
HOTD/ASOIAF: Unbowed Unbent Unbroken

Saera Targaryen escapes from Old town but instead of traveling to Lys to become a queen of whores she travels to Sunspear to become a different kind of 'queen'. Daeron Nymeros Martell is our MC as we approach the Dance with dragons. The Heir to Sunspear and the next prince of Dorne who carries the 'cursed blood of the dragons' according to his fellow Dornish. ---- It's in the tags but the MC is a Reincarnator The MC will be strong and borderline to OP for this world and that is just how it will be. 3 planned love interests but might go to 4, no more than that and it is considering how people feel about the situation Death, expect a lot of death once things start rolling

Pretending_Author · Derivados de obras
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137 Chs



118 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


In the far distance on the horizon, I can see the nearly permanent black sooty cloud that is formed from the Dragonmont on Dragonstone spewing out inky blackness. The Sea Snake is gently cutting through the waves heading toward it with a single passenger onboard. It is both the passenger and the ship's final voyage as the ship is taking on water and will sink long before it reaches Dragonstone.

I can't lie.

It's a badass way to be put to rest.

The last page in the story of Corly's life certainly paints a picture that is hard to forget.

With dragons flying overheard almost as if they want to escort the ship it only gets better as well.

"I should get a ship..." I mutter to my Son Aerys who is resting his face against my neck.

"You can have mine..." Aerys whispers back directly into my ear after lifting his head.

I bite my lips to stop from smiling as he rests his head once more against me with wet eyes and a runny nose making a mess against my throat.

"I won't fit on your little boat." I twist my head to kiss the back of his own and he shakes his head.

This little brat, does he think I am small enough to actually fit on that small wooden boat toy he plays with in the bath?

Whatever, at least he is not crying anymore, the waterworks going on around us made him start crying which made Viserra cry and then Trystane started crying... it was like watching a trainwreck in slow motion.

I had to do what I could before the entire beach was filled with the wailing of children.

It's one thing for the adults to be crying, this is a funeral and that is expected.

But having the little ones crying without them even understanding what is going on is different. If they are upset and confused it's very likely the equally small and emotional dragons they are bound with will start reacting emotionally. At least I know Balerion would if Aegon threw a fit, that dragon is always looking for trouble and has a hair trigger when it comes to Aegon.

They have a strong bond, which I am usually happy about.

But now is not the time for another incident.

It took months to repair that wall...


"Could you repeat that?" I ask feeling a wave of confusion.

"My Mother does not want to stay here, she told me these halls are filled with painful memories right now." Laena sighs while rubbing her face.


That makes some sense.

"Where is she going to go?" Laena lowers her hands and looks out the window with pursed lips.

"I don't know, she said she was going to Dragonstone for a little while, but I have no idea what she is planning." I hum and nod my head while trying to remember if she was raised on Dragonstone or in the Red Keep.

Maybe she spent some time in Storms End while growing up?

Her Mother was a Baratheon after all, maybe she will spend some time with her kin from that side.

"What are you going to do?" I haven't wanted to pressure her for an answer but this is the best time to ask now that she has brought up the topic.

She has been in Kingslanding for months, something that is probably not good for public opinion seeing how her Husband lives down in the Stepstones. But it matters little to me currently, if she wants to go back with us to continue staying in the Red Keep then that is what will happen. She was planning to go stay in the Water Gardens for a few months with Lewyn, Laenor, and Myriah before her Father unexpectedly passed.

"I am not sure right now, Laenor is taking his place as Lord and I am thinking about staying with him to help with anything he needs." I hum and lean back against the couch cushion as I momentarily ponder on the matter of Laenor's future.

Ideally, he would become Master of Ships and take his Father's missing seat on the Council.

I would hate for the seat to be given to someone else.

But ultimately that is up to the King and he could see Laenor as inexperienced for the position.

Maybe I should speak to Viserys before he leaves tomorrow?

Vaemond Velaryon is not my favorite person but he is not a bad option... if not him then maybe Lord Manderly.

Northern representation in the King's Council is a good thing in my eyes, it would please the North greatly.

"What are you thinking about?" Laena casually asks as she sits sideways on my lap and I wrap my arms around her midsection.

"Laenor." I respond and she purses her lips. "I doubt the King will offer him his father's seat on the council..." Laena grimaces but nods.

"I doubt it as well..." She leans the side of her head on my shoulder while lifting her feet to prop them up on a pillow on the couch.


I will sit back and see where the pieces start falling, worst case the King likely will invite Lord Lannister to come and take the Master of Ships position.

