
How to Survive Isekai

Yes, Going to Isekai is fun, BUT WHERE IS THE SYSTEM, TALENT, I'M NO DIFFERENT THAN NORMAL PEOPLE. So, let's try become OP by little bit of my understanding and MORE hard work. Before that, let's find food first.... I'm may not going premium~ You can support me: https://ko-fi.com/wimpandnoobegg

Noobegg · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

It's time to get serious.

After a long rest, Rena was awake. I glanced at her before poking the small campfire in front of me.

"How is your body?"

"It's fine, thank you for asking." [Rena]

I nodded my head before carry her on my back, but she was squirming on my back. I sighed before looked outside.

"If you can spare energy, would you mind use light sphere? I need to know where to find it."

"I see. I'll show you the way." [Rena]

Agreeing with Rena's idea, we went out to find it with Rena showing the road. The snow fall lightly as I left a footprint on the snow continuing this torturing journey.

After a long walk, I heard a loud weird noise, turning around to see a mature sprite appeared behind my back raining on me sharp crystal shard. jumping to side before look properly at this being.

"Have you fight any sprite, Rena?"

"Yes, their weakness supposed to be physical attack."

"I see."

I nodded before rushed straight toward the sprite before landing a powerful hit on it's chest with a core inside it. My hand was hurting and I could hear the cracking sound. The sprite angered by my attack summon more crystal shard and launched it toward me but I already jumped back avoid it.

"Are you okay?" [Rena]

When heard Rena's concerned voice, I chuckled.

"I'm fine, but I don't have any glove or weapon. I couldn't continue barrage it with my fist, it's stupid and painful."

I explained to her while running around the sprite avoiding the continuous crystal shard fall on my direction. I was kinda surprised by how I can do both things properly, let's not push luck to much.

"Can you trust me, Rena?"

"W-what is it?" [Rena]

"Trust me."

"...Okay, I'll trust you." [Rena]

Hearing her approval made me grin, before taunting the ice sprite, hoping it could understand Ancient Genshil (English). And it work like charm! It rushed toward me with a big ice sharp stake carry with it to pierce my body.

"It's time to betting... Calm my mind..."

I muttered alone as I controlled my breath before try to imagine a power welling up on my right fist, the ice sprite rushed toward us. My instinct was getting crazier by second, but I ignore it and continue to accumulate the feeling of power in my right fist.

At the moment, the ice sprite was near me with it's giant stake aiming at my body. My left hand holding Rena's head before lower my body avoid it from the sharp giant ice stake. My right fist seemed to be empowered with my will hit the ice sprite. A loud thump could be heard before the cracked started appearing more and more on the ice sprite's chest before starting to cracking the core inside.

The ice sprite was enraged and wanted to berserk, I forced my fist increasing the pressure on the ice sprite's body cracking the core inside faster than before. At the last moment, my hand was bleeding and feel the sharp ice fragment in my skin before the core totally cracked before the sprite stop moving and died.

After seeing it stop moving, I sighed in relief, so does the girl on my back.

"I win!"

I said proudly which cause Rena to snort.

"You're just lucky." [Rena]

"Yes, yes, princess."

"By the way, please pick the core of sprite, I could use it to slower the spreading poison." [Rena]

"Yes, miss!"

Ignoring each other, Rena was waiting for me to take the ice sprite's core before let her consume it. Since this is isekai, do as isekai. Don't put science argument like some haters, it's really weird as f*ck. Moving toward the ice sprite corpse(?), I take the cracked core before passed toward Rena behind me.

As soon Rena got the core, She ate it literally. Hearing the cracking sound made me wonder what her teeth is made but I'm not gonna ask girl that lest attract her wrath. After she done eating, I could feel she become more relax, so I asked her,

"So, is the poison could be hold?"

"Yes, I could use more power now, maybe providing lightning." [Rena]

"I see. Let's go."

