
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs

Morgana II

The Town Council held an emergency meeting that I was called to. I wanted to skip it as I had been busy trying to figure out the powers Morgana had given me, but the mention of Alaric having discovered a woman named Amara was looking for Morgana had convinced me otherwise. 


The meeting started out rather boring, just like every other meeting the snooty members had. Until Alaric arrived with an injured John Gilbert. 


Apparently John was the first to discover Amara, who according to Nicole was some sort of anchor, whatever the hell that meant, and one of the first immortals of this world. John had called Alaric in as back up and the two had been caught by a patrol. John was injured and Alaric had to rescue him but not before overhearing a conversation between Amara and a vampire where Amara had described her experiences with Morgana who sent her to this world. 


While the council discussed what that meant I was busy fighting back the shock that came from learning that I wasn't the first person Morgana sent to this world. 


When I got home I recounted the meeting to Nicole who frowned at the mention of Amara being sent to this world. 


"That would mean that she was human when she got sent here."


"Why? I wasn't a human when Morgana sent me here." 


"I'm not sure, what I do know is that Amara's immortality was gained here. That is unless Morgana interfered with that too." 


"I would put it past her. She would have done something like that. Unfortunately we can't ask her, she's currently indisposed."


"We could always just have the Mikaelsons deal with this. We have bigger issues to worry about. Like a psychotic egotistical maniac with way too much power." 


"Myrddin will be dealt with eventually. I still need to learn what powers Morgana passed on to me."


"Where are you so far?" 


"Amelie helped me with my dimensional travel, though I still have to apologize for sending her to some weird place where there's some sort of killer clown." 


"Seriously? She's a powerful vampire and she's scared of clowns?" 


"Point is I'm still learning to access and control my powers."


"What now then?"


"Well… you're still researching what's going on with your body, Amelie is helping me with my powers, that leaves Anna free to move about. I guess we could have her and a few volunteers track down and keep an eye on Amara." 


"We're not gonna let the Mikaelsons deal with her?" 


"We could, but they'd probably just try to kill her."


"You don't want her dead? She seems like a threat." 


"Oh she's most definitely a threat. I just want to learn what she knows about Morgana first." 


"So you're going to have Anna spy on her?"


"For a bit yeah, just to get a general understanding of what she and the Travelers have planned."


"Alright then, do you want me to have Anna come into your office?" 


"I'd appreciate it." Nicole nodded, I gave her a small kiss before she turned around and left my study. 


So far things were moving along quite nicely. If all went according to plan I could have everything wrapped up within the next two months. I felt a poking in my mind, I had never felt this before so it immediately caught my attention. Closing my eyes I took a hold of the tendril that was prodding my mind and followed it. 


What I didn't expect was to find myself in a copy of the Mystic Grill. As far as I was aware I hadn't left my study so this was either in a 'mindscape' of sorts or I was finally losing my damn mind.Looking around I noticed a milkshake and a platter of fries on an empty table. Feeling curious I stole a fry off the plate and bit into it. 


I had been a vampire for centuries now. Over time my taste for human food had become dull and despite being able to eat it, I didn't enjoy it anymore. So when the fry tasted like an actual French Fry complete with grease and salt I stuffed a handful in my mouth and sighed. 


The bell rang as the door swung open. I turned around and came face to face with Morgana who looked at me with mild amusement. I swallowed and glared at her. 


"What the fuck are you doing here isn't this my head?" 


"Nice to see you too, and yes. We are in your head. As to why I'm here, that a longer story." 


"I have the time, so please get to it. And don't beat around the bush." 


"Fine, let's take a seat then. The fries are getting cold." 


I slid into the booth and eyed the plate of fries. I had a theory I wanted to test out and with a simple thought the plate turned into a steak that was still steaming hot. I grinned and dove into the meat. 


"Even if this is all just in my head and this steak isn't real I've still missed the taste so pardon me."


Morgana just smiled and continued to watch me eat. 


"You're making me feel uncomfortable just watching me eat. At least start with explaining what the hell is going on or something." 


She sighed before stealing a piece of meat from my plate and popping it into her mouth. 


"Fine, let's start at the beginning then."


"For fucks sake just get on with it." 


She rolled her eyes at me. "Myrddin and I, we weren't always like this you know." 


I raised an eyebrow at her. "So what happened?"