That's not great, but it's not something to be concerned with.


118 AC


Viserys Targaryen


"I am sorry for your loss." I once more give my condolences as I sit down across from Rhaenys as she sips from her glass.

"Thank you." She sighs after setting down her glass and looks across the table at me. "It happened so suddenly..." I nod in understanding as that is often how things turn out.

One moment someone is there, the next they are heading into a grave.

We sit in companionable silence for a moment and I idly look around the rather fancy meeting room that Rhaenys asked me to meet her in. Hanging on the walls are numerous paintings from far-off lands that Lord Corlys probably picked up in his travels. There are also strange trinkets and artworks that similarly look like they came from some far-off land.

"I plan to spend some time traveling." Rhaenys speaks up breaking the silence and I perk up while shifting my gaze back toward her.

"That sounds... nice." I smile a bit while imagining what that would be like.

Rhaenyra spoke to me about her own travels around Westeros with Daeron and I can't lie, I have been itching to get out and see more of the lands I rule over.

"I will settle on Dragonstone for a time but I plan to saddle up Meleys and see more of the world and the places I have often heard about but never seen myself." I nod in understanding.

"I wish you safe travels and pray for your good health." Rhaenys smiles at my words.

Once more the room goes quiet as she looks at me thoughtfully, I shift a bit wondering what she could be thinking about.

Surely she did not ask to meet me just to tell me this.

I suppose she likely just told me her future plans as a way to 'break the ice' as Daeron would say.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" I ask directly and Rhaenys nods.

"There is." She nods. "I would like a place at your court once I return from my travels." I blink slowly in confusion before her words settle in.

"You want a place in my court?" She nods and I cross my arms while leaning my head back.


I didn't expect that.

"I never asked before due to being bitter about you getting the crown." She casually admits while running a hand through her hair making me feel a bit dumbstruck. "Then there was the matter of my Husband already being a member of your Small Council, it would look bad if I was also a member." She leans forward with a distant look in her eyes. "But that is no longer the case." Again the room goes silent as her words settle in and what she is requesting fully weighs upon me.

She wants a small council position.

"I see..." I am not sure what to say, but I am not immediately against the idea.

Rhaenys could have easily been the Queen of Westeros if only she had been voted it by the Lords and Ladies of the Seven Kingdoms.

It would be foolish of me to say she is not fit to serve on my small council.

"I hope this did not catch you too off guard, I just wanted to be direct and am not expecting an answer until after I return and am ready to serve." She sadly smiles. "I need to deal with my current... emotions-" She shakes her head. "-before I can be of use to the crown." I slowly nod while thinking on the matter.

I have been talking to Daeron quite a bit lately about getting some more council members for various positions.

There is also the matter of female members he brought up.



118 AC


Daemon Targaryen


Rereading a report from a spy in Volantis I can't help but feel annoyed. "Is this accurate?" I ask aloud to my Wife Mysaria.

"It's as accurate as possible from a single source, I already have others looking into the matter and we will know more in the coming weeks." I sigh and slump back into my chair hearing her words.

Volantis, more accurately the Tigers of Volantis, are kicking up a rather big fuss.

A Deal was made with a Dothraki Khal as well as a new Slave army has been bought from Astapor. The Tigers have already seized control of the city by having three of their members sit as the elected Triarchy, something that has not happened since the century of blood. This means there could be upwards of thirty or forty thousand men under the Tiger's banner, getting ready to reclaim the lands they lost more than a hundred years ago.

How annoying... and oddly exciting.

"We need to send word to Bloodstone to make sure Lewyn is aware of this development." I speak up after thinking on the matter for a moment, my Wife shakes her head, however.

"Lewyn is likely on Driftmark due to the Sea Snakes passing." I close my eyes remembering that letter that came in recently.

I should have gone to the funeral, but things are constantly hectic and it makes it hard to up and leave. After that time when I went to a meeting with the Sealord of Braavos and was gone for a week, I cant stomach the idea of leaving for long. Many of my supporters got assassinated in my absence, the lack of Caraxes and My own presence emboldened some fools to attempt to seize control of Pentos and hold my children hostage against me.

They now are nothing but ash in the wind, but I know there are others out there like them.

It makes it hard to leave my seat of power on such short notice as a sudden death and funeral following it.

"Fine, we will send word to not only Bloodstone but also Driftmark and Kingslanding while we are at it." I ready myself to pen out the letters myself while wondering if I should send word to the 'Lords' of my other cities.

Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh should also be made aware of the developing situation eastward.

Sighing I begin the tedious work with a headache starting.

Thanks for reading!!!

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