
How to become a god 101

WARNING my stories generally lack spirit i write for fun and to free my head from this particular plot. Expect inconsistency bullshit power ups and messed up logic and also don't expect good grammar.

TurkishJesus · Cómic
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34 Chs

What do you mean trash


When i awakened in my new body i was happy that i didn't have to go through babyhood and that my first name didn't change also yesterday 5 years old, second son of Evans family got his circuits awakened.

I was mildly amused by the fact that my name is being Chris Evans but that didn't last long, my family happened to be a one of the mid level familes(Cannon Fodder?), not discriminated much by the top familes but we apparently didn't get much respect neither, one of those background familes that didn't matter in the end of course these have been the stuff maids have taught me since i never saw any relatives other than my father, also it's weird to expect a 5 year old to keep that kinda information.

My big brother who happened to be 7 this year has 35 High Quality Circuits and seen as the salvation of the family because our line happened to be on decline, on the other hand i was a "mistake" yeah it's kinda messed up for a father to tell their child that they're here because their parents forgot protection and was too lazy for an abortion.

Due to me being an unplanned child they wanted to get rid of me, they decided to use me for political gain via marriage but my newly awakened circuits didn't held hope and no one interested in experimenting on "trash" because i didn't have the family trait(Something about usage of curses) so they just let me be for now and focused on my brother but they allowed me access to library and such at least the common knowledge parts of it, not the family section, i also don't have anyone to teach me personally this would normally put someone in danger since one wrong move can blow you up, magecraft isn't a joke.

By the way, on record i have 20 normal quality circuits this is pretty average, while i can count 75 myself but i don't know about their quality but it appears i will have a decent Od reserves (What was it Od goes through circuits refined to become prana and prana used for magecraft sheesh talk about overcomplicating), so being the intelligent little child i am, i started to read no one even questioned how did this five year old learn how to speak and did some Tai Chi in my room secretly. It helped with stress in my previous life why not try here by the way, reason i am doing this in secret is because western magi don't like eastern techniques and i don't want to be asked to explain why am i doing something i should have no way of knowing they didn't question being able to read but i am not taking chances, so i have to get to Ki in secret if it's anything like Ki(Qi?) in DxD it's going to take me quite a long time. Unfortunately Akasha didn't specify a way to use Life Force differently.


Because of the fact that Magi Families being isolated and not really caring of the modern world, we weren't really close to society and the norms that's being taught to us(me) by the maids(Artificial) are from the times of old seriously the book on manners i read was written in 18th century .

I don't even want to talk about clothing so many layers what am i an onion! even my clothing has 3 layers and i am that guy in the family that only gets food and shelter.

By the way i am a Avarage One with Hollow element(SPACE!) as well, wait does that count as an element or sorcery trait ? huh gotta look that up later. (My family only know the earth element)

Ahem anyway the first 3 years of my life here mostly spent in the library, i was able to add them into the library in my soul and allowed my research skill to rampage, those chibi versions of me was only able to research into Tai Chi i was doing in these 3 years, they basically redesigned the whole style created more forms based on how my od and prana reacted and created a practice that allowed me to achieve that "Walking and Breathing" thing that syncs you up(Lesser source/Od) with mana of the world(Great source) and raises my magecraft quality, now that they have more food *cough* books my chibi versions can finally stop being depressed.

Anyway after i let my chibi researchers do their thing i returned to my room, the research is kinda like those mental spells from Atlas but even better, part of my head is researching the books to their last letter understanding the mysteries they contain and improve them even in my sleep, i already mastered all the basics in 3 years showing my genius(Cheats) but i only showed them reinforcement and gradation air that's enough for my family to not be suspicious after all maids said my brother took a year to master those two spells.

I started to think while doing the moves for the "Tai Chi: Remastered", while one might think that "Why should i hide from my own family" the fact that i never seen my mother or brother speaks differently.

There's no emotion allowed for a magus, people like Kiritsugu, Kariya or Shirou are rare occasions(Yes, even Kiritsugu was emotional) but that's mostly for plot reasons even if people have emotions, they won't even show it to their children, who can know they wouldn't back stab you, even a heir of a well off family might kill their parents for power, only assurance in this world is geis contracts and self geis that acts as guarantee.

