
How to Kill a Dragon in Five Easy Steps

Jamothax_Blueburn · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Bullet Point 1: The First Quest

Arlend was both excited and terrified, excited that The Chosen One had been found, terrified that it was him. "You're sure I'm The Chosen One?" He had asked this many times already, as they made their way to the first stop, Ooblire, a small town that was quite popular with adventurers.

"Yes, for the last time, I'm sure." Carter sighed.

"Do you think I can do it?" Arlend Asked "Slay the Dragon I mean."

Carter looked at the young Monk, "You're the Chosen One, of course you can!" He looked at the sky, eyes growing wider as he tried to take in the beautiful blue sky and the soft white clouds, "The Chosen One can achieve in a month, what it takes a knight to achieve in eight years! Oh how I wish it was that easy for me!"

Arlend looked at his hands, "I've always been a fast learner, but I don't know about that fast."

While Arlend continued to look at his hands and Carter continued to look at the sky, neither of them noticed when a forest started to grow around the path, until it covered the sky Carter was watching, and shaded the hands Arlend had been staring at.

Looking around, both of them were startled, they had been walking a barren path for weeks, and now a forest just springs up from nowhere. "Has this forest always been here?" Carter asked, as they both stopped in the road.

"I don't think so." The sky was growing ever darker, and he thought he heard something.

"help!" It was faint, so quiet, he could barely hear it, but he was sure of it. someone was calling for help.

He started running in the direction of the voice, further up the road, "Someone needs help!" He called back to Carter.

Arlend now realized how eerie the forest was, there were no birds, no animals, just trees, and nothing else. It sent a chill down his spine.

He heard the cry for help again, and he saw a massive tree sprouting from the middle of the road.

"Help!" It was much clearer now, it sounded like it was coming from the top of the tree.

The cries for help changed into sobbing.

Arlend and Carter stopped running, reaching the base of the tree.

"Can you climb?" Carter asked him, looking a little too excited.

"Yes, can't you?"

"Nope, I can't even climb a fence." Carter was smiling, "Now's your first obstacle as the Chosen One, save the person in the tree!"

Arlend looked up at the tree, and back at Carter, "I've never climbed something this big before."

"There's a first time for everything." Carter was smiling from ear to ear now, "you must be The Chosen One, with this kind of opportunity, you must be!"

"Hello? Is Someone There? Please Help Me!!!" The person in the tree had heard them talking and was desperately crying for rescue again.

"We'll be there in a minute!" Arlend called, Starting to climb the tree.

"Watch out! The tree has a mind of its own, it'll try to fight you off!" The warning came not a second too late, as a branch sprouted from the base of the tree almost skewering the Monk.

Arlend had to focus on climbing, when he felt the tree starting to warp, he would stop and dodge the incoming branch.

Carter was calling out to Arlend, but he couldn't stop to listen, one false move, and he'd be dead.

As he continued up the tree handholds we're getting harder to reach. A branch shot out before he could dodge, and cut his right leg open, making him cry out in pain.

"Are you alright?" the voice called.

"I'll be fine!" he called back, fighting through the pain, he continued climbing.

Arlend was halfway to the top, the tree seemed to be getting more desperate now, dropping giant acorns and sending more branches to stop the Monk.

Arlend felt so tired, the only thing pushing him on, was the cries of the voice, and his fear that he might fall.

Two-thirds up, just a little more to go, it felt like the world was falling, rolling, growing, and trying to crush him all at once, he's never experienced anything like this in his entire life, he felt as though he might die at any second, yet still he climbed, doing his best to stay alive.

He knew he was almost there, even though he couldn't see the top, he could only see acorns, bark, and razor sharp leaves. He knew he was bleeding out at this point, he hoped it wasn't too serious, but could feel his hands getting slick from blood, and sticky from sap.

Almost there.

Just a little more.

One more…

Finally, he made it to the top. He could see a young lady, dressed in the greens of a Mage Apprentice, crying, wrapped in branches, unharmed, but unable to move. He also saw five men, slumping against the branches that had skewered them.

Arlend felt nauseous, and almost threw up. He'd never seen so much blood before. He looked at his own hands, torn and bleeding, never had he felt such pain. But he couldn't stop now. The tree still wanted him dead, and he still needed to save the girl.