

I entered the hotel room with Ender. The room was identical to the room I stayed in before. A bedroom with a small living area and a bathroom. In the living area, on a coffee table, there was something I tried not to look at but couldn't take my eyes away. Something I thought I lost.

''Consider yourself at home,'' Ender said. He took off his jacket and threw it on the bed. I put the fox fur and leather bag on an armchair next to the coffee table. The room was too warm to be in fur.

Pointing the rabbit vibrator, ''Umm... what is that?'' I asked.

''Oh,'' he looked at the where I'm pointing. ''It's just a clue, don't mind it. Are you hungry?'' He pointed to the menu on the table I had not seen before, as I was focusing on the vibrator. ''Room service doesn't deliver after midnight. Better hurry.''

When I saw the food pictures on the menu, I realized how hungry I was. How I hadn't realized before? I couldn't even remember when the last time I ate real food. ''Satisfying lust hunger suppresses other hunger. But if you want some fat, you have to eat properly,'' the fox said, appearing on the table.

''Order hamburger and fries, don't forget to work out,'' it said.

Ender sat down on one of the armchairs and wrote what we ordered on the central communication talisman on the menu. It was a cheap talisman that only worked short distances, still, it was useful.

''Does your pet decide what to eat?''

Before I could answer, ''Of course. I'm her personal trainer. Without me,'' the fox appeared in the air right next to my hips, ''How would she have these?'' Blushing, I turned off the energy flow that allowed the fox to maintain its physical existence. Somehow, it appeared on Ender's armchair again.

Patting the fox's head, ''How did you two meet?'' he asked.

''I am the guardian of a precious inheritance. That mean girl faced death to get me,'' the fox said.

''Lies, lies, lies,'' I sat on the other armchair, on which I put my bag and fur. ''That annoying fox won't let me go no matter what I did.''

Someone knocked on the door, ''Room service.''

''That was fast,'' Ender got the door.

The fox talked into my mind, ''You need to do something to get this man. A strong ally won't do any harm.''

''I know. But what am I going to do? I can't get in his mind.''

The fox sighed and shook it's head, ''What about the good old way? You have a tempting body. Use it.'' While I'm busy frowning and pondering what to do, Ender put a bowl of salad, burger and fries on the table.

''I didn't order a salad.''

''I did,'' Ender said. When I smelled the french fries, my brain moved from 'should think about what to do' to 'foooooood', so I had no choice but to eat.

''The way to men's hearts is through their stomachs. Offer him food,'' the fox said.

I looked at Ender, who had manners and forked his salad while I was digged into the hamburger. ''Good advice granny. I don't want to share my food.'' When the kept fox staring at me, sighing, ''Want some?'' I asked out loud.

Although his facial expression didn't change, his lip curled slightly, ''Although I appreciate that you offer me back the food I bought for you, I'm a vegetarian.''

Caughing because of a fried potato stuck in my throat, ''Why?'' I asked.

''Why not?''

''You are literally slaughtering people for money but don't you eat meat?''

He wiped his mouth with a napkin and laughed. ''Can't I love animals more than people?'' He took the fox that was wandering around his feet and rubbing its tail on his legs. It was annoying that the fox was more successful at seducing than me.

''You look better now, at least you don't look as pale as before,'' Ender said, touching my hand on the table, ''Still so cold. Use the bath, take a hot shower. Are you sure you're not sick or anything?''

''Ask him to help you in the bathroom,'' the fox said in my mind.

Gulping, I put my elbows on the table and lean forward let him take a quick glance through the unbuttoned collar. In that moment, I knew I looked beautiful. My skin was soft and smooth thanks to my evolving cells and the skincare that the fox forced me to use every day.

My face hadn't changed significantly, it was still me. But my eyes were brighter, my nose was more pointy. I sent my sweetest smile to Ender. ''Would you like to come to the bathroom with me?''

''No, thanks. I've got to make a few calls, go first.''

Half an hour later, I was busy feeling embarrassed in the bathtub. ''I'll never look at his face again. My life is over. Is it such a feeling to be rejected?''

''Are you going to give up this easy?'' the fox said.

''Aren't men suppose to chase women? I don't know how to do this. What am I going to do, buy flowers? He just doesn't want me.''

''Don't be so pathetic. His body wants you, I can feel it.''

Next Chapter: Persuade Him

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