
How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain.

One day, I remembered my memory and realized that this was the world of academy that I had seen in my previous life. And my fiancée is the main character’s heroine, and I’m an extra mad villain who gets kicked out in the beginning. If I have a wish, there is only one thing I want to live in peace. Let us never get involved. never. If you want to read the first 25 chapters for free and read up to the final chapter for a cheap price patreon.com/Makima02

Makima02 · Cómic
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57 Chs

Chapter 3 - Awakening (3)

If you want to read the first 25 chapters for free and read up to the final chapter for a cheap price patreon.com/Makima02

"What do you want to talk about? I'd like to finish this quickly. I have to organize my dorm luggage," I tried to keep a nonchalant expression as I replied to Iris, who was looking at me.

I didn't want to talk to her at such length because I felt awkward talking to her.

There was something indescribably foreign about having a one-on-one conversation with a character I've only met from the perspective of Eugene, the main character in the novel.

It seems that I still need more time to deal with them calmly.

"Edwin... My father called me yesterday. He wants to annul our engagement with your family," After a brief silence, Iris spoke hesitantly.

When I heard her words, it felt like my heart sank in my chest.

"I've told you many times. I begged you to be more mindful of your behavior... But... He's going to use the things you've done at the academy as an excuse for breaking off the engagement... for violating the code of conduct..," Iris sighed lightly.

"It might not be too late yet. Let's go to my family together and try to persuade my father, okay? But Edwin, haven't you started to feel something by now? I mean, you were so quiet at the disciplinary hearing..."

With a faint glimmer of hope in her eyes, Iris continued to look at me.

But the answer I had to give Iris was already decided, "I did feel something. That I was unlucky."


At my tone that almost seemed to ridicule, Iris's expression hardened. Her originally cold demeanor, combined with the fact that she was now staring at me with an almost accusatory look, created the illusion that the temperature around us had dropped significantly.

The hope that had briefly flickered in her eyes was gone, leaving no trace.

"That's right. Unlucky. Why would the security team be passing by that place at that time? It was a blind spot that Scott had carefully found, but... Maybe some arrogant commoner reported us..."

As I recalled the events from back then, I could feel my emotions welling up and my anger rising, independent of my will.

Why do I feel these emotions so strongly?


Suddenly, Iris cut off my words. In the noble society, cutting someone off was usually considered disrespectful. Iris, being the noble lady of a prestigious family, would undoubtedly know this. It seemed that she must be very angry with me for what I said.

"Edwin, during the welcome ceremony, didn't the Headmaster say this? We hear it even in etiquette class. That era is over now! We can't oppress and persecute them just because they're of a lower social class!"

Iris burst out, then paused for a moment to catch her breath before continuing.

"Besides, the students in this academy aren't ordinary commoners. They're like us, with Mana Hearts awakened, and each one is highly talented. They'll be the foundation of this nation in the future. Those who have distinguished themselves will naturally be granted titles, and they'll be no different from us... So, do you really want to hurt them like that? Just to satisfy your petty, so-called pride as a nobleman?"

"So what about it?"

In response to my deliberately confrontational statement, Iris's face briefly showed a look of disbelief.

"Even if it is, commoners are commoners. They are born different from us. Attending the same academy, being taught the same things, they shouldn't forget this fact. I just gave a little lesson to those who had forgotten that fact."

I continued to push my words forward. As Iris continued to take the commoners' side, an uncomfortable feeling surged within me, compelling me to keep speaking.

Why do I keep thinking these things?


Iris was speechless, unable to finish her sentence.

"Iris, you seem unusually talkative today. Or is that it?"

"Is that...what...do you mean…?"

"That sophomore, Patricia, seemed to be quite interested in him. You know, the one named Eugene. Are you also harboring some secret feelings for that commoner? Could it be that you have some secret feelings for that commoner? Or... maybe you've already had some fun with him, so that's why you're sticking up for him?"

What I said was something I shouldn't have said to a young lady with a bright future ahead of her; to ridicule a noblewoman who obviously has a fiancé, saying that she has feelings for a commoner. Also, that too, as the fiancé himself.

If someone had overheard these words in a crowded place, it might have led to a series of duels being demanded.

"Edwin. Even if it's you, even if it's the kind of thing a scoundrel like you would say, that's crossing the line. Take it back. Right now. Edwin."

Iris hissed quietly to me, her tone measured. But her eyes were glaring at me, with anger, and her face long since stained a crimson color with rage.

Her patience was nearing its breaking point, but I continued without being deterred, adding another line deliberately.

"Even if he's half-decent looking for a commoner, to seduce not one, but two virtuous noble ladies within a short time since enrolling in the academy. Isn't this going to be a memorable incident in the academy's history? I mean, how much stamina does he have to..."


