
HOTD: Echoes of Extinction

The dead began to rise and Japan was thrown into total chaos. As these monsters begin terrorizing a high school, the once-familiar halls of William's high school transform into a harrowing battleground for survival. The contagion spreads rapidly, turning students and teachers alike into relentless, flesh-hungry zombies. In the chaos that ensues, William must navigate the now perilous corridors, relying on his quick wit and survival instincts. Haunted by the memories of his former classmates turned into monstrous threats, William must confront the harsh realities of the new world. With each passing day, he learns that the true test of survival goes beyond evading the undead – it demands adaptation, trust, and sometimes the sacrifice of one's humanity. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: Well I'll do the classic author stick which is saying English isn't my first language lol. (Well it's true) This is also of mashup of a bunch of anime but HOTD is the focus at the moment. Also the first arc is pretty slow since it's slice of life.

Ste1nzzz · Cómic
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29 Chs

Chapter 21

Riri glanced at the clock and nudged me gently. "Hey, Will, you better hurry or you'll miss the train back home."

I sighed, staring out the window with a faraway look in his eyes. "Exactly, Nii-chan. Snap out of it. You look like a depressed black company worker who just found out he's working overtime," Ruu teased, poking his arm.

I turned to face them, a hint of a smile playing ony lips. "But I can miss it for a few days. My school doesn't even account for the academic side of things, plus I have two scholarships. I'm already set for next year."

Riri hesitated, her eyes glancing at me, then at Ruu. She opened her mouth to agree, but Ruu interjected, "Nii-chan, be honest. You just wanted to have some more fun with us, didn't you?"

I froze, cold sweat trickling down my forehead. "Wh-wh-what? No, I'm not that kind of person!"

Ruu smirked, then removed her scarf, revealing a series of hickey marks. She looked at me with a knowing smile, while Riri blushed and looked away, fidgeting with her sleeves. Both Ruu and Riri were wearing thick clothing, despite the summer heat.

Riri sighed helplessly, looking at me with a mix of frustration and amusement. "Listen, Nii-chan, we had planned an entire beach trip while you were here, but you kept giving us hickeys every time we had sex, so we had to cancel it and stay at home."

I shrugged, removing my jacket to reveal my own collection of hickey marks. "But it was fun, right? We watched a movie, and we camped too. Plus, you guys gave me hickeys too," I added, trying to deflect the blame.

Ruu and Riri looked at each other, then back at me, their faces flushing with both pride and shame. I put my jacket back on, hiding the marks from view.

"Okay, fine, we're all responsible here, but we can't let your grades suffer, even with your sports scholarship. I dread to think what would've happened if you didn't have it," Riri sighed, her hand resting on her cheek as she tilted her head in concern.

"That's why you're my girlfriend, Riri," I said, pulling her into a tight hug and planting a gentle kiss on her neck.

Riri let out a soft moan, returning the hug tightly to muffle her sound. "You're such a tease," she murmured, nibbling on my ear.

As we exchanged longing glances, Ruu intervened, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Listen, Nii-chan, Nee-chan, we're in a train station. Can we please have some common decency?" She glanced at Riri, her eyes betraying a hint of jealousy.

Reluctantly, we untangled ourselves, sharing weary smiles.

"But honestly, Ruu, I'm going to miss you guys. A few weeks away from you feels like a lifetime," I confessed, a genuine sense of fondness in my voice.

"Stop trying to butter me up. I know your tricks," Ruu teased, playfully hitting my arm before leaning on me affectionately.

I gently pat Ruu's head and plant a kiss on her forehead before pulling Riri into our hug.

"I'm really going to miss you guys," I murmur softly.

"Me too, Will," Riri replies, nodding in agreement as she leans against me, her head resting on my neck.

As the train prepares to depart, we reluctantly break our embrace.

"Please take care of my motorcycle, Riri," I say, a hint of concern in my voice.

"Don't worry, Will. After teaching me how to drive, I'm starting to like motorcycles," Riri reassures me with a smile.

It's surprising to learn that it's Riri who enjoys riding motorcycles, not the energetic daredevil Ruu. I'm taken aback by how much she knows about them, realizing her passion extends beyond what I had imagined.

Riri leans in close, whispering in my ear, "See you next break, darling," sending shivers down my spine as she gently pushes me towards the train doors. My face flushes with embarrassment as I cover it with my hand.

As the train pulls away, I can't help but think about the saying, "The quiet ones are the wildest."

After hours of riding the train and catching up with my girlfriends through texts, I finally stepped off at my destination. A happy grin stretched across my face as I explored the city, taking in the sights and sounds. The hustle and bustle around me pulsed with energy, promising exciting adventures. 

