
Host of Love System

one day zhou Qingqing was bound to " love system " due to car accident after being cheat by her boyfriend . system said if she clear the missions given by him. she can return to her world or grant one wish . In order to return home she start to complete the missions. later she discovered that her all missions targets were all freaking abnormal . First World murder male lead : xiao Qing do you want me to lock you up zhou Qingqing :no , why!!! murder male lead : then say I love you zhou Qingqing : I love you murder male lead : good girl Second World emperor : won't you take responsibility of me zhou Qingqing : but... emperor show her sword : you don't want to zhou Qingqing : no, I will take responsibility emperor smile : come here wifey Another w Marshal : will you marry me zhou Qingqing : why would I Marshal : oh, you want child first . let's make one zhou Qingqing : stop . I will marry you . . . . . . . Few worlds later zhou Qingqing : wuwuwu system I want to quite system : you jumped into the pit yourself A/N : English is not my first language, so if I make some mistakes. let me know, so I can correct them and thanks for reading my novel. Tags # System # Modern world # western # fantasy # Historical # vampire # cultivator # beastmen # mafia # demons # game # obsessive male lead # quick transmigration # game #zombies #ghost #CEO # survival.

NightFariy · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs


When she awake it was almost morning, that's mean they were here for 6 hours .

Xiao Qing condition was not good. Her whole body was in pain .Her condition was getting bad as the time goes but she didn't pay attention to it . Xiao Qing buy a pain relief and temprary body strengthing pill with 200 gold coins . She eat it with little white help. When lu chenan comes to his senses he heared xiao Qing voice. He was dizzy but he remembered how they were kidnapped. He was going to say something when they heared footsteps . door open and a thug look like man with a scar on his face come to them . He said in heavy voice " you two little brats has wake up "

Lu chenan was afraid but he bravely said " who are you? What do you want from us?

That man laugh and said " you are brave enough to speak with me..... ah " he continue " obviously I'm the one kidnipped you. actually you were our only target but this little girl was drag along.

When he didn't hear anything. He said in filrty tune " now scared aren't we" then he said in threatening voice " if you two want to get out of here safely then stay here quietly. otherwise you can't imagine what will happened to you two. "

After threatening he call his two men to keep their eyes on them. Xiao Qing said to little white ( where are my parents, when are they coming)

(little white : they are on the way. They reached to you in 30 min)

Xiao Qing carefully undo her rope and also free lu chenan . They two men were on the door. They didn't pay attention to them because they are children so ,they were unguarded .

Xiao Qing shake lu chenan and whispered "brother what are you doing, let's go "

Lu chenan was feeling guilty for dragging xiao Qing in this mess .he lower his head and said : because of me you're....

Xiao Qing cut him in " brother it's not your fault. This is those bad guys falt, our parents are gona rescue us until then we should hide "

Lu chenan look determinated after hearing xiao Qing " xiao Qing don't be afraid I will protect you "

Xiao Qing show bright smile " I believe you brother "

Xiao Qing and lu chenan hide behind the door. There was loud noise coming from inside like something heavy fell. The two men come to check inside .lu chenan and xiao Qing take this opportunity to slip out and lock the door from outside. Lu chenan and xiao Qing run .There were people guarding the area, lu chenan and xiao Qing somehow reached the shore without being noticed, there was many boats. Lu chenan and xiao Qing hide in the caben of a boat .

Not long after they run that gangaster com to check found his men being locked. He was very angry but there was no time , he ordered his men to started searching for them. When They reached boating area also start to search in the boats .

Xiao Qing asked the little white ( when will they come)

( host they will reached in 5 min.hold on just little longer )

Lu chenan and xiao Qing was hiding behind the table. When she was about to say something a man kick the door and come in. He was crusing them " where did the little brats go"

Xiao Qing hold her breath. He checked everycorner but ignore the table, he was about to go when a bottle fell from table. He come near it and see xiao Qing feet.

He laughed and grabbed xiao Qing hair " so you were hiding here because of you now we have to do extra work "

Xiao Qing cry the man was grabbing her hair strongly. She try to endure the pain but tears slip from her eyes .lu chenan attack him and bite his arm ,it anger the man he let go of xiao Qing and beat lu chenan. After some resistance lu chenan head hit the corner of the table and he couldn't get up again, his body was full of wounds. That man was about to kick him again but they suddenly hear firing. He immediately run out to check the situation . lu chenan look pitiful , xiao Qing said " brother don't sleep, dad has come to save us just hold a little longer OK "

Lu chenan said with difficultly " run away from here. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you "

His voice die down . Lu chenan breathing was getting weaker .xiao Qing panic ,she knew he won't be able to make it to the hospital. She use her healing power.

( host your condition is unstable, if you use your power now .you will die )

Xiao Qing didn't listen and use until she was exhausted her power. Lu chenan wounds was healed and there was just some scratches . The noises outside was getting louder , xiao Qing sit beside lu chenan she was about to relaxed when suddenly that gangster show up in front of them. He hold xiao Qing arm and drag her out with him. He started the boat. Behind them police also take boat and blocked them .on the otherside was police chopper ,their escaped way was completely blocked. Mr lu and Mr zhou was also in the boat looking anxious. head inspector take the loudspeaker and said to them, if they leave the children they will not do anything to them .

Gangster Grit his teeth and said loudly " listen inspector if you don't let us leave I will throw her in the sea "

He was talking about xiao Qing. pill effect was wear off , She didn't have a strength to lift a finger . She call Mr zhou "dad" but no voice come out. Little white was also anxious .xiao Qing condition was getting bad. They try to persured them But gangster start the firing first and he knew he can't escaped. He wanted to take someone down with him so he threw xiao Qing in the sea. After that they were immediately captured. Xiao Qing tried to swim with her last strength but she was falling deeper. Her eyelids were heavy, she was scoffing. Her eyes were getting darker, she heared someone calling her.

( Warning,Warning,Warning, host health is below 10%....5%.... )

" Am I going to die " that's what she thought before her world fell into drak.

zhou Qingqing :Am I going die now

Athuor: no , you will not.

zhou Qingqing : thank God

Author : of course you're main character of this novel. you will have to die many times ,it will be more painful than this.

zhou Qingqing : this sh*tty b*str*d......

Author : readers like it when story is more tragic

zhou Qingqing :Don't mak excuses. you just want me to make suffer don't you.

Author : dead slince

zhou Qingqing : This s*ck b*str*d, little sh*t ,*%#@&*+% and other curses.

little white cover his ears : what I'm doing here , these words are not good for children I'm getting out of here meow

( ̄へ ̄)

NightFariycreators' thoughts