
How Did I Get Here?!

With the passing of Huroko Anaki, a man bound by the confines of an incurable terminal illness, the chapter of his human existence seemed to draw to a close. Yet, as his final breath escaped him, an inexplicable twist of fate unfolded: Huroko found himself reincarnated, not as a human, but as a snake. Emerging into this new form, Huroko discovered himself endowed with extraordinary abilities, surpassing the boundaries of mortal limitations. High-tier skills, previously unimaginable, now coursed through his serpentine being. However, amidst this newfound power and the prospect of a fresh beginning, a lingering question loomed: Would Huroko finally find solace and contentment in this unconventional second chance at life?

CH0_H0N · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

Chapter 2

I returned back to the cave with Nighs directions.


I finally returned to the cave with the skill,I looked at the crystals illuminating light and started digging it out of the dirt after digging out at least tens of them I started using the skill.

After finishing collect those colorful crystals I wanted to leave the dungeon since I wanted to explore outside rather than being stuck inside this dungeon,"Nigh please tell me the directions out of here."after a minute or so nigh replied.

Following Nighs directions I finally reached a pair of door which was hundreds of my size I looked at the cool designs before asking how to open the large pair of door "Host can use the skill "shape-shifting" the skill enables any creature host has in the mind but host would be unable to use any of the skills of that creature unless host evolves to a greater being."

I nodded my head before transforming into a ant as it is extremely small, entering through the small passage in between the pair of door was extremely easy with how small my size was I was thankful that I had this skill with me since I would be unable to leave without it.

After going through the small passage in between the pair of door what was in front of me was greenery with a path and large trees going far and beyond which was breathtaking.

I loved these kind of sights as I was unable to leave the hospital and having to stay on that damn bed for almost my entire life.

"The sight is incredible!"

After admiring the scenery I returned back into my snake form and slithered down the path.

After about fifteen minutes I reached a road sign with three boards stamped on it and one big board stamp on top of it,the one going to the left said "hunting grounds" the right one said "Acacius Town" the third one was pointing in the direction I came from saying"Mening's Dungeon" I looked at the biggest board and it said "Flairmine Forest"in big letters.

After looking at it I was deciding whether to go to the hunting grounds of the town but I decided in less than a few minutes since I realized that I was a snake a monster if I were to enter the town I would probably be slaughter by the humans in the town I decided to go to the hunting grounds since it was probably where monsters live, slithering away to the hunting grounds.

After a long while I saw a few humans a kilometer away with my enhanced senses walking on the path I was scared that I would be killed so I hurriedly slithered into the bushes nearby, slithering forward in the bushes wasn't very comfortable but it was better than being killed while slithering pass the bushes I could hear talking,"kylo!I heard that there is going to be a selection for a hero I heard there is at least a hundred candidates this time around who do you think is going to be the hero?"after a few seconds I heard another voice answering the question "why do you keep asking but since you insist I answer I think it would definitely be Easton since he is tens of the few otherworlders and the skills he gained surpassed our worlds third hero Gunnar but maybe suzumi since she's also a otherworlder but her skills aren't as high as Easton."

"Do you think-"after listening to some of their conversation they walked out of the reach of my ear I started to continue slithering forward "who is this Easton and suzumi they sounds really cool!"

After Slithering for some time i finally reached my destination I breathe a sigh of relief finally reaching the hunting grounds.

When I reached the hunting grounds I could see several humans around the area which horrified me into hidding into the bushes again,"phew! finally we killed the three horn boar let's return to the guild to get some coins!toyo when we get back help us divide the coins evenly!"the group of people talked among themselves for a few minutes before heading down the path I came from.

"They finally left..."I was finally able to move from the bushes when I was slithering around the hunting grounds I saw the three horn boar which was ten times my size when I was looking at it the boar noticed and started to make deep growls and ran towards me scaring the crap out of me so I quickly used the skill "geo thermokinesis." And enclosed it burning the pig alive after I calmed down I stopped the skill I was using and went to see how the three horn boar was doing only to see it fall to the ground, slithering towards the three horn boar a amazing fragrance entered my nostrils I stared at the smoked boar Infront of me wanting to eat it.

"Nigh enable my taste I want to try this!"I stared deeply at the smoked boar "Host nigh has enable sense of taste." When I heard nigh finished I quickly opened my mouth and bit into the large boar when I bit off a big chunk of the meat from the boar a delicious taste entered my mouth making me wanting to eat more,after a few more bites there was still half of the boar remaining so I use my space-time manipulation skill to contain the remaining of the boar.

After looking around the hunting grounds there was nothing else for me to do there so I slithered deep into the forest.

