
How To Tame A Cat

"The less they know, the safer we are." That's the clandestine mantra whispered among the hidden enclaves of the supernatural underworld. For centuries, mythological beings have walked the same earth as humans, their existence shrouded in secrecy and their secrets fiercely guarded. Enter Ethan Carter, a wolf in every sense of the word. He prowls the halls of university, his senses attuned to the subtle rhythms of campus life while concealing his true nature from unsuspecting classmates. Ethan craves the thrill of social interaction, yearning to experience the world beyond the boundaries of his primal instincts. A feline seems to share the sentiment.

OminousAnomaly · Fantasía
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22 Chs


As Ethan and his mother made their way to prepare for enacting safety measures for the impending attack, the tension in the air was palpable. Ethan could feel the weight of his secret hanging over him like a dark cloud, but he pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand.

As they walked, Everest turned to Ethan with a concerned expression. "Ethan, where is your... friend?" she asked, her voice soft but probing.

Ethan hesitated for a moment, his mind racing as he searched for a suitable response. "She... had other matters to attend to," he replied vaguely, careful not to reveal too much.

Everest nodded, though Ethan could sense her lingering curiosity. She didn't press the matter further, relieved that the Cat was not currently on their lands, instead turning her attention to the preparations ahead.

Throughout their journey, they stopped periodically to carry out tasks and speak with members of the pack. People approached them, questioning what was going on and expressing their concerns. Everest, ever the caring Luna, immediately put on her nurturing demeanor, offering reassurance and guidance to those in need.

"It's going to be alright," she would say, her voice soothing and calming. "We're taking every precaution to ensure everyone's safety."

Ethan admired his mother's ability to comfort and reassure, even in the face of uncertainty. As they continued their preparations, he couldn't help but feel grateful for her steady presence by his side.

As they continued their preparations, she glanced at Ethan, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. "Should we expect to see her sometime soon?" she inquired, her voice gentle but probing.

Ethan hesitated, weighing his words carefully. "I'm not sure," he admitted, his tone guarded. "She... comes and goes as she pleases. But she did seem genuinely concerned about the attack."

Everest nodded, though Ethan could sense her lingering apprehension. "I understand," she said, her voice tinged with understanding. "Just know that if she does return, we'll need to tread carefully. The pack's trust is fragile, especially in times like these."

Ethan nodded in agreement, the weight of his secret pressing heavily on his shoulders. He knew that revealing his connection to Amaalie could have serious consequences, both for himself and for the pack. But at the same time, he couldn't shake the feeling of loyalty and kinship he felt towards her.

Ethan's voice trembled with uncertainty as he voiced the thought that had been weighing on his mind. "What if... what if I went to her?" he proposed, his words hesitant but filled with determination.

Everest froze at his words, her grip tightening on his shoulders as she turned to face him, her eyes wide with alarm. "No!" she exclaimed, her voice firm and resolute.

Ethan recoiled slightly at her reaction, taken aback by her sudden intensity. "But, Mom—" he began, his protest cut short by her stern gaze.

"You cannot risk it, Ethan," she insisted, her voice tinged with urgency. "You know the dangers of venturing into Cat territory, especially now. It's too risky."

"But she warned us about the attack," Ethan argued, his frustration mounting. "She's trying to help."

Everest shook her head, her expression grave. "I understand that, Ethan. But the risks are too great. We cannot afford to jeopardize the safety of the pack, especially not now."

Ethan's shoulders slumped in defeat, the weight of his mother's words settling heavily on him. He knew she was right, that venturing into Cat territory would be reckless and dangerous. But the thought of leaving Amaalie to face the dangers alone gnawed at him, filling him with a sense of unease.

Despite his mother's warnings and the dangers that lurked in Cat territory, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility that gnawed at him. Amaalie had risked much to warn them about the impending attack, and he couldn't simply abandon her now. The bond they had forged, though unconventional and fraught with danger, felt stronger than ever, and Ethan couldn't ignore the pull he felt towards her.

But with each passing day, the reality of their situation would just grow more dire. The rogue wolves would continue to draw closer, their presence looming like a shadow over the pack's territory. The urgency of the impending attack left little room for hesitation or indecision, and Ethan knew that he would have to make difficult choices in the days to come.

Ethan's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as he found a moment alone with his mother, to express his concerns. "Do you think Dad would at least, I don't know, send someone to their lands? They could need—"

But Everest interrupted him, her tone stern and unwavering. "Ethan, it doesn't matter what they need. What WE need is for you to focus on the pack. On YOUR family."

Her words struck a chord within him, a reminder of the responsibilities he carried as the Alpha's son. The weight of his duty to the pack pressed heavily on him, and his mother's admonition brought him back to the reality of the imminent danger they faced.

"I know you're worried about her," Everest continued, her voice softening with understanding. "But right now, our priority is the safety of the pack. We cannot afford to divert our attention or resources elsewhere. She has her own people to worry about just as you do. Remember that."

'You're right… but despite having responsibilities towards her people, she still came here. For me.'

Ethan nodded reluctantly, the conflict within him evident in his eyes. He understood the logic behind his mother's words, but the emotional pull towards Amaalie persisted. The delicate balance between duty and personal connection tugged at his heart, leaving him torn between what he felt he should do and what he longed to do.

As they parted ways, Luna Everest's firm gaze lingered on her son. "Trust your father's decisions, Ethan. He knows what is best for the pack. We'll get through this together."

With those words echoing in his mind, Ethan took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges that lay ahead. The fate of the pack rested on his shoulders, and he couldn't afford to let personal attachments jeopardize their safety. The impending clash with the rogue wolves loomed ever closer, and Ethan knew that difficult choices awaited him in the days to come.