesticated a phoenix before... other than-"

"Professor Dumbledore himself. And he has written several book on the topic that were buried because no one cared about the topic. The phoenix shall eat meat, like the rest of us. It will have no problem, and even if it grows weak, it can undergo rebirth.", Arthur interjected.

The three adults nodded at each other, and left the room.

Will looked at the phoenix and thought out loud. "Well then. What shall I name you? What would be a good name for a phoenix?"

He started listing names out, as if hoping that the phoenix would choose. But the phoenix only reacted to one.

"Ash? So that is what you like? Then that is what you will be called. You are ash, and I just became a pokemon trainer's trainer.", Will joked.

"Well then, it looks like today has been a great day. I got a pet, my birthday went really well, and it is about time I open the remaining presents. I wonder what my parents got me.", he thought out loud and got to the last remaining presents.

He ripped apart the outer covering of the last few presents to be pleasantly surprised. One of them was a normal pair of clothes, like most of the presents that he had already gotten. Then, he got a pranking set that he could use for school.

And finally, he got one thing that intrigued him. It was a ring, but that was all. Will looked at who it came from, but he saw that it was a blank box. He looked at it carefully and decided that he would put it at the side for now, and maybe check it later, and see if it had any problems with it.


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Check out my other books, The Golden Throne, and Legacy Firing

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