

Zaya Mars and Kabir Asad have been married for a year but yet felt like strangers in their own homes. Zaya has been trying all within her possible best to make the marriage work but all to no avail. Kabir, on the other hand has made it clear through his words and actions that he has nothing to offer since the marriage is a contract marriage and he was forced into it by his family. He blames Zaya for having to end his relationship with his long time girlfriend and as punishment, he makes Zaya suffer for it. Things took a new turn for their love story when Kabir purposely arrived home late on their one year wedding anniversary. To this, Zaya questions him about his whereabouts stating that it was their wedding anniversary and how could he come home late for it. Feeling annoyed by the pestering of Zaya, Kabir uttered in anger; “This is just a contract marriage. I have nothing to offer to you because you were never my choice so don't forget that!” In tears and on the ground, Zaya makes a vow on their wedding night to seduce Kabir, be his choice and leave him yearning for her! Making him love her would be the best plot twist to a contract marriage, Zaya said.

Hassana_Zubair · Ciudad
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53 Chs


Zaya stopped crying, picked herself up and made her way to the dining table. Oh well, the dinner was ruined, the least she could do is clean up. As she arrived at the dining table, she couldn't help but smile while looking at it. She had put in so much effort to make it look this beautiful but it ended up going to waste.

Zaya wanted to pack up the whole dishes when something in her invoked. She was suddenly filled with some kind of anger, rage and fury she never knew she had. In that moment, she began to ruin the beautiful preparation that she had done. She purposely dropped the plates on the floor, pushed the meals she made to the ground, broke the wine bottle on ground, smashed the flower vase to the ground and ripped the sheets off of the dining table and screamed out loud in anger. She literally tore the whole place apart.

After she was done, she suddenly felt whole and new. She had expected herself to cry as soon as she started tearing down the place but that didn't happen. Instead, she felt a surge of power run through her veins. It felt as if she had been reborn.

"I am done being a fool, Kabir. I am done dancing to your tune. Now, you will do my bidding and you wouldn't even know what hit you!"

Zaya uttered those words to herself with her breathing being heavy. She wanted to also ruin her appearance and tear apart the clothes she wore but she thought, No! Kabir will never see me weak again. He will never ever see me fall down in pain because of him!

Zaya could feel it in her bones, she was changing into something new. She was no longer afraid or the quiet fool that Kabir had known her to be. She could feel it. She thought that when she had said that she would seduce Kabir a while ago, it was only in the moment and she didn't mean it but with the look of things, she knew deep within her heart that she is definitely going to carry out her plan. She could feel the need for vengeance coursing through her veins. She could feel her resentment for Kabir slowly coming to life. She could feel the darker side of her taking over.

Honestly, Kabir wouldn't know what hit him when she is done with him!

As expected, after her whole drama of ten minutes, she still cleaned up the whole place but she felt happy doing it. She felt fulfilled cleaning up the dirt in her beautiful white dress on her wedding anniversary night. It sure was a treat to her!

Meanwhile, Kabir was startled when he heard the loud noise from downstairs. It felt like Zaya was trashing the whole place around and the scream that followed next was what stunned Kabir. He knew that he had crossed the line and gone over the borders with his words tonight. They were indeed harsh on her and he wanted to apologize to Zaya but Kabir had never done that before so he didn't know how to do it. He had never once said "I am sorry" to Zaya when he offended her so how could he say it now? His pride and hate for Zaya were the major reason why he could never apologize to her.

As he got prepared for bed, he listened in on the events happening downstairs attentively. After some time, he didn't hear any noise again and thought that it was all over. Zaya had calmed down. See! There was nothing much to her temper. It was just some childish display that she did. Nothing more. The next thing Kabir heard was the open and close of a door. It came from right next to him. Zaya had gone into her room as everything had ended. There is no need to worry. She had gone to bed and would probably forget about it before tomorrow. Zaya is a forgive and forget kind of person, Kabir thought.

As Zaya got into her room, the first thing she did was to look at herself in the mirror. Oh, how beautiful she looked tonight. How lovely she dressed up for Kabir even though she knew of the kind of relationship they had. She still tried to impress him but yet, it was all a big fail. One by one, she took off the items on her body and headed for the bathroom for a good bath. She drenched herself in the shower for so long, lost in her thoughts and finally left the bathroom after an hour.

As she got into her bed and laid on it, her mind kept reviewing the events that had just happened hours ago. It was still the same thing she did in the bathroom and now she was doing it again on her bed. Something about the two particular sentences Kabir said stuck with her. She just couldn't get them out of her mind or forget about them.

One of the two sentences that stuck with her was the one in which Kabir wished her dead. She could still hear it very loud and clear in her mind. It was like it was on a loop in her head, the words that Kabir said.

"Because you are not of importance to me. I do not care about how you feel and frankly I wished you were dead and out of my life"

From Kabir's words, she could clearly guess where she stood in his life. She is not important to him. She is not the kind of person that he would give an organ to or come running frantically when he hears bad news about them even if it wasn't serious. That person would be Lara. Rather, she is the type of person in Kabir's life who he would most probably push off a cliff.

What hurt her most was when he said;

"This is just a contract marriage. I have nothing to offer to you because you were never my choice so don't forget that!"

Immediately after, he walked away from her. She had thought that all her begging tonight would probably soften his mind but still he was able to come up with something as wicked as what he said. She was well aware that it was just a contract marriage too but she still tried all her best in it. Kabir had always made it clear through his actions who his choice was but when he spat out those words to her face, it made her realize that she definitely had no chance with him.

Zaya decided to wave her thoughts aside and stop thinking if not she wouldn't be able to catch some sleep. She was really tired and desperately needed to rest but she had one important thing to do before she went to bed.

She picked up her phone and turned on the power button to first look at the time. It was 5:15 am and already morning. How could she fall asleep when it was already morning and her thoughts were still disorganized? Above all, she still needed to sleep because she had to wake up early and get dressed to her workplace.

Zaya proceeded to dial a number on her phone and after the third ring, the person at the other side of the line picked up.

"Mother-in-law," Zaya called out to the person.

"He did it again." she added.