Reaching my dorm, I dropped my bags and collapsed onto the bed, giddy from the trip. Just then, a message notification chimed on my phone.

As my phone buzzed, and I glanced down to see a text from Ruu with a naked photo of her posing suggestively, her hickeys on full display. My heart raced as I took in the image, and I gulped nervously.

Just then, another message popped up on my screen. This time it was from Riri, with a picture of a used condom filled with jizz, tied around her panties. The caption read, "Come back soon ♡ ."

I felt my face grow hot as I took in the messages, my mind racing with thoughts of the two women I left behind.

As I glanced over my messages, a sudden knock interrupted my focus. Opening the door, I found Sawa and Saeko standing there, their presence injecting a dose of familiarity into my day.

"Hey, Will, how was the trip?" Sawa greeted me with her usual warmth, while Saeko's gaze remained as enigmatic as ever.

"Hey, Sawa. It was good, just some local exploring," I replied, returning her smile.

"That's good to hear, Will. I hate to ask, but could you help us move some supplies for the nurse's office? The new nurse is a bit... clumsy," Sawa requested, a hint of exasperation in her tone.

"Of course, that's what friends are for, right?" I replied, stepping out of my room to join them.

"Yeah, friends..." Sawa's smile faltered momentarily, a hint of something unreadable in her expression. "...not for long."

As we made our way to the nurse's office, my attention was diverted by a commotion ahead. A blonde woman teetered precariously on the edge of a spill, her balance faltering.

 Reacting instinctively, I rushed forward and caught her just in time, steadying her with a firm grip.

"Hey, miss, watch your step. The floors are freshly waxed, so it's a bit slippery," I advised, offering her a reassuring smile as I helped her regain her footing.

"Ah, thank you very much for your help," the nurse, Shizuka, expressed her gratitude as she surveyed us with a smile. "Ah, Sawa-chan, Saeko-chan, you're here. Thank you for assisting me with moving the supplies."

"No problem, sensei. It's the least we can do," Saeko replied, her tone polite as ever.

"That's good. Is this the help you were talking about? He's quite tall, isn't he?" Shizuka commented, playfully attempting to match my height by tiptoeing forward.

Chuckling, I introduced myself, "Hahaha, yes, sensei. The name's William. My hobbies include Kendo, Kyudo, making and repairing things, parkour, and watching disaster movies."

Sawa chimed in with a teasing remark, "Also, an insensitive jerk who pretends not to know about your feelings."

Saeko nodded in agreement, her gaze drifting to my collar where a bruise was visible.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I retorted, trying to play it cool. "How about you, sensei?"

Shizuka smiled, her demeanor shifting to a more casual tone. "Well, I'm the nurse of this school, Shizuka. I live with my best friend, who's a police officer, and my hobbies include medical research, reading fashion magazines, and buying designer clothes."

I turned around and whispered to Sawa and Saeko, "Guys, I think with a school nurse's salary, she can't afford anything designer. I think she has a few screws loose in her head."

Sawa didn't hesitate to whack me on the head. "Will, don't be a jerk for once."

Rubbing my head, I chuckled, "Hahaha, sorry. Couldn't help myself. Coping mechanism and all."

"Well, Shizuka-sensei, lead the way, and we'll help you move your stuff to your new office," I said, trying to amend my behavior.

She led us to her old office, which was surprisingly already packed into boxes. We began moving her belongings to the new office on the third floor. The girls chatted while I handled the heavy lifting.

"Oh yeah, sensei, were there no other teachers to help you move your stuff?" I asked between trips.

Shizuka paused to think. "There were two people, Shido-sensei and Teshima-sensei."

"Damn those two guys," I muttered under my breath.

"What's wrong with them, William?" Shizuka inquired, tilting her head with curiosity.

"Ah, it's nothing, sensei. Don't take this the wrong way, but those two guys are the worst. Teshima-sensei was making moves on Kyouko-sensei, even though he has a wife. He made sensei drunk and was about to take her home, but I told him they were both intoxicated. He kept denying she was fine, and they were colleagues. I ordered a taxi for the two of them while I rode with Kyouko-sensei since she was out cold."

"Oh, so you went inside Kyoutou-sensei's apartment, Will?" Sawa looked at me, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Teasingly, she continued, "So, what's inside the apartment of one of the alleged beauties of the school?"

I smirked. "Honestly, kinda normal. She has her teaching materials and her stuff." Leaning in, I whispered, "She has some... lewd underwear hanging around her window."

