
How Did I Get Here?!

With the passing of Huroko Anaki, a man bound by the confines of an incurable terminal illness, the chapter of his human existence seemed to draw to a close. Yet, as his final breath escaped him, an inexplicable twist of fate unfolded: Huroko found himself reincarnated, not as a human, but as a snake. Emerging into this new form, Huroko discovered himself endowed with extraordinary abilities, surpassing the boundaries of mortal limitations. High-tier skills, previously unimaginable, now coursed through his serpentine being. However, amidst this newfound power and the prospect of a fresh beginning, a lingering question loomed: Would Huroko finally find solace and contentment in this unconventional second chance at life?

CH0_H0N · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

Chapter 3

"umm...hello Kian..I'm huruko.."I speaked in a childish voice 'eh my voice is like this?!'

"O oh!your able to speak?that's so cool!"Kian eyes were sparkling,I stared at Kian before asking why he had been beaten up.

"oh..m..my brother dragged me into this forest with a group of his friends and m..my childhood friend..I couldn't defend myself because I..I.I have no skills..hic"Kian started to sob I felt extremely bad for him.

"Nigh how do you obtain skills as a human?"

"Host humans can't obtain skills by consuming monsters only by killing monsters can they obtain skills but these skills are not from the monsters they are from the grace of the gods.there are different categories for humans only the humans can pick their categories unlike humans host only can evolve down one path."

"oh okay thanks" I answered nigh

"Umm..Kian why not let's go on a adventure!"I bopped my head against his head hard,"huh? adventure but I have no skills..."

"It's okay I'll help you obtain skills!"

"R.really! you'll do that for me?"Kian looked at the snake on his arm and gladly nodded his head.

"Where should we go? should we go to your parents and tell them we're going on a adventure?since I think they'll be worried if you don't return any time soon."I glanced at Kian before a second later he lowered his head it seemed like he was going to cry again but why?

"H.hey what's wrong..?"I questioned I was really worried what was wrong now?

Kian lifted his head towards me with a awkward smile and said"my parents don't really like me that much so I don't really want to see them..."

I stared at the poor boy who was trying to keep at smile,'it seems like I shouldn't have asked that...'"o.oh!sorry I didn't know that..."I quickly thought of something to change the subject but I suddenly thought of something 'has Kian eaten anything?does the mana stone help with that...you know what it's fine!I'll just ask!'

"Are you hungry Kian ?if you are I'll bring out something for you to eat!"Kian gazed at me before nodding his head,Kian placed me on the greenish grass.

I took out the left over smoked three horn boar from my space-time manipulation skill and it dropped onto the grass it still looked really fresh so I immediately gave the meat to Kian who looked at me in amazement," you'll really let me eat this?!"

"Of course your starving so I should gave you food."

Kian looked at me and smiled broadly,'wah!Kian is so handsome when he grows up he'll be able to swing in some girls'

Kian stared at the meat for a few seconds before taking a bite seeing that he was hungry I noted that mana stones when used don't fill the stomach.

After a few more bites on the boar there was only bones,"Kian are you thirsty?if you are let's go find a nearby lake!"

Kian quietly nodded his head,"does snake know to way to a lake?"

"Of.of course!"I nervously answered before I hurriedly asked nigh "hey Nigh could you gave me the directions to a nearby lake?" After a few seconds of silence nigh answered"Host nigh will now present the directions the the nearest lake.""thank you so much!"

I slithered through the grass and followed Nigh's direction while Kian got up from the ground and followed along.

After about maybe ten minutes of slithering around the grass I finally saw the enormous beautiful lake in the forest,'woah!it's so big!'

I slithered forward I siped some of the lake water and felt refreshed,Kian who was following along finally arrived he saw the enormous beautiful lake and walked towards me got down near the lake them also drank some of the water after only drinking a few sips he picked me up and placed me on his shoulder I wrapped my body around his arm before laying down my head on his shoulder.

"Where should we go?"Kian asked in a low voice.

"Kian,is it alright to explore the village? I've been wanting to look at it but doesn't your family stay in that village if we go there he might cause trouble for you..."my voice got lower and lower I really wanted to check out the village but it might cause Kian trouble since I'm a snake and his family stays there...

"I.its alright!since..since my parents usually don't go out that much and my brother usually only goes to the academy but sometimes he hangs out with his friends..but but it's alright it only so often do they actually go to the town!"Kian akwardly answered.

"If we possibly see them I'll protect you!"I wanted to comfort him since I felt that he was getting extremely nervous but since I'm here they shouldn't be able to cause harm to Kian.

"thanks for comforting me.."Kian looked at me smiling while walking further away from the lake,going to a nearby sign saying 'The goddess graceful tears' below with a arrow pointing straight said 'Acacius's Town',so Kian walked where the arrow was pointing.

When walking around on a path I heard something since I had enhanced senses I could hear it but for Kian who had no skills had no ability to sense anything,I quickly spat out posionous fumes into the bushes,when I heard it fell I knew it was dead so I got off Kian's shoulder and slithered forward to check what it was,when I saw the animal I was shocked it was a deer no to be specific it has the head and torso of a deer but it also has an ox tail on top of its head I could see a beautiful white Lily flower dangling,"nigh what type of deer is this tell me everything."Kian who followed behind me saw the deer hybrid was horrified of what had been following us but I reassured by saying that it was dead but he still stood far away from it,after a long while I finally got the information even though I knew I had a skill which could see information I'd rather ask nigh as it's more specific.

