
How To Tame A Cat

"The less they know, the safer we are." That's the clandestine mantra whispered among the hidden enclaves of the supernatural underworld. For centuries, mythological beings have walked the same earth as humans, their existence shrouded in secrecy and their secrets fiercely guarded. Enter Ethan Carter, a wolf in every sense of the word. He prowls the halls of university, his senses attuned to the subtle rhythms of campus life while concealing his true nature from unsuspecting classmates. Ethan craves the thrill of social interaction, yearning to experience the world beyond the boundaries of his primal instincts. A feline seems to share the sentiment.

OminousAnomaly · Fantasía
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22 Chs


Upon her return to the designated meeting point, the wolf brothers were instantly alert at the sight of the other Cats. Of course they, especially Ethan, trusted Amaalie, but who knows what these people were capable of or how trustworthy they were. They remained hidden among the foliage, their senses keen as they observed the interactions between Amaalie and her fellow Panthers.

"You guys can come out. I can assure you that these guys aren't your enemy." She called to the two she knew were within earshot. "They are of my clan, so I trust them more than anything."

At her words of reassurance, the two looked at each other, weighing their options before Caleb sighed and nodded, a signal that they would come out. They did so slowly, casting weary glances at the eyes that scrutinised them thoroughly.

Before them stood Amaalie with about five people, all giving off the same vibe that she did. Like her, they all sported dark hair and sharp eyes, the similarity truly defining them all as a clan.

As Ethan and Caleb approached, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and respect for the individuals standing before them. Each member of Amaalie's clan exuded a quiet strength and confidence, their presence commanding attention and respect.

Amaalie stepped forward, her expression was proud as she introduced the elder to the brothers. "This is Elder Selene," she announced, her voice tinged with reverence. "She's practically our leader seeing as she's our representative when it comes to Council issues. She's very wise so she has agreed to listen and help us meet with the rest of the Council."

Elder Selene regarded Ethan and Caleb with a scrutinizing gaze, her sharp eyes assessing them with a mixture of curiosity and appraisal. There was a wisdom in her gaze, a depth of experience that spoke volumes of her years of leadership.

"Welcome, young ones," Elder Selene spoke, her voice carrying the weight of authority. Ethan and Caleb exchanged nods of respect, acknowledging the significance of meeting the elder of Amaalie's clan.

"We are grateful for your hospitality," Caleb spoke, his tone respectful. "And for considering our proposal for cooperation against the Rogues. We believe that together, our clans can overcome this threat."

Elder Selene nodded, her expression grave yet thoughtful. "The threat of the Rogues is indeed a matter of concern for us all," she agreed. "But before we can consider an alliance, there are matters that must be addressed."

With that, Elder Selene led the brothers and Amaalie to a secluded corner of the clan grounds, away from prying eyes and ears. There, surrounded by the comforting embrace of nature, they began to discuss the terms and conditions of the potential alliance.

As Elder Selene led Ethan, Caleb, and Amaalie to the secluded corner of the clan grounds, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation and tension. The dense foliage provided a shield from prying eyes and ears, allowing them to speak freely without fear of eavesdroppers.

Once they were settled, Elder Selene fixed her piercing gaze on the brothers, her expression inscrutable yet tinged with a hint of sternness. "Explain to me exactly what it is you expect from this meeting," she demanded, her voice commanding attention.

Ethan and Caleb exchanged glances, their resolve unwavering despite the elder's intimidating presence. "We seek to gain the Council's cooperation in forming an alliance against the Rogues," Ethan began, his voice steady. "Our plan is to present the evidence of the Rogue threat and emphasize the importance of unity in facing this common enemy."

Caleb nodded in agreement, adding, "We intend to highlight the strengths and resources that our wolf pack can bring to the table, as well as the benefits of mutual cooperation and defense."

Elder Selene listened intently to their words, her expression unreadable as she absorbed their intentions. However, as they spoke, a furrow appeared between her brows, a sign of growing disapproval.