"What was that, Will?" Saeko's curiosity piqued.

"Nothing, Saeko," I replied quickly, hoping to brush off the topic.

Shizuka raised an eyebrow. "And what about Shido-sensei, William-san?"

I felt disgusted after recalling the rumors about Shido. "Man, don't be fooled by his goodie two shoes act, that guy has a reputation. I heard it from one of the journalism club members. They found out that he allegedly had relations with his students and tricked them." I shook my head, the disgust evident in my tone.

Saeko's face contorted into a look of disgust, while Sawa's eyes widened in shock. Shizuka's hand flew to her mouth, her eyes filled with horror.

Will continued, "Every student that was close to Shido, he'd always call them to his office late in the afternoons. And guess what? They all ended up expelled with no reason given. But I heard that they were pregnant."

Saeko shook her head in disbelief, "That's just...wrong."

"Remember the news story about the crooked politician under investigation? Turns out, it was Shido's dad," I reveal, watching for her reaction.

Sawa's eyes widen in surprise, and she leans in closer, her voice barely audible as she responds, "Are you serious? What does that have to do with our school?"

I pause for dramatic effect, letting the tension simmer before continuing. "Shido dad held a grudge against the lead detective. Guess who his daughter happens to be? Miyamoto-san, Saya's childhood friend," I disclose, observing Sawa's expression shift as she connects the dots.

Her jaw drops in disbelief. "The girl you found crying... at the roof...?" she whispers, her voice filled with shock.

I nod solemnly, confirming her suspicions. "Yeah. She told me Shido failed her on purpose, just to spite her dad for investigating the corruption that his father did as a politician,'" I explain, the weight of the revelation settling heavily between us.


As I made my way up the stairs to the rooftop to sneak away from afternoon practice.

"I hope Sawa and Saeko won't be angry for skipping practice," I muttered to myself, already bracing for the inevitable scolding I would receive later.

As I reached the door leading to the rooftop, I hesitated for a moment, my hand hovering over the lock. But before I could attempt to pick it, I noticed something peculiar – the door was already open.

My curiosity piqued, I cautiously pushed the door open and stepped out onto the rooftop. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the deserted space. But my attention was immediately drawn to a figure huddled in the corner, their shoulders shaking with silent sobs.

"Hello?" I called out tentatively, taking a few hesitant steps closer. The figure froze, their back still turned to me as they tried to compose themselves.

As I drew nearer, I recognized the familiar silhouette of a girl, her waist-length hair cascading around her like a curtain. My heart clenched at the sight of her in distress, and without a second thought, I approached her side.

"Hey?" I said softly, my voice filled with concern. "Is everything okay?"

Her head snapped up at the sound of my voice, her reddish-brown eyes wide with surprise and embarrassment at being caught in such a vulnerable state.

"I'm fine" she stammered, hastily wiping away her tears with the back of her hand.

I tried to lighten the atmosphere with a casual remark. "What's a first year doing on the rooftop?" I asked, hoping to break the tension with a bit of humor.

However, she didn't respond as I had hoped. She remained huddled in the corner, her shoulders still trembling with silent sobs. It was clear that my attempt at levity had fallen flat, and I cursed myself inwardly for not being more sensitive to the situation.

As the girl remained silent, huddled in the corner, I took a seat a little distance away, giving her some space. Leaning back against the rooftop's barrier, I cast my gaze upwards, watching the clouds drift lazily across the sky.

The silence between us stretched on, broken only by the occasional sniffle from the girl. Despite her headstrong demeanor, it was clear that she was struggling with something, and my heart went out to her.

For a while, we sat in companionable silence, the only sound the soft rustle of the wind and the distant hum of the city below. And as I watched the clouds shift and change shape, I hoped that somehow, the weight on the girl's shoulders would begin to lift, and that she would find the strength to face whatever was troubling her.

"Ah, where are my manners? Sorry, forgot to introduce myself earlier. I'm Will, second year, Saya's friend," I said, while offering a friendly smile.

Rei hesitated, her gaze flitting down before meeting mine. Then, a tiny nod escaped her lips. "Rei Miyamoto," she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Nice to meet you, Rei," I replied, my smile widening. "Hope you don't mind me sitting here. You seemed like you could use some company."

Rei shook her head, a flicker of a smile finally reaching her eyes. "No, I don't," she mumbled, her shoulders relaxing slightly.

"It's... actually nice, having someone here."

"Great!" I exclaimed, my relief genuine. I settled into a comfortable position, making sure to leave enough space but letting her know I was close by if she needed anything.

