
How did I get out of my BODY?!

A chill went down my spine. I couldn't believe my eyes. Someone was in my body. They moved and acted like me, but it wasn't me. I can float, and I'm no longer made of flesh. Who's in my body and... how did I get out? Join Margaret and Merlin on a journey of discovering secrets about their souls, bodies, and many, many lives. This is the best I could do with creating a book cover according to my wishes. I hope you enjoy the story!

Stinky_dinky · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

"Lady Valor? Lady Valor? Are you alright?" The lady next to me asked.

"Hm? Oh yes I am perfectly fine. I just could not help but wonder how this wonderful tea was made." I replied as I gathered myself.

"Oh I was waiting for someone to ask that. Lady Valor you ARE as kind and observant as they say." Hoolagan happily started describing the details of the tea making process and its origins.

"What a wonderful tea with such a rich history. I will definitely tell my husband to get a box," Lady Poodley praised in a backhanded tone. She swerved the conversation like she couldn't care less about the tea. "Before we move on, I would like to ask Lady Valor her thoughts on Lady Menvers' dress."

Everyone turned their heads to me expecting an answer. 'My GOD does Margaret's opinion matter that much?'

"I think that…. That too much of anything isn't good and that one should practice moderation but everyone works in different ways, so if Lady Menvers loves pink and bows then she should continue loving them," I observed the ladies's faces and saw them slightly shift. "However, if there is a dress code or the guest of the party is someone ELSE then it is important to... not stand out so much." I added sweating and thinking hard about picking the right words. Lady Poodley raised her eyebrows unsurprised at my response and turned her head away from me.

"Oh! Yes. I agree with that."

"What you said is absolutely correct."

All the other ladies chimed in and we shifted the topic back to dresses that would look good on Lady Hoolagan.

'This is getting a bit exhausting' I sighed hard. After a long chat about dresses and other stuff, I finally hopped on the carriage and made my way home.

When I reached to my room I threw myself at Holly and gave her a summary of what happened.

"Holly! These people are YOUR friends. You think they won't notice a change in personality? How do I fake being you, I've never known you personally. It's only been one day!" I protested, shaking Crazy Holly.

"I understand, that is why I will be going with you this time," she broke free from my hold "I will be there and if something happens, I will take you away immediately." She stood confidently with a grin.

I grumbled out some random sounds and held my head. "Ughhh my head hurts so much. It started halfway through the dumb teatime. I thought it would go away but it only got stronger as time passed."

"I will get you some tea my Lady, why don't you rest for a while." Crazy Holly spoke like a proper handmaid.

I loosened my corset a bit and laid in a weird position. 'Oof, this bed is so soft. This entire day has been full of surprises and panic.' I glanced at the clock on the bedside. It was so pretty and colorful with its galaxy background and moving shapes. 'Oh wow, I didn't know Margaret had six fingers on one hand. I'm so tired I think I'm sinking'. My eyes became heavy and I fell into the comfort of silence.

"Lady Margaret! Lady Margaret! You need to wake up and prepare for the luncheon." I heard Holly and jerked up wide awake.

"What is the time?" I ask urgently.

"We have half an hour before lunch! Let us prepare." Holly sounded very serious.

"Okay. My tea." I looked back seriously.

"Ah it's cold but- oh ok." I grabbed the cup before she finished her sentence and gulped it down.

I changed to a light green dress, retouched my makeup quickly and hopped back on the carriage with Holly.

"Don't worry alot. Talk about today's teatime but do not express too much emotion. Talk to the other ladies about their day," it was Crazy Holly, she was giving me tips on what to talk about. "Lady Ethel had dinner with her fiance a few days ago and Lady Sarafin enjoys making jam and… you will be fine. They won't call you a crazy wench." She saw me fidgeting and held my hand to comfort me, I smiled at her and nodded.

We went to the back garden of a cafe where I was met with three other ladies.

Lady Sarafin had beautiful brown hair and green eyes with a round face. She sounded so chirpy and had such a joyous aura.

Lady Laboner had blonde hair, black eyes and a small face. She welcomed me with such composure, I got shocked for a second.

Lastly was Lady Ethel, she had black hair with deep purple eyes and a heart shaped face, I thought she was a fairy. She held my hands and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"How have you ladies been?" I asked with my best smile but internally my anxiety got higher, I begged they wouldn't notice a shift in Margaret's body. 'PLEASE. PLEASE BUY MY ACT.'

"We've been well, how was tea with Lady Hoolagan?" Ethel gazed at me charmingly.

"Oh it was nice, Lady Hoolagan is planning on wearing a Transerin-style dress. Lady Poodley was quick to jump in about Lady Menvers's terrible dressing choice and it became a bit of a topic throughout the tea." I was taken in by her charm, Margaret had such enchanting friends.

"Goodness, Lady Poodley should learn to refrain from speaking curtly about people so openly." Lady Laboner spoke with disapproval.

"It will come back to bite her someday. But enough of that, Lady Sarafin, what jam or desserts do you have on sunny days like this?" I curiously smiled at her.

"Apricot jam with cold cream. I tried it last week and cannot stop myself from making more." She gushed.

"Ahhh~ I had cold cream with fruits a few days ago at Bonkorio. Lady Margaret, you must try it." Lady Ethel recommended something too.

"Lately at night, I make a light apple tea and then dollop spoonfuls of cream on it. I fear my mother will come and twist my ears if she finds out." Lady Laboner confessed flatly, looking down at her snack plate.

We looked at her stunned for a few seconds and then we all started giggling.

After a long talk about food a waiter finally came to our table with lunch. I was looking forward to my dish and saw… a meat pudding. 'Oh god. What the f*CK is this?'

I called the waiter disappointed

"Excuse me, you got my meal wrong."

"Mine as well. I ordered a lobster sandwich." This was the first time Lady Laboner had spoken strictly. Her sharp eyes made the worker profusely apologize as he went back to get our dishes.

"Lady Sarafin, you ordered an ambrosia with sherbet. You should start eating it before it melts."

In nobility, you don't eat until everyone has their meals served to them but this was a lunch among friends. I think it's fine if we bend the rules a bit. Just then a few flies came by and started buzzing around us.

"Oh goodness, they always come when food is nearby." Lady Ethel grumbled while she fanned herself and her food to keep the flies away.

"Next time let us eat indoors." Lady Sarafin suggested and we all agreed. While we fanned ourselves a large fly kept buzzing all over me and pushing me to my limits.

'UGH. Buzz OFF. I haven't eaten since breakfast, my head is getting occasionally dizzy and I'm in someone else's body! Please. GET. LOST.' Except it didn't. It buzzed and landed on me again and again when Lady Laboner stood up and was about to ask for a table indoors. But it was too late.


I hit the fly on the table with my bare hands. Lady Ethel stood up appalled while Lady Sarafin gasped horrified "That. Is..."

I was just as shocked as they were at my actions. 'Well shit. And it was getting pretty good.' I slowly turned my head to Holly "If anything big happens or you can't handle it anymore, feign sickness." That was the last thing Holly said before we got off the carriage and so, that's what I did.

I fainted from shock.