
Step 5: Have an unexpected meeting with a Billionaire.

Qin Group, the 100th floor. Chairman Qin's office.

"Director Fu has arrived, Sir," Assistant Jin said eyes locked on Qin Shoiming. It was a little after 2 pm, the temperature was gradually dropping and the sky was getting dark.

Qin Shoiming paused his writing for a second, "Send him up and bring over the detailed report of the scandal".


Minutes later the office door was pulled open and Director Fu a plum nearly bolding man in his sixties stepped in dressed in a dark blue suit.

"You are a very difficult man to get hold of, Shoiming," Director Fu said as he walked to the lounge area and sat on the dark brown two-seater antique couch.

When he was met with silence Director Fu glanced at assistant Jin who had stood by Qin Shoiming's desk and continued.

"I guess you are not so busy since you are currently dating. At least that is what the blogs are saying".

Qin Shoiming's grip on his pen tightened. He dropped the pen and narrowed his eyes on the plump older man who just kept talking.

Qin Shoiming pushed his seat back and stood. He picked up the file that his assistant had delivered earlier and walked to the lounge area.

"Uncle Fu, you of all people should know not to trust these blogs".

He stopped by the marble table and threw the file toward the older man.

Qin Shoiming lip's twitched at his uncle's shaky gaze, he sat on the single couch opposite the other man and crossed his legs.

"Open the file, uncle. After taking out time to come here aren't you even a little bit curious".

He arched a bow as he followed his uncle's gaze to assistant Jin, the older man's unease was quite obvious.

His lips tipped up, resting hus elbow slightly on the couch he placed his head on his hand and said, "Please leave us, Assistant Jin".

"Yes, Sir," the assistant replied and quietly left the room.

"You can now relax Uncle, we are all alone," he said holding his uncle's gaze. He had no plans of letting his uncle go that easily, not when it concerned his family.

Fu Chenglei's hands shook as he open the file, hus eyes widened as he saw an enlarged photo of him kissing and groping Shu Feifei. His eyes immediately shot to Qin Shoiming,

"I... I can explain..."

"Can you?"

"Yes, Shoiming. This... The paparazzi caught me by surprise. They were going to run a story on me and you know I just got promoted.

"it is sensitive in the country right now, I cannot just let this come out! It would ruin my career and you know how bad your aunt's temper is."

"Please just let it go, Shoiming. We are family, we should look out for each other. It is just a dating scandal, nothing that you are not already used to.

"It will not even affect you as much, It is not like you are married. Just pretend to date her and then break up after a few months.

"An Shihan has been dead for years nobody will mind that you are dating an actress. However if the news of my relationship with her breaks, it is over for me.

"You know that old Madam Qin doesn't like those sorts of scandals. It affects the family's image and that is not even considering how your aunt will take the news," the older man got up from his seat and held Qin Shoiming's hand.

"Please let this go Shoiming, I promise to make it up to you".

Qin Shoiming shot the man a glare and shook his hand off, "I don't care what you do with your time but do not involve me and my family. I cannot let this go".

Fu Chenglei paled, "Wha-what Shoiming please be reasonable think about all the years I spent working in the ministry. A scandal like this could ruin me and indirectly affect your Qin family."

The air around Qin Shoiming froze at his words, he sucked in some air and geared down at Fu Chenglei,

"Do not involve me or my family in your mess, Uncle. If you care even a little bit for your precious career you would have kept it in the pants.

"I am already giving you the utmost respect by warning you before I make any move. I suggest you get your affairs in order",

He paused and glanced at hus desk as the cell phone rang. Qin Shoiming walked to the desk are picked up the phone.

He frowned as he saw that the call was from an unknown number. The reporters have been calling the company's phone lines non-stop since yesterday.

"Did they get my number?" he cut the call and glared at his uncle, "did you give anyone my number?"

Fu Chenglei blinked, "what... No I didn't". He stood and walked forward, "Why... Did you get a cal_"

He stopped as Qin Shoiming held his index finger up and nodded to the phone ringing in his hand. Fu Chenglei pressed his lips together, held up both hands and stepped back.

Qin Shoiming swiped up and brought the phone to his ears as his uncle returned to his seat.

He put hus hand into his pants pocket and held the phone to his ear, "This is Qin Shoiming"

"Daddy! it is Tao Tao"

"Tao Tao?" He frowned, brought the phone away from his ear, and checked the caller ID again, "shouldn't you be at school right now, why are you calling me with a strange number?"

His brow knitted at his son's deep breath, and his hand tightened on the phone, "Where are you, Tao Tao whose phone is this?"

"Daddy... I am at a book cafe. The bad men with the camera tried to trick me into going home with them_"

"What? Where are you, Tao Tao?" he rushed to the coat rack, grabbed his black suit jacket, and rushed out of the room.

His uncle called after him but he ignored the older man and kept speaking to his son. He shrugged the suit jacket on as he walked passed his assistant's table.

"get the car keys," he spat out as he caught assistant Jin's gaze. He did not wait for a response, he got into the elevator a clicked on the ground floor.

He ignored his assistant who ran into the elevator as the door was closed, his entire focus was on getting to his son.

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I am sorry for any typos or the rest. Please let me know if you have inputs or suggestions for the book.

This is a start of a beautiful journey and I am happy to have you all join me in Ruoxin and Shioming's love story

MITCHIEWilliamscreators' thoughts