As we sat there in comfortable silence, the unspoken understanding hung heavy in the air. 

A silent exchange passed between us, a connection forming despite the brevity of our interaction. At that moment, I knew, with a certainty that surprised me, that Rei Miyamoto was someone I wanted to know more about.

As Rei sat quietly beside me, I rambled on about random topics, anything to fill the silence and hopefully distract her from whatever was troubling her. I talked about the weather, the latest school gossip, even the strange shape of some clouds drifting overhead.

Rei listened attentively, her expression shifting from guarded to mildly amused as she indulged my stream of consciousness. Despite the one-sided nature of our conversation, I found myself feeling strangely comfortable in her presence.

Eventually, the flow of words began to slow, and I fell into a more comfortable silence, content to simply enjoy the peaceful moment with Rei by my side. 

As Rei's words hung in the air, I turned to her, sensing the weight of her unspoken pain. "You're not gonna ask what happened, senpai?" she questioned, her voice tinged with a mixture of vulnerability and defiance.

"I didn't want to pry," I replied gently, meeting her gaze with empathy. "But if you're comfortable talking about it, I'm here to listen."

Rei took a deep breath, steeling herself before she began to speak. She explained how her father's investigation into Shido had resulted in retaliation from Shido himself, who had deliberately held her back from moving up a grade as punishment. The betrayal from her childhood friend, who had seemingly abandoned her when she needed him most, only added to her pain.

As she spoke, I could see a darkness creeping into Rei's eyes, a coldness that was starkly at odds with her usual kind and compassionate demeanor. It was clear that the mention of Shido brought out a side of her that she rarely showed to others, a side hardened by betrayal and disappointment.

Listening to Rei's story, my heart ached for her, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger towards Shido for causing her such pain. But I also admired Rei for her strength in opening up to me, despite the obvious pain it caused her.

As I processed the weight of Rei's revelation, I searched for something to say, anything to offer her comfort or solace in the face of such turmoil. "So, how's your dad? Everything okay with him?" I asked, attempting to steer the conversation towards a less painful topic.

Rei's response was tinged with concern. "He's fine, but Dad's position in the police is a bit shaky at the moment," she admitted, her voice betraying a hint of worry.

I nodded in understanding, silently acknowledging the challenges her family must be facing. "I'm sorry to hear that," I replied sincerely, offering her a sympathetic smile. "But I'm sure your dad is strong. He'll get through this."

Rei's expression softened, a flicker of gratitude in her eyes. "Yeah, he's resilient," she agreed quietly, her voice filled with a mixture of pride and admiration for her father.

As we sat together on the rooftop, the weight of our shared conversation lingering in the air.

I offered my hand to Rei, a small smile playing on my lips. "Sorry I couldn't give you a tissue or handkerchief while you were crying. It's kinda sweaty," I admitted sheepishly.

Rei accepted my hand, her own smile reflecting a sense of gratitude. "It's fine, senpai," she replied softly, wiping away the last of her tears. "At least you were here for me, even though you don't even know me."

I chuckled, feeling the tension begin to ease between us. "Well, my dad did tell me to comfort a crying woman to enter their heart," I joked, trying to lighten the mood with a touch of humor.

Rei laughed softly, the sound like music to my ears. "Is that so?" she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Yeah, something like that," I replied with a grin, feeling a sense of warmth spread through me at the sight of her smile.

As we stood together on the rooftop, the evening sun cast a golden glow over the horizon.


"Ugh, that's awful! How is he still here?" Shizuka's voice crackled with disbelief, her brow furrowed in disgust.

"It's complicated, sensei," I sighed, lowering my voice. "Mr. Shido's family practically owns the school. His relatives are on the board, so our hands are tied. Just keep mum, okay? Wouldn't want expulsion notices raining down."

Understanding dawned on their faces, and we worked in hushed tones until the last box was unpacked, the late evening painting the sky in shades of deep purple.

"Thanks for all the help, everyone! My treat - ramen is on me," Shizuka offered with a grateful smile.

"Really? Thanks, Shizuka-sensei," I grinned, wiping the sweat from my brow.

As we walked out of the room, Saeko suddenly stopped me, her sharp eyes fixating on my neck with a curious expression.

"Hey, Will, what's that weird mark?" she asked, her curiosity piqued as she gestured towards my neck.

A prickle of panic ran down my spine. "Uh, just a pesky mosquito bite. Forgot the repellent while I was camping," I stammered, hoping to avoid further scrutiny.

