

A/n : guys i am writing this by my mobile so there will be mistakes, so sorry in advance but acc. To me it needed to be done. Thank you.

First of all let me introduce myself.

I am a webnovel addict. I am on this app for a very long time. I am on this app for around 3 official years and 4 unofficial because I didn't sign in for around a year.

Now in my four years I have read a ton of fics and fanfics. Now some were good, some were great and some were underrated or overrated.

Now I have seen a problem with various fics that they are not on the spot that they deserve the content in those fics is amazing, creator is continuously in touch with readers and consider their suggestions. But with all this they are not going up in the rankings. So what's the problem.

Now I am not an expert in this subject but throughout the years I have observed webnovel ranking system and I think that I can help. So let's start.

BOOK COVER:- a book cover is the first thing a reader will see when he will search for any book. So make sure that you have a good book cover.

Some creators leaves the book cover blank that is a mistake according to me. Because the first impression comes from the book cover itself. If your book cover is not good enough and your content is good even then most of the readers will not read your book.

They will not even click on your book. I too am on this list. I have avoid various books because their book cover was not good or didn't give that feel for a good one and half year.

So please choose a good cover. You can easily search it on a Google and put down a disclaimer.

HOW TO CHOOSE A COVER :- choose a cover which define your book, like I have seen various times authors put a cover of cute things which are not in the books, that is downright a crime according to me. I mean your book is about war and mc conquering the world and you are putting a cover of a girl playing in sea 😡😡😡, it is a crime according to me.

If you are writing a hentai or echhi then it is OK to put down a cover of a cute loli or SLUTTY character of that anime or fic.

But you topic is war and then you are putting a cover of a girl then it is not appropriate.

You should put a cover which define your book.

Actually you should put a cover with a quote defining your books topic or main character.

For example : your main objective in the book is that your main character is going to conquer the world then you should put a picture of a king who is sitting on throne. Or a picture of a majestic castle.

And if you are putting a picture with a quote like a king seeing his subjects with quote like " energy and persistence conquer everything." Like that.

Or if your books topic is about war than you should put a cover of battlefield or flames.

So all in all put a cover which alienate with your books topic.

TITLE:- title is second most important thing after the cover. A title should give the feel of the books topic. Like a war god in multiverse or the new void god or God's wraith, son of King etc.

A title according to me is a short preview of the book if it is not good many people will not read your book.

So atleast think before titling book. I will not tell the name of the books but I have seen the titles which has nothing to do with book or mc.

Keep your title as close as possible to mc's dream or his personality.

So that's it for title.

SYNOPSIS :- my long lost archenemy. I am bad at it truly bad at it. My advice put what ever you think will give a preview of your book.

Your synopsis should be in 3rd person because it gives a good feel for me than first person.

Also keep this between 70 to 150 words. Long synopsis are not a good thing, believe me.

CONTENT :- before writing and posting always remember you are your own boss, you don't own anyone so write what you want not what others want.

Write for yourself and never stop writing because of mean cmnt or haters. They are just a stepping stone for you. If someone suggests something than think if it is applicable than act upon it.

Try to respond to your readers or stay in touch with them via discord channel.

Also in last of every chapter remind your readers to review you and vote for you because sometime we readers lost in the book so much that we forget to do these things. Literally.

UPLOAD :- also upload as fast as possible. And please upload on Monday. Uploading on Monday is necessary for ranking. Because readers have something to read and you will have stones from the start.

That's all for fanfiction acc. To me.

If I have missed any point do mention thank you.