It's almost as if… Samur is looking forward to his own death.
That makes the most sense, given his actions.
Samur cares for everyone except himself- no, maybe he does not particularly care about us; he simply believes our life has more value than his own.
And he just acts on that belief.
He also trusts his judgement that his life is worthless compared to ours, and his faith is so strong that he will not let anyone tell him otherwise.
And that's exactly why he pushes us away, because we put him above us.
From the moment he joined us, he has always maintained a certain distance from us, and has always resisted others efforts of closing that distance.
That's why he reacted with such hostility when Noelle showed care for him.
And perhaps that's why… he pulled this prank on me; to keep me away.
Did he believ that after today's events, I would start caring for him, and decided to cut the roots before the flower could blossom?