Saeko wasn't entirely convinced, but she dropped the subject with a lingering look. We then drove to a local ramen restaurant and the ramen was delicious, slurping it all down until nothing's left. Finally, Shizuka-sensei drove us back to the school, marking the end of a tiring but eventful day.

"Drive safe, sensei," I called, stepping out of the car and turning towards the dorms.

But before I could take a step, Shizuka-sensei's voice stopped me.

"Ah, Will-san," she began, a playful lilt in her tone, "I heard you were from abroad?"

"Uh, yeah," I replied, slightly confused. 

"Half, actually. Raised overseas when I was younger."

Her eyes lit up. "Wonderful! Now I can finally do their greeting!" she declared, before leaning in and planting a surprising kiss on my cheek.

Heat flooded my face. "Sensei, wait, no, that's not--" I stammered, my carefully constructed composure crumbling under the unexpected intimacy. "Only aunts do that, to their family..."

She blinked, a hint of disappointment flicking across her features. "Oh, is that so? My roommate must have been pulling my leg. Well, thanks for everything, everyone!" she chirped, pulling away and driving off, leaving me flustered in her wake.

Clearing my throat, I forced a smile at my friends. "Alright then, shall we head back?"

After exchanging goodbyes, I reached my dorm door, eager to collapse after the long day. 

But as I entered, a dark figure surged forward, slamming me against the wall. My shirt ripped upwards, revealing the hickey on my body. A chilling voice, laced with recognition, hissed, "I knew it..."

"Saeko?" I choked, staring up at her tear-streaked face. "What's going on?"

"Why?" I managed to utter, still trying to wrap my head around the sudden turn of events.

"So who's the girl, Will?" Saeko's voice was cold, her eyes piercing into mine.

"It's my childhood friends," I replied automatically, my mind still reeling from confusion. Was she upset about Sawa? Why was she crying?

"Friends? As in plural?" Saeko's tone was skeptical, and she seemed to be processing the information.

Without warning, she gestured for me to sit next to her on the bed. I complied, feeling a sense of urgency in her demeanor.

"Explain," Saeko demanded, her voice firm.

So, I recounted the events that led to this moment: how the girls knew about my feelings for others, how they convinced me to date them, and how I found myself in this complicated situation.

As Saeko listened, a myriad of emotions played across her face: confusion, bewilderment, and even a glimmer of hope.

"So, you're telling me you were pressured to confront your feelings for them and promise to love them forever and such?" Saeko summarized, her tone a mix of disbelief and incredulity.

I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment. "Hehe, if you say it like that, yeah," I admitted, feeling a bit sheepish.

 "Marriage is out of the question, William," she stated bluntly, her voice slicing through the room like the shinai we clashed with during kendo practice. But this time, her eyes held no warmth, only the icy disapproval.

I felt the accusation sting the back of my neck, but my jaw clenched in defiance. "I'm prepared to take responsibility," I countered, my voice steady despite the tremor in my hands. They'd given me something precious, something society wouldn't understand.

"And what exactly is that?" Her gaze, usually filled with the playful fire of shared training, bore into me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. The air in the room felt thick, choking with the unspoken weight of our forbidden feelings.

I met her gaze, a bead of sweat tracing a path down my temple. "Their love, their trust," I confessed, "even if it makes me a scumbag in everyone's eyes." My voice cracked, but I forced it back into a semblance of strength, straightening my shoulders to meet her challenge.

Saeko scoffed, a harsh sound that echoed off the posters of kendo tournaments plastered on my walls. "Love? If you truly loved them, wouldn't you have chosen one, William? Given the other a chance to heal, to live a normal life? What will their families think?" Her voice dropped to a chilling whisper, the sharp scent of her lavender perfume filling my nostrils.

I squeezed my eyes shut, picturing their faces, their smiles, the warmth in their eyes. A surge of protectiveness, fierce and primal, washed over me. "I can't do that, Saeko," I said, my voice low but resolute. "I love them both. And even if the whole world condemns me, I'll protect their happiness, even if it means taking them away."

Silence followed, broken only by the creak of my floorboards as she shifted her weight. The tension stretched taut, a battle of wills waged in the cramped space of my dorm room. 

The air itself seemed to press down on me, heavy with the unspoken truth hanging between Saeko and I. Her gaze, sharp as the tip of her shinai, pierced through me, searching for the echo of genuine love in my confession.

"Sawa," she finally spoke, her voice devoid of the warmth I was familiar with, "what about her?"

I swallowed, the weight of each word settling like a stone in my gut. "I love her too," I admitted, the air growing thicker with every syllable. "But..." I trailed off, the guilt of ignoring her silent devotion twisting my insides.