"You speak of unity and cooperation as if it were a simple matter," Elder Selene interjected, her voice laced with a hint of reproach. "But have you considered the complexities of such an alliance? The deep-seated prejudices and mistrust that exist between our clans?"

Ethan and Caleb exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the weight of the elder's words. They had been so focused on their mission to gain the Council's cooperation that they had overlooked the inherent challenges of bridging the divide between wolves and cats.

"We understand that it won't be easy," Caleb replied, his tone earnest. "But we believe that the threat of the Rogues is greater than our differences. Together, we stand a better chance of protecting our territories and ensuring the safety of our people."

Elder Selene shook her head, her expression grave. "Your intentions are noble, but your approach is naive," she admonished, her words cutting through the air like a sharpened blade. "You should have sought guidance and support from your wolf pack's leader before embarking on this mission alone."

Amaalie shifted uncomfortably beside the brothers, a pang of guilt gnawing at her conscience. She had urged them to seek the Council's cooperation, believing in the urgency of their mission. Yet, now she realized the folly of their actions.

"We apologize for any missteps we may have made," Ethan spoke, his voice tinged with remorse. "But we are here now, seeking your guidance and assistance in rectifying our mistake."

Elder Selene regarded them with a measured gaze, her expression softening slightly at their admission of fault. "Very well," she conceded, her tone more forgiving. "But understand this: the road to alliance will not be easy. There are obstacles to overcome and trust to be earned."

The air in the secluded corner of the Panther clan grounds seemed to thicken as Elder Selene's gaze bore into Ethan and Caleb with an intensity that commanded respect. Amaalie stood beside them, her posture tense as she awaited the elder's next words.

"I will discuss your proposal with the Council," Elder Selene began, her voice carrying the weight of authority. "But know this: I cannot guarantee their acceptance. The decision lies ultimately with them."

Ethan and Caleb exchanged glances, understanding the gravity of the situation. They had laid their request at the feet of the Panther Council, but whether it would be granted remained uncertain.

Elder Selene continued, her tone measured yet firm. "I will send word through Amaalie once a decision has been reached," she declared, her words leaving no room for doubt. "In the meantime, you are welcome to stay within Panther grounds. There is a spare cabin where you may rest and await our response."

The brothers nodded in gratitude, acknowledging the elder's generosity. "Thank you for your hospitality," Ethan spoke, his voice sincere. "We appreciate your willingness to consider our request."

Elder Selene offered a nod in return, but her expression remained stern. "Do not thank me just yet," she warned, her tone tinged with a hint of caution. "The road ahead is fraught with challenges, and the Council's decision may not be what you expect."

With that sobering reminder, she turned to Amaalie, her gaze softening slightly. "Take them to a spare cabin," she instructed. "Ensure they are comfortable and see to their needs. But remember that although they are guests here, their presence is at the discretion of the Council."

Amaalie nodded in understanding, her determination unwavering. "I will see to it, Elder Selene," she affirmed, her voice resolute. "Thank you for your guidance."

As Elder Selene departed, leaving Ethan, Caleb, and Amaalie alone in the secluded corner of the Panther clan grounds, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. The brothers knew that their fate rested in the hands of the Panther Council, and the outcome of their request remained uncertain.

With a silent exchange of glances, they followed Amaalie towards the spare cabin, their minds buzzing with thoughts of what lay ahead. The journey towards an alliance was fraught with challenges, but with the support of Amaalie and her clan, they remained hopeful that their plea would not fall on deaf ears.

Inside the cabin, the atmosphere was tense as they settled in for the night. Amaalie paced back and forth, her thoughts racing as she contemplated the implications of their meeting with the Council.

"We did our best," Caleb reassured her, his voice gentle yet firm. "Now, all we can do is wait and hope for the best."

Amaalie nodded, her expression pensive. "I just hope they see reason," she murmured, her gaze distant. "The threat of the Rogues is real, and we need the Council's cooperation if we stand any chance of stopping them."