"Host nigh has obtained the information.Its a kirin It is described as a maned creature with the torso of a deer, an ox tail with the hooves of a horse.This species of Kirin is very special as it has a white Lily on its head these white lily's could be used as a herb it's a very precious as it is a life-saving herb able to save a person from having their limbs cut off. has better abilities than the mana stones."after nigh finished I was quite happy that I killed something that was very precious,if I needed money I could ask Kian to help me sell the deer I would keep the white Lily flower for some other uses.

After I separated the flower from the deer hybrid I placed both into my space-time manipulation storage,"Kian!we can go back now!"I talked while smiling from my luck of finding such a precious thing,Kian who had kept a distance from me had already walked to me and a few seconds later he picked me up placed me on the same place nodding his head head in the process.

So we continue on our journey.

Walking for quite some time we finally reached the path I came from,clearly Kian knows what this path is so he continued walking,after walking down the path for about fifteen or more minutes we finally reached the road sign I saw.

"Ah!that ways the town!"I wiggled up my tail to point to the direction of the town,even though I knew Kian could read I still wanted to notify him,but I suddenly heard him say "I'm not able to read probably I have never been taught..."Kian akwardly said to me.

"Oh...I.its fine!I'll teach you how to read and write how about it!"I moved my Head to look eye to eye with Kian.

Kian eyes sparkled before becoming depressed "that.'ll be great but I'm not sure if I'll be able to learn anything since im very stupid and-"before Kian could finish I stopped him from taking with my tail,"What you talking?!your not stupid!how could you say that about yourself?!"I screamed.

Kian who heard it was shocked he looked down to the ground.

I could see him being extremely nervous and confused about what was wrong,"Kian. Nobody's stupid and nobody's perfect,so don't look down on yourself."I stared at him.

He slowly looked up with a small nervous smile "thank you..."I could see that he was still confused but I didn't want to push it for too long so I just told him we should continue going to the village.

He nodded his head and continued on to the village while I went back to my original position.

When we were half way there we met a few adventurers,"Oh!Hey kid!Ive never seen you before haha!"a adventurer in auburn hair with a few leather parts on his body his body build was just I've imagine a adventurer would look like I could also see an axe on his left side.

Kian looked quite scared so I wanted to try to comfort him but a guy in dark brown hair with shining armor who looked extremely young about fifteen to seventeen suddenly placed his hand in between the auburn hair colored adventurer "apologies if he scared you."the dark brown hair bowed his head,"Hey Easton! come on I'm not that scary!"the auburn hair whined.

'Easton... where have I heard that..Wait! isn't it that hero candidate?!how come he appeared here?!"I was very shocked by the appearance of Easton.

"Willen Still can't you see that the kid looks horrified?"Easton spoke and looked back at the willen.

Kian looked terrified even after Easton reassured him that Willen wasn't a bad guy,"hiss!"I slithered forward from Kian shoulder,even if I was scared I couldn't let anything happen to Kian,Easton looked at me in surprised probably because he has never seen a white snake with wings on it back.

"If you dare touch Kian I'll kill you."I spoke when I said these words Easton and Willen were shocked they probably have never seen a snake talk,Kian who was terrified calmed down a bit seeing there was someone with him.

"I.ts okay!I'm fine!"Kian glanced at me to reassure me that everything was alright but I still had my guard up.

Willen was the first one to speak "A talking snake?! I've never seen one before!"he looked closely at me before a second later willen continued "Easton have you ever seen a stalking snake?!"he asked,Easton who already calmed down said "I've never seen one before,hey Kian right where did you get this snake?"he placed his hand on his chin.

Kian who was silent still scared finally spoke up "H..e came up to me and saved me...I don't..dont know where he came from but his my friend!"I looked at him and finally let my guard down placing my head against his chin.

Easton and Willen who saw the interaction was quite surprised they have never seen a monster help somebody,"Since we were heading to the dungeon for a mission we'll have to say goodbye for now maybe if you went to the guild we may be able to meet again."Easton walked away waving his left hand up,"yes! we'll be going now!I hope we'll be able to meet again!"Willen who was following behind also waved his hand towards up.

"Kian since there going we should continue our trip to the town!"

"Yes.. let's continue."


"Wah!were finally here!"I said to Kian,Kian who heard me nodded his head the thing was that Kian who had been walking for so long hadn't even broken a sweat,'is it because of the mana stone?'i questioned myself but I placed it at the back of my mind since I felt that I should bother with it any longer.

The town had multiple people walking from time to time it was pretty crowded.

Kian who was walking with me on his shoulder looked Abit worried but I reassured him it'll be alright,"let's check out that store!"I pointed to the guild."

He looked Abit worried but still followed my words.

To Be Continued...


I'm not going to be able to post the next chapter that fast since I'll be going to China for ten day apologies (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)I typed this in a hurry so I'm not sure if I typed anything wrong I'm sorry.⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.hopefully you enjoyed this!< p>