
Deutsch class

Every time, when the clock strikes 5 pm, she got overjoyed not only by the German class notes but also by the teacher who taught German. Deutsch was the link language between the hindi speaking lady teacher and the student Sara.

There was a separate class going between them. For the teacher, she was the only bright student who respond to her instantly. For sara, the teacher resembles her mom who was also a teacher in a far away primary school.

She missed her mom like a kitten waiting for the mom cat for comfort. As her studies demanded their separation she was focusing on her life skills. Since she loved technology, she was drawn towards German class.

The day arrived, ie the last day of the course. Sara scored first marks in university yet felt sad because she could no longer meet her teacher mom. The void inside her heart can't be equated with vacuum.

As days passed, she convinced herself and moved on. The touch of german notes gave her the scent of the German teacher ...for her she was her second mom.