
How I end up married to Him (Chapter 7)


As morning came, the sun has been so high up in the sky. The light went through the window.

‘’Ugh, come on, somebody still want to sleep, close the goddamn curtains!’’ Louise rumbled on in her still unclear mind, trying to get as close to her pillow as possible.

‘’Do I smell that good that you can’t get enough of me?’’ Brain asked her, she suddenly woke up from her sleepy haze.

‘’Oh, sorry Mr. I thought it was my pillow. No wonder it smelt so good. Did you open the curtains?’’ she asked shyly.

‘’Get up now muffin, we have a long day ahead. We goin to your town, remember? Better get ready.’’

‘’Ahan. By the way, Andrew and Fritz already here or what? We can all go together and enjoy the beach at home.

‘’Yes, I guess that was about 30 minutes ago. You were still asleep so I just let you be. I guess you need to prepare muffin.’’

An hour later…

‘’Fritz! Andrew! For God’s sake hurry up, we don’t want to get there at 5 in the afternoon now, do we?’’ Louise shouted at them while getting into the frontseat with Brain.

‘’Alright, alright, were coming.’’ Fritz replied back and hurriedly went out the door with Andrew when her purse fell. She then was about to pick it up and so was Andrew, and then their foreheads smacked. Like real hard you could cry popcorns.

‘’I-uhh,… sorry’’ they both said to each other.

‘’Seriously? I think I smell something fishy, don’t you think Brain?’’ raising her brows, she turned to the two which were making their way towards the car.

‘’So what if there is something fishy? You can’t blame them now, can you?’’ he replied, winking at her.

‘’You think so? Well, they’re both adults! They can handle their own problem. They’re both unmarried anyways. I don’t really mind.’’ She said lowly.

‘’Sorry, for taking soo long.’’ Andrew explained while getting in.

‘’Oh, don’t give me that look, sister. Look I’m sorry, Okay? I know you hated waiting. Blame your friend here’’ she explained and looked away.

Louise just rolled her eyes, ‘’Save your explanations later as it is getting really late. Mom has been waiting for us.’’ She glared at the two and look back on the road.

The two just sighed in relief. They thought they will be robbed off with explanations.

‘’Oh, don’t be so relieved just yet. You still owe me an explanation’’ she raised her brows at them.

Brain just laughed inwardly. Spell A-w-k-w-a-r-d… an awkward silence. Its making everyone feel as though it was a 5 hours ride instead of just an hour ride.

‘’Were finally here!’’ Louise said excitedly and got out of the car and so was everyone.

‘’Ma!’’ she hurriedly went to hug her.

‘’You’re finally here. And who might this be?’’ Mrs. Demirci asked.

‘’Oh, I want you to meet Brain Kee Chong, the one I told you about. Brain, my mom. And this is Andrew O’reilly. Remember the workmate I told you about? Andrew, meet mom’’ Louise introduced.

‘’It’s a pleasure meeting you, Ms.Demirci.’’ Brain said and smiled sincerely.

‘’It’s really good to finally meet you in person, Ma’am’’ Andrew greeted her.

‘’Oh, so much with the introduction, come on in, lunch has been served. Fritz and Louise, do be soo kind to guide our guests.’’

‘’Yes mom’’ they both replied.

‘’Hey dad, how have you been?’’ Louise took his hand and put it in her forehead as a sign of respect.

‘’Well, you’ve grown up soo well my daughter. And Is he your-‘’

‘’Good day Sir. Its good to finally meet you.’’ Brain said and bowed his head at him.

‘’What’s your name boy?’’ Mr. Demirci asked with eyes glaring at Brain you’d think he’s furious.

‘’I-uhm, the name’s Brain Kee Chong Sir.’’ Brain replied, color drained away from his face.

‘’Louise, take a hold of your boyfriend, he’s collapsing!’’ He said and laughed out loud.

‘’Dad, you scared the shit out of him!’’ she retorted back.

‘’Welcome home boy. And no I wasn’t mad. You too Andrew’’ he said, turning to look at Andrew.

‘’It’s good to see you Sir’’ Andrew replied and smiled sincerely.

‘’Wait, you’ve met each other?’’ Fritz asked, confused.

‘’Oh, I forgot to tell you that they have met during Mom and Dad’s vacation last year?’’ Louise explained to her sister.

‘’Ughhhh this is sooo embarrassing.’’ Fritz said and was about to get up with cheeks blushing…

‘’Well? You do have some explaining to do now, do you Mr. O’reilly.?’’

‘’I, well, I actually wanted to ask for your daughter’s hand Sir. I know it was a bit fast-‘’

‘’What do you mean ask for my hand, Andrew?! Are you insane?’’ Fritz stood up and glared at him.

‘’Sit down, Fritz! Well, I don’t see why I would refuse your offer boy. But are you sure on this?’’ he inquired

‘’But dad?! Aren’t you going to ask me?’’ Fritz complained.

‘’Oh come on now, Fritz, don’t give me that look.’’ Their mom said.

‘’But-‘’ Louise cut her off.

‘’Fritz, I know, I know… But don’t you think it’s about time you settle down?’’ she consoled her sister.

‘’How could you say that? Don’t you see that we’re on the same boat now?’’ Fritz just rolled her eyes.

‘’So, you both are asking for my daughter’s hand? I never thought that times like this would come a little sooner than I thought. What do you say darling?’’ He said raising his brows at his wife.

‘’Hmm. Well they’re both stable enough as they claim to be, darling. So I’d say yes.’’ Mrs.demirci said with a smile.

‘’You heard your mother. Now let’s have lunch as I am really famished. You can discuss your plans after.’’ Mr. demirci announced, and started to eat up.

They have so much to talk about and they didn’t notice it was already time to sleep. Time seems to blur in a rush.

‘’Well girls, Brain, and Andrew, you can head to your rooms now. You’re all adults now, show them your rooms and I don’t want to be hearing noises all night, please?’’ Mrs.demirci raised her brows at the four of them.

‘’Ughhh, really mum?’’ Louise complained but followed otherwise, dragging Brain with her and so was her sister and Andrew.

‘’Well, your room looked really blue.’’ Brain said when they’re in.

‘’Cause I’m blue. And I love blue so much. You can freshen up first if you’d like to.’’

‘’Of course. Thank you. It has been a really long day, it’s a miracle I survived…’’ he said, and laughed.

‘’I’m guessing you haven’t done that sort of thing before?’’ she laughed so hard she could hardly breath.

‘’Oh God, you are making fun of me! Come here!’’ he replied while trying to catch up to her and when he finally did, he hugged her and kissed her cheeks.

‘’There, behave now muffin, will you?’’ he said and winked at her then closed the bathroom door at her face.

‘’You cheater! I’ll get back at you!’’ she shouted at him and laughed.

***end of chapter 7***