
How Can You Call Me a Cheater?

Foo, a bright young man that happens to be a computer genius, who excels in life by taking shortcuts when possible. If life was a game, he would definitely pick the easiest mode. Exams in school? Just read all the books once, and make sure you don’t forget the contents. Looking for a job? Make sure everyone around the boss knows just how perfect you are for the job. Having others bragging about your excellence is more trustworthy and gives plausible deniability. Quiz time? Let me just start my special search engine's voice recognition. Competing in soccer? Aw, how unfortunate, the opposing team 'somehow' got their clothes filled with itch-inducing powder, leading to a walkover. Playing a FPS game? Well, lets just have my own mouse driver software get some headshots while I watch a movie. It’s perfectly legit, as it just speeds up the response time so that it clicks before I even get to the computer. Gambling sites and online casinos? Data-mining, number-crunching and image recognition! By utilizing computer knowledge, solving problems is easy! Some might get jealous, but hey! Just be like me, and use your brains for once! However, in the modern era, the gangsters and other shady businesses are moving their turfs towards the internet and gaming circles. What happens when they realize that Foo was a threat to their profits? Well, no suspense here, they killed him. That’s the end of story... if you are to believe the god that greets him after his death. However, can this story get a fresh new start when Foo somehow ends up in a game-like medieval fantasy world? Or will the lack of modern tools, like his beloved computers or other modern conveniences, cut his story short yet again? ------------------------------ Also, thanks to SageDrunkKitty and Remteldanmarkius for proofreading the synopsis! Any errors still there are their fault! The fact that I might not have listened on them does not automatically make it my fault, okay?

ZombieSpy · Juegos
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92 Chs

Here Be Dragons?

Wiping away his drool, Foo stared disappointingly at the far away horizon.

``Darn! I could swear that it was a dragon! Why did it have to suddenly turn around?``

In many games that he had played before, dragon meat was one of the most sought after delicacies. With their advanced technology that allowed the players to experience everything as if it was real, taste was obviously present.

And the taste of the dragon meat was quite tasty! Foo was drooling just thinking about it. Roasted meat, stewed meat, fried meat, cooked meat...

Yet again, Foo had to wipe away the drool that was gushing out of his mouth. It was such a shame that it run away! He would love to see if dragons tasted as good as in the games...

Maybe another time?

"Hey! Does dragons often come by here?" Foo asked the man beside him that still tried to dodge the matter with cleaning, that he nearly dragged on himself.

"Huh? Dragons? There is no such thing as dragons! They are just legends from the past."

"But what do you call the one that was over there just now?" Foo asked and pointed towards where the dragon disappeared.

It had looked like a typical western dragon, but there might be some problems with the translation; he was using a language now that was completely unknown to him just some days ago.

Although he felt that it was the proper word, it was best to ask, just in case.

Looking in the direction where Foo was pointing, the man answered doubtfully, "There is nothing there?"

"Not now. It was there just some moments ago. It then turned around and went the other way."

"Hmm? I did not see anything, but I highly doubt it was a dragon! If we ignore the fact that it does not exist, they would be really reclusive.

And the ones that travel around the world in legends are often high level threats that kills and destroys everything in sight...

There is no way that such a catastrophe would be interested in our little part of the world. Nothing interesting happens here..."

Impossible to be a dragon? But Foo was quite sure it was one! It might be the simple case with lack of education. If he remembered correctly, the man had indeed not had any proper education, except from what he had learned about being a warrior.

And from the conversation, he could deduce that it was a very long time since a dragon was last sighted. That would unfortunatly mean that it might be quite hard to find another one.

Staring back into the sky again, a longing gaze towards the horizon, Foo started to drool yet again. Dragon meat...

However, after some time his daydreams about hunting and cooking dragons was interrupted.


Congratulations! From a considerably far distance, you have scared a mighty dragon into fainting, by your gluttory alone.

The gods would be awed and the dragons would cover in fear!

* Title [Dragon Gourmet] received! *


[Dragon Gourmet]

A gourmand of draconic meat.

Dragons beware!


The annoyance of being awaken from his enticing daydreams soon shifted towards speechlessness.

``What the heck is this about dragons fainting? You make it sound as if I was so gluttonous that everyone should cover in fear...``

He had not even got to the part where he was actually eating the dragon. And the system was already accusing him of doing it on a regular basis?

Well, he did actually eat dragon meat on a regular basis in the games he had played, but that was just games! But then again, so was those other titles that he gained when he arrived...

But also, this message confirmed that dragons indeed did exist. And that it was indeed a dragon that he just saw. The only thing that confused Foo was why the heck it would faint? It seemed just fine when it took of before.

He was just lost in some daydreams for some seconds while longing for that fot far away in the horizon when this unreasonable message popped up!

And what was up with the title? Did it not effectively warn dragons about his presence? Although he would naturally keep it inactivated, such a powerful being as a dragon should surely still feel something from it?

How was he then supposed to gain some dragon meat? Given the reaction and message from before, it seemed that all dragons would flee if he got to close....

``Ah, you evil system! You deny me of the delicacy known as dragon meat!``

One could imagine his despair at not being able to taste the exquisite top quality food.

But then it suddenly hit Foo. The dragon fainted? He suddenly rubbed his hands with a bright smile that suddenly caused the sun to hide behind some dark clouds.

``Hehehehe, if I sneak up on them stealthily, I might be able to make them faint if I suddenly bring out all power of the title!``

With odd sound that almost sounded like suppressed evil laughter, Foo rubbed his hands with glee. As long as you had a brain, nothing was impossible!

His newfound source of happiness made his smile even brighter. Anyone that was looking at Foo would run as far away as possible. Luckily, the other man was now stunningly studying the black clouds that were suddenly building up in front of the sun.

Startled by a flash and subsequent thunder, he suddenly exclaimed, "This is bad! It seems like the weather suddenly gone bad for some reason!"

Distracted by the piercing voice, Foo dropped his ingenious thoughts about effortlessly slaughtering dragons like fishes on a chopping board.

Accompanied by a soothing wind blowing by, as if breathed out in relief, Foo annoyingly answered, "What? The weather is acting up?"

Frowningly, he looked up in the sky, and saw the dark clouds. Although they had now stopped building up, they did not show any signs of dissipating.

"But the weather was so good a few minutes ago!"

The change of weather was indeed sudden. It was as if some evil villain was plotting his evil plans, or some great threat was arriving.

But it seemed like the clouds stopped in the middle of building up, never reaching the climax. With another lighting strike, the rain started to pour down.

"Darn it! It is impossible to hold the tournament in this weather!" the now drenched man complained.

"There is no bad weather! Just a weak mind!" Foo corrected, "It just makes it a bit more of a challenge."

Although the rain was quite annoying, it was also quite convenient. It would make it harder for those pesky elders to peep on the tournament. It was also highly unlikely that they would catch on to his plans.

And even if they did, they might think that the weather would force him to delay it. During the brief window where they had their guards down, in the case that they were smart enough to put it up in the first place, he could snatch all the students to his section!

And hardship builds character! The students should feel touched that he cares so much about them!

Thinking about how he was going to train the students after this, his laughter rang out in the gloomy weather, accompanied by the sounds of thunder.