"Myrddin and I, we were normal mages at one point. Well he was a wizard and I was a witch. But we both were magical." 


"Where is this going Morgana. I have shit I need to resolve."


"Be patient, this is a hard story for me to tell."


I felt a bit guilty, I was being an asshole for no reason. 


"Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind." She glared at me before nodding and continuing her story. 


"We were normal magicals at one point. Back then our names weren't Myrddin and Morgana. It's been so long that we've both forgotten our real names." 


"What happened? What do you mean that's not your real name." 


"Like I said, we were normal magical in the past. I made a bad choice and Myrddin, he followed me out of loyalty. We plotted against the wrong person and cost the life of someone that person held dear." 


"So nothing new…. Go on."


"We didn't know it at the time but that person. He was a god… a real god. Not like the one Myrddin is impersonating. He cursed us. He turned me into what I am with a wave of his hand and when Myrddin tried to help me, the god struck him down." 


"Then how the fuck is he alive to ruin people's lives?" 


"The god also brought him back. But that experience changed him. He… he started believing that he was a god himself. He toyed with our friends for his own entertainment and when our powers grew he began toying with people in other worlds." 


"Wait back up, how did you even travel through worlds?" 


"The girl that got caught in the crossfire was someone who was related to the god. The girl inherited the power to travel through worlds. Myrddin he- he had a vial of her blood. Through some experiments he was able to implant that same power into the both of us as he wanted me to join him in his travels throughout the world. When he lost his mind he began to abuse the power and tore people from their worlds so that he could toy with them. I- I had to stop him so I did the same. I took people from their lives so that they could help me in stopping Myrddin." 


"Yeah thanks for all the help you gave me." I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her. 


"You don't understand. Myrddin, he casts a curse on the people he brings in. He has them form bonds and start families. Then he proceeds to control their minds so that they slaughter all their friends and family. It's all a game to him." 


"What's the difference between you two then? You stole me from my world, did whatever the hell you did to Nicole and shut away my emotions to the point where I did some horrendous things without flinching." 


"What happened to Nicole?" 


"Like you don't know…"


"Seth, I don't. She never crossed into this world with you." 


"What? Then who the hell is in Freya's body." 


Fear squeezed my heart and I felt rage begin to haze my thoughts. Taking a few calming breaths I looked at Morgana and bit out. 


"Freya and Nicole, they're sharing a body now. I don't know if you did this or if the other bastard did but I will find out and whoever is responsible is going to regret screwing with my life." 


"I had no hand in this Seth. Magic, the magic that brought you here and the magic that kept Freya alive works in mysterious ways. The same magic runs through your veins as it does with mine." 


"Really? The 'mysterious ways' excuse? Fine, tell me what's going on with the powers you gave me. I'm having a hard time figuring it out." 


She nodded before going into detail on what she had done. Morgana explained that Myrddin had banished her back to the world they first came from. That world had been drained of magic so she would have a hard time escaping. I still had a hard time adapting into the revelation that magic is what fueled our powers but then again I was in a world where there were witches, vampires, and werewolves. Morgana eventually went into detail about the powers she had given me. She gave me a brief rundown of what I could do, what I couldn't do, and what I should never try to do. It was all pretty mind boggling and a massive strain on my sanity. But she eventually went through how she was in my head. 


"All that aside you've never explained why you're here with me in my head."


"It's how I was able to give you a copy of my powers." 


"So like what? Did your powers leave an imprint in me or something?" 


"Close, to let you gain access to my magic I had to leave a portion of my soul inside you." 


The world stilled. "You fucking did what?" 


"I left-" 


"No, I fucking heard you the first time. I'm more interested in the fact that you turned me into your fucking soul phylactery without my permission." 


"It was the only way Seth…" 


I sighed, "Fine, once we deal with Myrddin I'm through will all of you. You can take this soul shard out yeah?" 


"Yes, I will be able to merge back with the rest of my soul once you find me." 


"If that's all then I'd like to get back to the real world… I have a lot to think about and plans to rework." 


She nodded and pointed at the door. "Just take a step out of those doors and you'll be back in your body." 


"Thanks… I guess. You did sort of help me." 


Morgana smiled lightly before fading away and I turned back to the door. I walked forward and pushed the door open only to jump from my seat back in my study as if I had just gotten tazed. 


"That was unpleasant, let's not do that again for a bit." I said to myself.