
House of the Dragon: The Green Menace

The story follows a modern man reborn into Aegon II, also known as "Aegon the Accursed," as he navigates the treacherous politics of the Seven Kingdoms during the Dance of the Dragons. This new Aegon must make difficult choices in order to protect his family and he is no longer a drunken fool, he will soon find himself in the middle of a bloody conflict with no clear path to victory. Aegon must confront his own ambition and morality, as well as the loyalty of those around him. He faces difficult decisions and must make sacrifices in order to protect his family and secure their hold on the throne. The story illustrates the themes of family, loyalty, and the price of power.

TheGreenPower · TV
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3 Chs


Hey guys, I'm not sure which dragon would suit Aegon. I'm more leaning toward Cannibal but I would let you decide:

1- Cannibal - The largest and oldest of the wild dragons and probably the strongest in the dance.

2- Sunfyre - The most beautiful dragon, a bit small but very agile and young, this one is the original that Aegon has.

3- Vermithor - The third largest in the dance, and is the old dragon of Jaehaerys I.