I sighed as i finished my move set and got ready for my visitor, my purification allows me to sense things that are "impure" and that's basically gives me a way to locate bad people(Most likely Dead Apostles will be like beacons) since the minimum requirement is murder, i doubt it would work on actually good people whether they have killed or not but amongst the magus there wouldn't be much of a difference in sensing but i don't really on this, seeing that it's not a constant radar type of thing.


Hearing the door open i greeted my visitor.

Chris: Good day father.

My father Edward Evans is a rather sinister man, i would know since he reeks of it or maybe it's because of the family trait don't know, don't care, the only reason he didn't get rid of me is because of his pride after all why keep the "trash" in the house ?

Edward: Sit and sign this after that get out of this house you're going on a boarding school amongst "humans".

Oh yeah my would be dad despises non magi populace, he has this idea how magus is different from humans(he likes to preach), he threw me an contract that has the sign of our magic crest meaning he's making the contract based on our family crest so no other family heads after him can renounce it, they are finally expelling me from the house huh, i was expecting it but not this early i am 8 you know that right.

Looking over the contract it basically says that, i am able to keep the surname but won't be benefiting from the family resources the only thing i am receiving is the recommendation to Clock Tower without exams and it states that Evans family is not to be responsible of "Whatever actions i take" so that if i offend someone they won't be hold accountable but it also means that if i did some legendary feat they won't benefit from it, including magi patents hahaha.

Without showing a emotion on my childish face which no doubt looked creepy, i signed the paper and gave it back to him, this is my road to freedom even if its early how can i reject it, well not that i would have a choice but you get the idea.

Edward: *sigh* you don't even have value as experiment this way at least family is safe, you shall go to Clock Tower once you graduate from school then never return i'll let the wolves there devour you.

After saying his part in a over dramatic way my would be father left, geez no wonder most magi are psychos with families like this it's hard to keep your sanity.


The boarding school that i was to be sent is actually a respectful school in all England even the royalty sends their children here and i am here on my exile, god i thought HP wizards had no common sense.

School itself wasn't anything that would awe me it's a prestigious school but doesn't compare to 2020, i mean it's 1913 one year away from WW1 there's only a glimpse of the modern world i know, with the WW1 on the horizon you can feel the tension in the air as if the world knows what's coming wait it technically does, huh food for thought.

Anyway i am going to stay here while practicing my magecraft and wait for research to squeeze the books i read until they are dry since there's 16 years age limit on Clock Tower i am here for the next 8 years.


Now that i have a semblance of normal routine i can finally analyze how prana reacts with flesh body. You see our mana or prana however you want to call is not something natural so it places a burden on our bodies to refine Od into prana mainly overheating and can be detrimental if you want to do some heavy stuff like Zelretch's injuries from fighting Crimson Moon, this can be circumvented by having stronger bodies that are more durable like the times from age of gods, i am not sure but i guess even a farmer from there would be powerful in our age, since their bodies had to be durable enough to not to explode from the natural mana in the air but no matter how durable your body is it will not get used to prana flowing through your flesh, unless you have a Mana Core in your body like Artoria that's basically a prana factory but i do not possess such a core but can it be created. That's what i am trying to find out but only answer i can come up with is, yes but i have no idea how.

I have a theory, one that i come up with due to cultivation novels, see there are three points in the body that can store and utilize energy mainly called dantian and the middle dantian is located at the heart and most novels middle dantian stores and produces more refined form of Qi that you can't access before your body is durable enough otherwise your body will combust, it's worth a try but to open that up one must open and saturate the lower dantian and i don't even have access to Qi just my Od/prana and i don't want to experiment on my own body, for now this idea will be shelved i can look into it in the Clock Tower.

Most of my research is going to focus on eastern lore and religion since i know you can become a God/Demon like being through Way Of Buddha but i don't think it will suit me.


Well there goes my semblance of normality, i figured that school like this would be mostly be unaffected from war but i was wrong, well the early years of the war was fine but now most of the students went back home when i say most i mean everyone apart me, yeah but since my family paid in advance they can't just throw me out even then i can't stay here and told to go back my non existent home, but i allowed myself to stay in with liberal use of memory alteration and set up a bounded field around my room that makes people stay away, old servants still live in the school perimeter i can just slip some money that i permanently borrowed from the headmaster's own funds to cover my tracks.

Although i am stealing and acting like people are just tools what do you expect for a 10 year old to do child's gotta eat.