"When did you realize she felt something, Will?" Saeko pressed, her tone firm, unwavering.

My mind drifted back to that first day, the shared nervous excitement. "It was there, all the signs," I confessed, feeling the sting of hindsight. "From waking me up to breakfast... those unplanned outings that felt more like dates than anything else. Even a blind fool like me wouldn't miss them."

A flicker of disappointment darkened Saeko's eyes. "And you let it continue?"

Shame coiled tighter in my chest. "I didn't want to give her anything less than she deserved, Saeko. Not a half-hearted affection."

"Yet you still love her, with two others in the picture, Sawa included?" she sneered, her voice laced with contempt. "You truly are a scumbag, William."

The accusation stung, but it couldn't erase the truth in my heart. "Even after all that," I said, my voice firm despite the tremor in my hand, "she's the sunshine in everyone's lives. Remember that song she hums sometimes, the one she claims is just catchy? I've seen the passion in her eyes when she sings, the pain hidden behind a smile, just to make others happy."

My gaze locked with hers, searching for understanding. "I want her to be happy, Saeko. If being with me means her pain, I'll tell her everything. I even planned to tell you guys about dating someone, anything to help her move on. Because even though I love her, I can't bear to see her suffer because of me."

The room held its breath, the silence echoing with the weight of my conflicting emotions. 

The air hung heavy in the room, thick with the weight of my confession. Saeko's usually fiery eyes were veiled, unreadable as she dissected my words. A tense silence stretched between us, punctuated only by the distant rumble of the city below.

Finally, a sigh escaped her lips, heavy and laced with a weariness that surprised me. Her gaze softened a fraction, but a wry smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "Will," she began, her voice low, "you're the densest fool I know, but somehow, the most endearing one too."

A nervous chuckle escaped me. Relief, warm and unexpected, bloomed in my chest. The ice seemed to thaw around her, and a glimmer of her familiar spark returned.

"I know," I admitted, a sheepish grin replacing the worry lines on my forehead. "But Sawa... she means the world to me. I just want her to be happy."

Saeko nodded, her features relaxing as she took the seat beside me once again. The gesture, small as it was, spoke volumes. "I understand, Will," she said, her voice softer now, laced with the echo of shared secrets and unspoken concerns. "But keeping secrets, leading her on... it'll hurt her more in the end."

I felt the truth of her words settle heavy in my stomach, replacing hope with a gnawing apprehension. Her gaze held mine, steady and unwavering. "I'll talk to her," I promised, the words tasting like ash in my mouth. "She deserves to know."

With that, she rose, a ghost of a smile lingering on her lips. "Good," she said, her voice barely a whisper before she turned and left, leaving me alone with the echo of my voice and the weight of the promise I'd made.

As I sat there, the room felt strangely empty, the warmth of her presence replaced by a chilling uncertainty. The glimmer of hope I'd clung to flickered, threatened by the storm of emotions churning within me. Talking to Sawa was the right thing to do, yet the thought of her pain, of the hurt I was about to inflict, I decided to immediately go to her right away.


As Saeko and Sawa stood in the hallway, the tension between them was palpable, the weight of their failed attempt to confront Will still lingering in the air.

"So what now?" Saeko asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Are you still planning to do it?"

Sawa's gaze hardened as she met Saeko's eyes. "I know this would have happened. I never thought there was someone faster than me," she admitted with a sigh, frustration evident in her tone.

"But I'm still going for it, Saeko, and you can't stop me," Sawa declared, her determination shining through despite the setback.

Saeko regarded her friend thoughtfully, understanding the depth of Sawa's resolve. "Well, if you were a bit faster, you would have gotten to Will first, you know," she pointed out, a hint of teasing in her voice.

Sawa's disappointment was evident as she shook her head. "Ahhh, don't remind me," she replied, her tone tinged with regret. "It was two against one, Saeko. I couldn't have won in the first place. I was up against a Shimaidon," she added, using the term to describe the formidable duo of Saya and Saeko, known for their close bond and formidable teamwork.

As they exchanged rueful smiles, a sense of camaraderie filled the air, despite the disappointment of their failed attempt. 

"In the first place, it's your fault," Sawa pointed out, her frustration evident in her tone.

Saeko's expression shifted to one of confusion, but she couldn't deny the truth in Sawa's words.

"You call Will an idiot, but you're the biggest idiot here," Sawa continued, her words cutting through the air. "Will even told you he would accept everything for you and deserved love, and you could have kissed him back then. But you settled with a hug and dinner."

