
Chapter 15

Waking the sleeping beauty went about as well as you could expect. After a lot of crying (if a flying death machine could produce tears), yelling, and destroying the entertaining room they were in, Ziyun had finally calmed down. They had updated her on the situation and their inability to do anything but humiliate the body snatchers.

Shen Yue had also explained that it was likely that Nie Li was also a body thief, as the techniques they were training and soul items he pillaged, were not of this world. He also instructed his women that they were to throw attention towards Su Qiang as the masked owner of the three dominant powers in Glory City. Shen Yue must not be outed as the real master, or they will come looking for their items and revenge. The Deity would not protect them as He did 'Nie Li' and 'Ye Ziyun'.

"The Diety made it sound like some sort of training or game. The fact that I was able to handicap them, without the Deity outing me, proves He only cares about the end result, whatever that is. I think He is using us like a whetstone to sharpen and train them, but as long as we don't go too far, we can have our revenge. We just have to be creative about it." Shen Yue explained, doing his best to get them thinking in the right direction.

"But what about my body? Surely my parents will realise something is wrong?" Reasoned Ziyun.

"I'm afraid not, the Deity said he tweaked this world, so everyone but us will believe nothing is wrong. That 'Ye Ziyun' is just a moody teenager, prone to changing her mind! But we will still try to prove it. The question is though, what to do if we can't? How far should we act on the families that the imposters inhabit?" Announced Shen Yue, already a plan formulating.

"Hmph, if they don't see me as Family then they can expect the same!" Ziyun pouted cutely, well as much as an automaton created purely for destruction could.

"Now Ziyun, remember that it is the fault of the Deity. To be able to extinguish souls and alter an entire City's thoughts is not really something we can fight. Your parents are victims too." Shen Yue tried to comfort her.

"Well, they can forgive me when they realise I am their real daughter. I'm not going to let that bitch use my money and resources!" She argued, it seems having your body stolen diminishes your mercy.

"Ok, so politically we will move against the Snow Wind and Heavenly Marks Families, but will not kill them off. Ziyun, if we can't prove your situation, then you will have to hide, as Soul Puppets are seen as an evil practice. I think you should help Su Qiang with the Brotherhood until we can get your body back." Before Ziyun could argue a maid came in.

"Young master, there is a party from the Winged Dragon Family here, they are being rather forceful in their requests for the return of Xiao Ning'er."

"Show them here, we will see if they need to be destroyed by their actions. Ziyun, hide in my bedroom until they leave, we can't have your existence leaked." Shen Yue ordered with a no-nonsense tone of voice.

Ning'er was shocked! She had just heard her Family's fate would be decided by Shen Yue! "Shen Yue, you can't destroy my Family, even if they are mostly trash, my father still cares for me!" Pleaded Ning'er.

"Don't worry Ning'er, I own fifty-five percent of the property your Family sold off a few years ago, their value has only increased with the upgrades they received. We can just have your father start a new clan with that property." Shen Yue threw out a domineering reply like it was a done deal, today had not left him in a forgiving mood.

Ning'er could only hope that the people from her Family acted with respect. As Ziyun flew out one door, the Winged Dragon group entered the other. Leading the group was Xiao Yi, the elder seeking to take the patriarch seat and driving force behind Ning'er's troubles.

"What are you doing out of school and in another man's house? Have you no shame? You are engaged to Shen Fei, not his brother!" Yelled the elder as soon as he laid eyes on Xiao Ning'er.

Shen Yue's face immediately darkened, and his eyes flashed with menace. "Whose house do you think you are in? You do not even greet the owner of the place you burst into?"

"You are just a child with money, if the City Lord didn't protect you, your 'Family' would have already yielded to the Sacred Family!" Xiao Yi sneered.

"Break his arms and legs. Then throw him out in the street, it seems the Winged Dragon Family want a war. If any resist, cripple their cultivation." Shen Yue did not bother dragging this farce out, disrespecting him in his own house was grounds for death, he was already being lenient.