Finally at her wit's end, Iris yelled at me and dropped her head, her shoulders shaking.

"How... how could you say such things... to me..."

Beneath her flowing hair, tears glimmered and fell one by one. Seeing Iris like that, I finally felt my rationality returning.

Why did I say such things?

...But if I think about the future, maybe this situation is good for both of us. Iris might still have some hope, but it seems like her family had already made a firm decision. It might be difficult to reverse this. From the beginning, it was a political engagement, and given my behavior so far, it wouldn't be surprising if it was annulled a long time ago.

And everyone has their own destiny.

Now, it's not a good idea to waste words, and it's a good thing for both of us to reach a conclusion as soon as possible.

"Well, whatever. I don't care who you play around with. Iris, while we're at it, there's something I want to talk to you about."

I addressed Iris again. She still had her head down, and she was still making a sound like she was trying to hold back tears.

"I know from the beginning that you weren't happy about this engagement. It was practically selling yourself for the sake of your family, right? That's why you even gave the commoner a glance even though you had a fiancé. I've been trying to be patient, but I'm tired now."

My words were truly absurd and impulsive. To mock an engaged noblewoman about secretly having feelings for a commoner was beyond reason.

It was a really ridiculous and repugnant thing to say, even to me. Iris's sobs became more intense, and they were now turning into wails.

"I'm actually relieved that the Robinette family wants to annul the engagement. As I recall, the penalty for breaking off the engagement was 10,000 gold, right? That means your family has recovered enough to pay that much without any problems, right? That's good, isn't it? Congratulations, Iris. There's nothing but good things on both sides. My family gets the money back with interest, and you can freely frolic with that commoner without any consequences."

As I finished speaking, Iris trembled for a moment, then lifted her head and met my gaze.

Her makeup was smeared due to her tears, and her eyes were bloodshot, the whites turning reddish from the burst blood vessels.

"Edwin. Are you serious...? Do you really, truly, want to end it like this...?"

"I mean it."

"...Just one thing I want to ask," Iris asked me in a weak voice.

"What is our relationship...what is it...?"

"...i don't know."

To Iris's question, I couldn't find an answer that would make sense. Somehow, I felt a dull ache in my chest.

"As soon as the documents for the annulment of the engagement and the penalty fee are ready, send them to my house. I'll take care of it in due time."

Leaving Iris, who was still choking back tears, I turned away and left the scene without hesitation.


Iris was the second daughter of Count Robinette, a name renowned in noble circles.

Just as expected from a scion of nobility, she had various talents. Upon entering the academy, she was assigned to Class-A and even elected as a member of the first-year student council.

With her beauty and her abilities complementing each other, it didn't take long for Iris's reputation to spread throughout the school; soon, it was hard to find anyone within the academy who didn't know her name.

However, even for someone seemingly perfect like her, there was one Achilles' heel – her fiancé, Edwin Reed, who was far from impressive.

Despite sharing the same noble title, the status of House Robinette and House Reed within the aristocratic society could be considered worlds apart.

House Robinette was descended from a clan that had been granted autonomy by the Empire during the War of Conquest in the past, while being a once prestigious family that once qualified for marriage into the Imperial family.

On the other hand, House Reed originated from a family of administrators who were sent to the provinces. It was only in Edwin's grandfather's time that they received the title of a Count after a series of promotions. Their history was short, and their influence was modest.

Hence, it would be unthinkable to put them on the same page.

However, several years ago, House Robinette was on the verge of going bankrupt due to a series of business failures. Surprisingly, during this period of need, the one who extended help to them was House Reed.

House Reed had flourished, becoming one of the major families in the southern region, primarily due to their thriving maritime trade and expansive agricultural lands.

And all they demanded in return was the betrothal of Robinette's second daughter to Reed's heir.

Thus, House Robinette's need to quench the pressing fires of their dire situation and House Reed's desire to forge a connection with a prestigious family aligned, and that's how Edwin and Iris' engagement came to be.


As per the original storyline, Edwin had refused to accept the disciplinary committee's suspension decision, instead causing a scene right there.

He'd cast fire magic, thrown punches, and caused harm to several students.

Already in the midst of disciplinary action, his additional misconduct had sealed his fate. Facing the judgment of the academy's higher authorities, who considered him beyond help, Edwin was expelled, unable to escape the verdict.

Edwin, left with no recourse, returned to his hometown in disgrace. After that point, in the original story, he was never mentioned again.

And that was the fate that should have awaited me, that was the path I was destined to walk as Edwin Reed, the extra villain in 〘I Became a Munchkin Knight of the Academy〙.

If you want to read the first 25 chapters for free and read up to the final chapter for a cheap price patreon.com/Makima02