Saeko's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I didn't realize my feelings back then, okay? I'm starting to regret telling you this," she admitted, feeling the weight of her own indecision.

"Also, don't be harsh on Will. He's trying his best. It's not like he promised to date us. We gave him our feelings, and if it comes across to him, I would be happy," Sawa reasoned, her tone softening slightly.

"You're too soft on Will. Now he'll have you, and he's practically a harem king at this point," Saeko chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"It's not just me, it includes you too, Saeko. We need to beat the Shimaidon sisters if we want to win," Sawa reminded her friend, her determination shining through.

"Sawa, I don't think it's nice to call them that," Saeko chided gently, her voice filled with concern.

Sawa let out a frustrated sigh. "Ugh, I'm so mad that they got to him first. I even planned the whole thing for me and Will. Love really makes one blind. If past me saw me now, she would have shot Will with an arrow at his balls," she exclaimed, her frustration bubbling to the surface.

Saeko chuckled at Sawa's determination. "If that happens, wouldn't you be the same old you? Don't you like the new you?" she teased gently.

Sawa smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, I'll have Will take responsibility for making me fall in love," she declared confidently.

"That he will. So, you're going ahead with your date this week?" Saeko inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Yep, I'll send him a text. Also, thanks for spooking Will. Now we know he's serious about me too. Also, Saeko, I'll make Will admit his feelings for you too," Sawa replied, her determination unwavering.

Saeko's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Please don't. I don't think I'm ready for that," she admitted shyly.

"Well, suit yourself. I've got to prepare for the date. See you, Saeko," Sawa said with a smile as she walked away, leaving Saeko to ponder the whirlwind of emotions that had just unfolded.


With a pounding heart, I approached Sawa's window, my mind racing with thoughts of how to broach the delicate topic. As I quietly climbed up, my nerves were on edge, but I pressed on, determined to have this conversation.

Entering through the open window, I caught sight of Sawa in the midst of getting dressed, and my heart skipped a beat. Before I could even utter a word, she let out a piercing scream, causing me to freeze in place.

Instinctively, Sawa reached for the nearest object, a book, and hurled it in my direction. Pain exploded across my nose as the book connected with a sickening thud, and I stumbled back, clutching at the sudden agony.

"Sawa, wait! It's me, Will!" I called out, my voice muffled by the shock and pain. But in that moment, all I could do was brace myself for whatever reaction would come next.

As the book connected with my nose, pain shot through me, and I stumbled back, my hand instinctively going to my face to stem the flow of blood. In that moment, as I stood there, dazed and bleeding, I couldn't help but feel like I deserved it.

"It's me, Will!" I managed to call out through the haze of pain, hoping she would realize her mistake. But as I stood there, feeling the warmth of blood trickling down my face, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had brought this upon myself.

Sawa's eyes widened in shock as she registered my voice. Slowly, she approached, her expression morphing from fear to concern.

"Will? Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, rushing forward to inspect the damage. "I didn't mean to... I thought you were an intruder..."

I winced as she examined my nose, the pain intensifying with her touch. "It's... it's okay," I managed to choke out, trying to reassure her despite the throbbing ache in my nose. "I shouldn't have surprised you like that..."

Sawa's expression softened as she helped me sit down on the bed, fetching a tissue to stem the bleeding. "You're bleeding quite a bit," she remarked, her voice laced with worry. "We need to get that cleaned up."

I nodded, grateful for her concern, despite the circumstances. As she tended to my injury, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for startling her. But as she worked to patch me up, I also felt a sense of closeness between us, a bond forged in unexpected circumstances.

Sawa's hands froze for a moment as she processed my words, her eyes meeting mine in disbelief. "You... you love me?" she whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension wash over me. "Yes, Sawa. I care about you deeply," I confessed, my heart pounding in my chest.

Tears welled up in Sawa's eyes, and she reached out to cup my cheek, her touch gentle yet trembling. "Will, I... I don't know what to say," she admitted, her voice thick with emotion.

I took her hand in mine, squeezing it gently. "You don't have to say anything, Sawa. I just needed you to know how I feel," I reassured her, my own emotions raw and unguarded.

For a moment, we simply sat there, the weight of our shared confession hanging heavy in the air. But amidst the uncertainty, there was also a glimmer of hope, a flicker of possibility that perhaps our feelings could lead us down a new path, together.

Sawa's expression remained neutral, betraying none of the emotions swirling beneath the surface. She took a moment to process my words, her eyes meeting mine with a mixture of surprise and unreadable depth.

"Thank you for telling me," she replied evenly, her voice carefully controlled. "I appreciate your honesty, Will."