•••[going into the male leads pov]

In a forest a naive looking boy was being kicked by a group of young men laying on the ground, the young men in the middle started speaking"Kian do you really think your useless self could actually be one of the few hero candidates?Hah!you must be joking!you didn't even get a skill when you got called by the pope! everybody got a skill except for you,why not you become my lap dog?hm!"the naive looking boy looked at the girl with two buns on her head beside the young man and stayed silent,the young man looked at the naive looking boy and started getting mad and kicked the naive looking boy incredibly hard making the boy cough out in pain, the girl with the buns on her head looked at the sorry state of the boy opened and closed her mouth she turned her head,the naive looking boy eyes looked at the girl who wouldn't help him even though they were childhood friends and her crush making him tear up.

After being kicked a few more times the group finally left the naive looking boy alone

"Hic!hic..."the naive boy sat up and place his back on the tree and sobbed,the naive looking boy was called Kian he was unloved by his parents as his brother the young man was always outstanding and outshined him,his parents only gave attention to his brother he thought that he could at least gain a useful skill and gain the attention of his parents but he ended up gaining nothing.The girl beside his brother was his childhood friend and she confess to him but now she didn't even help him making him cry in helplessness,he was dragged by his brother into the forest and left him here to die since his parents didn't care about him they rather have him die in this forest if he were to be even able to find his way back his parents would leave him outside.so Kian just sat near the tree for a few days he was thinking he would starve to death or die of dehydration the wounds on his body was starting to get worse and worse he couldn't move much making him unable to do anything.

Kian looked at the sky and started sobbing "hic..!..hic..it.hurts..so.much.hic...?"He couldn't even lift his arm to wipe the tears away.

•••[back to MC pov maybe both*-*"]

"How long have I've been walking around..."I cried,"Host has been slithering around for the past hour and a half."

"Umm..thanks Nigh.."when I was talking to Nigh I could hear a crying voice in the distance which horrified me,I slithered towards the sobbing noice.

Between the bushes I slithered through before I saw something which horrified me to the bone almost tearing up.


A naive looking boy was sitting against the bark of the tree crying his tears out his eyes were red from so much crying I glanced at the horrific wounds and bruises stain on his skin and the clothes he was wearing looked very old and had sewing patches all over it,he also looked dehydrated and malnourished my eyes almost popped out seeing how terrible he's condition was,he only looked about ten to fifteen years old.

'what did this poor boy did to deserve such a beating...?'

Kian noticed the snake slithering in the bushes its red pair of eyes stared at him deeply like he was a prey,the scales on it was glistening.

"D..do.yo..u.want..to..eat..m.e.?"the poor boy could only spat out the words slowly.

I looked horrified and quickly realize I was not a human being I was a snake...

I slithered towards the boy and shook my small head,"Nigh am I able to heal his injuries?"I questioned "Host has obtained large amounts of mana stone and if host destroys one of the many mana stones host will be able to heal as mana is the energy of the world."

"Thanks nigh!"

I quickly used space-time manipulation to get one of the few mana stones I have I didn't care if the boy saw me using the skill.

Kian's lifeless eyes stared helplessly at the small snake using a skill which was incredibly surprising since only fifty percent of monsters are able to obtain skills and used them right so most monsters do indeed have skills but most are very common the one Infront of him is able to use a skill his never seen before.

Kian glanced at the illuminating light from the mana stone and was incredibly surprised his only heard that these stones are far in the caves, high-tier people like to keep them as jewelry but for commoners it is a different story as these crystals are able to save one's life,he doesn't know how a snake could be able to obtain these mana stones but it seemed very smart when it shook its head.

"Nigh how to activate the mana stone?"

"Host please transfer some of host's mana into the mana stone afterwards proceed to place it on the hand and use the force of the mana host has placed into the mana stone to break it,guide the mana into the body."

After nigh finished explaining I understood most of the concept,I proceeded with caution and the moment when I placed the man stone onto the boys hand I used my mana to forcefully break the mana stone,the mana stone broke so I hurriedly used my mana to sway it into the boys body.

The boys skin looked bright and clean the wounds and bruises had disappeared the face which was dehydrated and malnourished now looked healthy,I sighed with relief in my heart.

Kian looked at himself and teared up,'his life was horrible since the beginning...'

"Thank...you so much!hic!"

I couldn't speak so all I could do was wrap around the boys arm and comfort him by rubbing my head against the boys head.

"My name is Kian...thank you for saving my life!"Kian cried

"Nigh how to obtain the ability to speak?"

"Host is all ready able to talk with the skill 'enhanced senses'"

"R.really?!"I stared dumbfounded,'let me try...'

To Be Continued...


Thank you for reading if you have read it this far tell me if I typed anything wrong sorry if I did I also apologize for not posting it after one week I was lazy to type sorry(⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)I want every chapter I make to at least reach over 2000 words.hopefully you enjoyed it!

Thank you for reading this! o(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)o hopefully you enjoyed it, I'll be typing T/N since I have always typed it in my old novel so I'll be typing T/N from now onwards!

CH0_H0Ncreators' thoughts