Xiao Yi's guards only saw untrained servants when the maids moved to attack their master. Shen Yue's commands had already angered them, so they thought to show these girls their place. Sadly, their 'place' appeared to be standing over the crippled bodies of the Winged Dragon people.

Watching the group of idiots being dragged out the door, Shen Yue told Ning'er not to bother returning home. He then had Mei set in motion plans that would financially ruin the Winged Dragon Family.

Seeing this Xiao Ning'er could only sigh. After her Family had betrayed her with the engagement to Shen Fei, she had lost all respect for them. If not for her father, she would have left as soon as she had the strength to support herself anyway, now seemed as good a time as ever. She would have to write her father a letter, explaining that it was better to hand the Family over and join her here.

Twenty minutes later, the maid they had left behind to ensure the success of their plan returned. It went even better than Shen Yue had hoped. Waking Ye Ziyun first as she would have no resistance against the aphrodisiac had proven the correct choice

Nie Li had awakened to a naked and incredibly aroused Ye Ziyun grinding on him, kissing him as if trying to extract his soul. His own body was stimulated, and he could feel the effect of a powerful aphrodisiac. But having the woman he worshipped more than life itself inserting his manhood into herself and kissing him passionately, was all it took to erode his resistance to the drug.

When the search party from the school found them five minutes later, they found only a beast with two backs. They did not even react to the startled shouts of the school teachers and had to be knocked unconscious, their bodies covered in sinful fluids, hidden from the watching students.

An order to forget what they just witnessed was quickly issued. But seeing the children with broad smiles and sporting bulges in their pants, the teachers could only shake their heads, it was unlikely to happen. This was the worst scandal the Holy Orchid Institute had ever experienced, the Principle and City Lord would not be pleased.

Shen Yue, on the other hand, was cackling madly in glee! Nie Li didn't even get to finish! The poor bastard would only be able to look at Ye Ziyun and not touch!

Ziyun was not as impressed as he was, it was her body and reputation! She knew that Shen Yue had no hope of recovering her body, and that was why he made this plan, but it still infuriated her! Her reputation would be destroyed! Who would ever do such a thing with a red-headed farmer! She could only hope Shen Yue's assurances that she would have a new body turned out to be true.

"Mei, have this information spread in all our inns anonymously, and also put a positive spin on our reason for war with Ning'er's Family. Tomorrow I want the entire City talking about the impure jezebel and Ning'er the Saint, betrayed by her Family and joining the Runaway Prince." Said Shen Yue when he finally controlled his laughter.

"Of course young master." Su Mei dutifully replied.

Seeing Ziyun upset, he could only reassure her once again. Now that he had Nie Li's memories he would be able to upgrade her soul container, allowing her to absorb energy from heaven and earth to strengthen her soul.

It would be a completely different way to cultivate, but he was sure that armed with a massive amount of information to build off, his library could extrapolate a technique to nourish the soul, without the need of a body.

With today's matters finally settled, it was time to create some ultimate skills. Shen Yue mentally compiled a list of skills he would need.

- Upgraded inscription for the soul container on Ziyun's puppet.

- Ziyun's Soul Cultivation.

- A slave inscription for inner circle members, linking them to his soul.

- A central seal stone or focus to do away with thousands of individual stones. Also, subordinate seal stones connected to the primary seal that could monitor and add slaves.

- A concealing technique for realm level and from divination.

- The ultimate cultivation technique he had spent thirteen years waiting for.

These six techniques would take the rest of the night to create. Shen Yue didn't aspire to simply assemble numerous defective manuals and compile a flawless cultivation manual.

No, he wanted to use enhanced manuals to form the ultimate technique. Shen Yue could not tolerate missing a crucial piece, that might possibly disrupt his cultivation at higher levels. He would also need it to be able to assimilate new techniques that will be discovered in different worlds.

The first option would still guarantee him a badass technique with less effort, but Shen Yue had tortured himself with thirteen years of waiting, he would not settle for anything less than ultimate!