I replied as my foot moving toward the highest place since Rena said there are a lot of them appearing there. Trusting her, I ignore the finger that started to get frostbite. After few hours, the snow started to fall heavily, yet I Ignore it since we are almost there. This got Rena behind me worried.

"R-ryazu, you should rest now!" [Rena]


"Listen to me!" [Rena]


Because I don't want to give up this walk, my body turned colder than before moreover, I could feel my body seemed to be strained by this coldness, almost there...

"Stop it!" [Rena]

Rena started to hit my head threaten me to stop. Silly girl, I'm already feel death. I can continue since this is just little. Still my breath became rougher by hours, I went to a big tree in the middle of hill of snow to rest with Rena.

As soon I stopped, I got yelled by her.

"Ryazu! Why you don't get a rest!?" [Rena]

"You're poisoned."

"You idiot! If I can support you by using magic that's mean I could use barrier!" [Rena]

I chuckled before took out a piece blackcurrant before eat it. My body seemed to strengthen all cell inside me and warm my body not to mention heat up my body that got frostbite. After that I closed my eyes to focus on the feeling of strengthening. After a while, my face turn rosy, not cold anymore.

"Y-you....!" [Rena]

Seeing her surprised, I shrugged before changing subject.

"Anyway, are we getting near the Frost Flower?"

"*sniff**sniff* yes." [Rena]

"Let's find it then."

Soon we went around it and found the Frost Flower. It had a shape similar to lotus but it's texture is similar to those of diamond, making me wonder how is that even logic. I then turned to her, with frown that is.

"How do we use this flower?"

Taking the flower, Rena took it before throw into her mouth before chew it like snacks. My mind seemed reboot for a while before shouting at her.

"The HECK!?"

"It was a good flower." [Rena]

"W-wait, you can't just eat it like that right!? That's like a herb or poison eating it like that!"

"That's still fine but how you can consume those Seed of Amethyst?" [Rena]

"What do you mean Seed of Amethyst?"

"The fruit you ate just now." [Rena]


Showed her a handful of berry that I thought was a blackcurrent. I looked at her feel weird for the first time why I eat this unknown fruit like ordinary one, even though it looked like frozen fruit.

"That's Seed of Amethyst." [Rena]

"Oh, so what it do to me?"

"It contain a lot of mana that could make you explode." [Rena]

Holding her arms in surprised, I stared at her closely whether she was lying. She turned her head to side with red face. that's bit weird, let's ignore it for now.

"T-then, how I'm still survive!?"

"E-even I don't know! You're really pure human unblessed." [Rena]

Hearing her reply, I gave up on knowing what the hell I eat. I then show my back to her, before lower my body so that she could climb on my back. She went to climb on my back.


"My pleasure."

I replied before return to the Earth element forest. But on halfway, I met a yeti. Yes, a full fledged Yeti stood in front of me blocking me from return to earth element forest.Sh*t.

The Yeti stood in front of me looking at me from 15 metres tall causing my to raise my head to see it's head while it lower it's head to me. Man, this is sure awkward as hell.

"H-hello, Mr. Yeti."

I said with bitter smile before moved to side to walk away from this giant, although it looks like it didn't give me a threat. But I can assured that this thing can kill me if I try to attack him. And Yeti didn't like me to move, roared in anger, which prompted me to run fast to earth element forest.


I cursed again while Rena was cling on me firmer than before, the feeling of her breast is pushing my back harder totally challenging my psychology as a male. But a threat behind mine also is not kidding, if that leg step on me becoming intact is tall feat indeed.

I kept running hoping my leg can become four so I can sped like horse. The Yeti was getting far but each step could cover a lot of distance between us. For the first time, I could feel how big this world is when being chased by this kind of beast on my back.

I'm sure this is must be that b*tch fault. Damn you!!!

How's doing everybody! Noobegg here~

Thanks for reading! And don't forget to give me comment, or review any sort of it! I'll work hard on it!

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