
How to Kill a Dragon in Five Easy Steps

Jamothax_Blueburn · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Step 1: Be the Chosen One

The longest road in the world leads from the Capital of the Kingdom of Grandeur, to the outskirts of a small city in the neighboring Kingdom of Durk.  Monks, Knights, and Astrologists make pilgrimages on this road every day, thus it is called the Pilgrim's Path.

This day happens to be a special day for a certain Monk.  His name is Arlend.

Alrlend was sent on a Pilgrimage by the Head Priest of his church to find The Chosen One.  One said to have natural abilities far greater than that of the ordinary human, one who can surpass even a knight with just a few months of training.

The Chosen One should be on this road, and Arlend would be the first to meet him.

He was so excited, he took the road all the way to its end.

"That's odd."  Arlend said to himself, "I should have met The Chosen One by now."  He looked around to find no one in sight. "He really should have been here."

Arlend, not sure what else to do, started taking the road back.  "Did I fail?  Does The Chosen One exist?" He was in a daze, he'd walked for three full weeks to find The Chosen One, and now, he wasn't sure if The Chosen One existed.

He tripped over a root and as he rose to his feet, he saw a small farmhouse.  "Was that there before?"  He saw a small child beside the house swinging a stick around like a sword.  "That can't be The Chosen One, he's far too young."

Arlend began walking toward the house.  But before he reached it, he noticed a man in a blue Astrologist's robe running toward him from the Capital.

"Hey you!"  The Astrologist called to him, "Monk!"

Arlend stopped and waited for the Astrologist to reach him.  "Could he be The Chosen One?" he muttered to himself.

"I finally found you!" The Astrologist cried as he stopped, panting, in front of Arlend. "The Chosen One!"

"What?"  Arlend was so caught off guard by this statement, that he almost laughed, "I was about to say the same thing to you."

"You Monks think that your Priests can see the future or something, but they just copy us Astrologists and look at the stars." the Man looked at the sky as if it told him everything, "My Master told me that I would meet the Chosen One at this exact location, it must be you!"

Arlend was very puzzled by this, "But I was sent on this Pilgrimage to find The Chosen One, you tell me why you aren't the Chosen one." He insisted.

"I am a lower-Stargazer, Carter, Astrologist under the Head Stargazer, Piper Morgun, Seer of the Great Dragon's return." He said proudly, "If I were The Chosen One, Master Morgan would have told me outright."

"And I am Arland, Monk of the Twelfth Order, and pupul to the Priest Nicoli.  Would Priest Nicoli not have told me if I were The Chosen, just as Head Stargazer Morgun would have told you?"

"I already told you, the Priests just copy us Astrologists." Carter straightened his shoulders, looking proud of the fact.

"That's not what we do!" Arland was horrified, someone just completely misunderstood something so basic it was appalling, "a Priest has a vision which is given to the Head Priest to decipher."

"But the stars are more reliable than cryptic visions, made by some delusional old man-"

"Silence!" Arlend said with such a commanding voice, Carter froze. "Do not speak on matters of which you have no knowledge."

Carter bowed deeply, "I am truly sorry. Master Morgun has said the same many a time. Forgive me."

"You are forgiven, just see you do not do it again." Arlend took a deep breath to calm himself, "now... where were we?"

Carter hesitated before answering, "well all I'm saying is that you must be The Chosen One.  It couldn't be me, who else is there?  The boy with the stick?  He's barely old enough to be in the yard by himself, let alone fight a dragon in three months."  he gestured to the child still swinging his stick by the house.

"I suppose you're right, but there must be someone else! Maybe there's someone in the house?" Arlend suggested.

"I was told we would meet on the road, nothing was said about a house."

Arlend thought for a moment, "I was told that we would meet, not to search for them, but that we would meet."

"Well, when you come to your senses, I suppose he will have."  Carter reached up and gave Arlend a pat on the shoulder, "face it, there's no one else, you must be The Chosen One."

Arlend took a deep breath processing all this information. "Then my pilgrimage is over."

"Yes, your pilgrimage as a Monk has finally ended," Carter said, with a smile, "Now, your journey as The Chosen One, and your Quest to slay the Great Dragon of the Western Mountains, has begun."