
Chapter 2

Mike's living close to my house

It was Saturday morning, the birds were chirping and the sun was rising. I woke up, and did my morning devotion as usual with my mum and siblings. Immediately after the devotion, my mom sent me on an errand.

She wanted me to get something from a woman who's house is down the street...

'mum I'm really tired I can't fathom what's wrong with me'. I revealed to mum..

'Nne it's just down the street just help me' mum said pleadingly..I willingly accepted and went to get the stuff.

As I walked down the street, close to Mrs Lucille's home, I saw Mike, my seat mate..

I quietly bent my head a little so he couldn't see me. Mike just passed as if he didn't see a human talk more of me..thank God he didn't see me I muttered under my breath. But deep down, I felt hurt a bit...

I did exactly what my mum said And returned home shortly afterwards with the stuff. Mum was very happy with me.

I'm so so close to my mom... She's like my world.. her encouragements and advice is so priceless to me..

"Mum can I help you cook"? I asked my mom. My mom accepted my offer and off to the kitchen, I went..

To be candid, "I really don't help my mom cook". It's gist all the way.

My mom is a woman with a kind heart. I wonder why she married a person like my dad..well..to be candid, if not for the marriage, I wouldn't have been born. I have never summoned courage to ask her how she met my dad and how it all happened.. But today, I've decided to summon courage and to ask her...

We were cooking fried rice.. using my grandma's recipe..

I made sure I arranged everything needed for the food preparation so when she enters the kitchen, she'll do everything at ease...

"Mummy I'm done arranging the ingredients for the food"...

My mum quickly came to the kitchen and I waited for her to settle down before I release the bomb..

Mom how did you meet dad.. how did you guys date didn't you know that dad is abusive before you married him????

My mom was shocked at my questions... Maybe she never expected it and so she never saw it coming. She just sat down astonished..tears coming out of her eyes..

I regretted asking her that question because she's crying...I hated seeing my mom cry because it reminded me of my dad beating her.

When my mom sensed that I was feeling uncomfortable, she quickly wiped her tears and started her narration.

"Nne" she began her love story.

"Love is like a lightening that strikes a person.. that person will start behaving abnormally, it's just like a mental abnormality. when you are in love, you overlook your lovers faults... That's exactly what happened to me when I was in love with your dad. I met him at church. Our families have been family friends and it was natural that we fell in love. We were friends too and I never saw his abusive side before...he was always loving and funny... many men made advances at me but I rebuffed them..I felt that your dad is my soulmate. My friends warned me but I felt they were jealous. Of course his parents and my parents approved of our relationship and we started dating. That was the happiest period of my life.

Your dad proposed to me on my birthday". My mum was smiling when speaking and deep down, I knew my mom still loved my dad. She paused for few seconds and continued. "Days before my birthday, he pretended to be offended by words and I felt that my 21st birthday is going to be the worse birthday of my life since he was upset by my words. On my birthday, I went on my normal life... my parents didn't wish me a happy birthday unlike my other birthdays...

In the evening, I came back from work feeling exhausted. As I opened the door at home, I saw many people at home and everyone shouted, surprise!! .It was indeed a surprise to me. That explained why everyone was acting weird.

I searched for your dad and I couldn't see him. All of a sudden, the lights went off and on again..this time, it didn't show on everyone, but it was focused on christian your dad. He was dressed smartly. He wore a suit and was looking really handsome. Suddenly he was walking towards my direction. I was glad he came but I never expected him to be the center of attraction. He came closer to me and started saying nice and romantic words to me. I was pleasantly surprised and as if that was not enough, he knelt down and brought out a ring box from his pocket and opened it. Oooh no it was coming faster than expected and christian asked for my hand in marriage.. I was overwhelmed with surprise and I fainted. That was how the party ended. The next day, I found myself on my bed with christian beside me he was holding my hands and I knew he didn't sleep through out the night because of his puffed eyes... I always called your dad boyfriend. Boyfriend were you here through out the night. I asked as if I was interrogating him. I tried seating up but he carried me from the bed and put me on his laps...he carried me like a baby and I laid on his chest..

"Do you know how worried I was I can't afford to loose you. You are my life...babe please don't stress yourself so much next time okay" christian whispered gently as he caressed my cheeks. I wanted to retaliate but he just said" shhh" and my heart melted. We stayed like that for an hour and he brought out the ring from the box and reproposed to me and I accepted the marriage proposal.