I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at her composed response, wishing for some indication of how she truly felt. But I respected her decision to maintain her facade, understanding the complexity of our situation.

"Of course," I murmured, forcing a small smile despite the turmoil within. "I just wanted you to know."

As we sat in silence, the weight of our unspoken feelings hung heavy in the air, a palpable tension lingering between us. But despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead, I couldn't shake the sense of relief that came with finally expressing my love for Sawa, even if it remained unanswered for now.

"Will, you knew about my feelings, right?" Sawa's voice was gentle, yet tinged with a hint of sorrow.

I nodded, meeting her gaze with a mixture of regret and understanding.

"And you ignored them... why?" Her words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotions.

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings," I confessed softly, my heart heavy with the weight of my own indecision. "But I also couldn't deny the love I felt for the others."

As the truth spilled from my lips, I braced myself for Sawa's response, knowing that my words had the power to either bridge the gap between us or widen it further.

Sawa's expression softened, her eyes searching mine for sincerity. For a moment, silence enveloped us, thick with the weight of unspoken emotions.

"I understand," she finally replied, her voice quiet yet filled with understanding. "It's complicated, isn't it?"

I nodded, grateful for her understanding yet unable to shake the guilt that gnawed at me. "Yeah, it is," I admitted, feeling a sense of relief at being able to share my inner turmoil with her.

"Will, I want you to be happy," Sawa continued, her tone gentle yet resolute. "Even if that means your happiness lies elsewhere."

Her words struck a chord within me, a bittersweet reminder of the complexities of love and the sacrifices it sometimes demands.

"I want you to be happy too, Sawa," I replied sincerely, my heart heavy with the weight of our shared understanding. "Even if it means letting go."

With a sudden, firm grip, she seized me by the collar, her eyes blazing with intensity.

"Don't you dare let me go, Will," she demanded, her voice raw with emotion.

"But I can't always focus on you," I protested, trying to reason with her.

"Doesn't matter," she interjected, cutting through my excuses with unwavering determination.

"I have other women," I confessed, feeling the weight of my own shortcomings.

"Don't care," she replied, her grip tightening on my collar as if to anchor me to her side.

"I'm a huge scumbag," I admitted, my voice laced with self-condemnation.

"I'll stay with you even though you have a lot of women," she declared, her words piercing through the fog of my guilt.

"But... why?" I questioned, searching her eyes for answers.

"Because even though you hurt me, even though you try to maintain the status quo, I will always love you," she confessed, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I'll love the you who helped me at my time of need, the you who, against all odds, chose to tell me the truth even when it would have been easier to keep it hidden."

With those heartfelt words, she leaned in close, whispering softly in my ear, "And you should take responsibility for making me like this," before sealing her declaration with a tender kiss.

As her lips met mine, a wave of conflicting emotions surged through me. Guilt mingled with longing, regret intertwined with desire. But in that moment, as our kiss deepened, I felt a flicker of hope amidst the turmoil.

Pulling away slightly, I gazed into her eyes, searching for reassurance, for confirmation that this wasn't just another fleeting moment of passion.

"Sawa," I whispered, my voice barely audible above the pounding of my heart. "Are you sure about this? About us?"

Her response was immediate, unwavering. "Yes, Will," she affirmed, her voice steady and sure. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

With her words echoing in my mind, I felt a sense of clarity wash over me. Despite the challenges ahead, despite the uncertainties that lay in our path, I knew that with Sawa by my side, I had found a beacon of light in the darkness.

Taking her hand in mine, I made a silent vow to cherish her, to protect her, to be the partner she deserved. And as we stood there, entwined in each other's embrace, I knew that no matter what the future held, we would face it together, united in our love and our determination to overcome any obstacle that stood in our way.

With a chaste kiss, I expressed my affection, pressing my lips gently against hers before resting my forehead against hers.

"I love you, Sawa," I confessed, my voice soft with sincerity. "Sorry for being a scumbag."

"I love you too, Will," she replied, her words filled with warmth and understanding.

As she asked if I could stay with her for the night, a sense of peace washed over me. "Sure, Sawa," I agreed, wanting to offer her the comfort and reassurance she sought.

She kissed my cheek gratefully, and I smiled in response. "Thanks, Will," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "I want to wake up feeling that this is all real."

"Of course," I assured her, allowing her to guide me to her bed. As we cuddled together,w rapped in each other's embrace, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of Sawa's presence, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, united in our love and our commitment to each other. 

And as sleep enveloped us, I drifted off with a sense of peace, knowing that I am one lucky guy and should make her happy no matter what.