
Where All Hell Begins

The five of them look around the room making sure nothing's suspicious in the room.

"Seems like the Professor had everything all prepared up for us." Said Dustin.

"Can't be sure of things now since the Professor did make us aware of the bigger picture." Said Winston.

"Well then let's watch this video tape then." Said Ophelia holding the VHS Tape.

"I'm surprised you know what VHS Tapes are Ophelia for a on trend gal like you." Said Leon.

"Hey VHS Tapes are very amazing forms of media you don't get that authentic retro effects on just software edits using them is much better for retro photoshoots ya know." Said Ophelia as she is quite familiar with retro tech quite surprising to be frank.

As the VHS player begins to unwind the tape everyone takes a chair or a place to sit on to watch the film.

"Hello my students. Quite surprising that you finished reading that letter now this is the second part of my past where you learn where the hell I came from and what hell I've gone through to where we now are. Let's begin then."

September 7, 1999 the day I was born on a forest camp in Germany. It wasn't a daycare camp nor was a normal camp at all. It was a factory to say the least. My early childhood was very vague I grew up as a toddler on a contained space only giving what is essential for any child to grow up to. I was named Vaughn because of my small stature among all children.

They thought I was a lost cause. A mistake for their plans to make a perfect soldier. By the time I learned to walk at the age of 3 things started to go differently. We were given shows, videos, and movies filled with Violence and immense horror. This is everyday, 365 days, 12 hours a day. That was stage one of my conditioning.

The videos consisting of wars, executions, people fighting, shooting each other filled with murder violence and everything horrible you could think off during that time. Until I reached the age of 5 we were immediately thrown into physical training.

"Vaughn its your turn against Kevin here." Said the instructor.

We often had to fight each other to test our physical strength. Luckily despite my small stature I was strong enough to take down a lot of my peers without any problems. I was getting a lot of attention from that because of my underwhelming size I could take down kids 2 years older than me without any hitches.

"Vaughn are you some kind of freak or something? Because you keep kicking the asses of my students and they don't like it." Said one of the older instructors there.

Because of that I often get punished for being too good until he arrived when I was midway training. His name was Joseph and he was the head of Black Forest Company. He was the big dog of the entire operation our boss basically most kids call him God even.

A lot of kids want me dead they tried so hard to kill me at any point of time when it was sparring time but all failed. This is just the gist of what is coming up next. The story of my life is gonna be a long one kids. Prepare to pause and stop if you want pausing for a while after watching this man talk for hours on end is gonna be taxing on you kids especially mentally.

Better rest if you can midway. I'll place upon pauses in each tape for you kids to pause and discuss the things you learnt from my past there will be at least 2 per tape which this story of mine stretches by 4 tapes. And each one of them is very long on their own. So then let's begin on the very start of my hell ridden life.

September 7, 1999...

I still remember my mother's face well... Let's just say she was just an employee to provide children for us to be born she was merely fulfilling her duty. Her face was pale, emotionless from the looks of her she had gone through 5-6 pregnancies already and I'm her 7th child.

Because of that she was disregarded as my mother. And I was encapsulated in a incubator immediately to prevent me from having connections with my mother that will hinder my performance in the field. Do not know why that would hinder me but that of course was just an insurance that no one would rebel against the factory by saving their mothers.

So a lot of us were basically siblings or some what related at least but that was just where the relationship is. Most of us see each other as nuisances or rivals for our survival. Often picked on because of my size, this was before I took control of the physical test course's record by a whopping 3 seconds faster than a kid 3 years older than me.

What's worst most of our training dummies were dead soldiers revived as experienced dummies where we don't need to be worried about killing the instructor as they are already dead. Out of the 13 kids within my class I was the only one who can take down 5 necroders, a term we call those dead soldiers. What's surprising those dead soldiers are enhanced so they were surprised I could take down at least 5 of them.

So in this video tape collection of mine I will be taking you all to a journey on how I became the worlds most notorious and famed arms dealer, warmonger, child soldier, and professor of chemistry Vaughn Killford callsign Killjoy. The sole man responsible for the world's personal wars, and its peace at the same time.

My memories of me before I was 5 was very vague and most of it was just me in a box watching all horrors that media could provide at the time. So now sit back and prepare to question each other this is gonna be one helluva info dump to everyone.

The kids sat down at the hotel and began binge watching the history of their very own Professor on how he influenced the world and how the peace was once of his involvement into making and forming the now world they know. Did you like the new chapter? A comment or review is appreciated.

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