
Host of Love System

one day zhou Qingqing was bound to " love system " due to car accident after being cheat by her boyfriend . system said if she clear the missions given by him. she can return to her world or grant one wish . In order to return home she start to complete the missions. later she discovered that her all missions targets were all freaking abnormal . First World murder male lead : xiao Qing do you want me to lock you up zhou Qingqing :no , why!!! murder male lead : then say I love you zhou Qingqing : I love you murder male lead : good girl Second World emperor : won't you take responsibility of me zhou Qingqing : but... emperor show her sword : you don't want to zhou Qingqing : no, I will take responsibility emperor smile : come here wifey Another w Marshal : will you marry me zhou Qingqing : why would I Marshal : oh, you want child first . let's make one zhou Qingqing : stop . I will marry you . . . . . . . Few worlds later zhou Qingqing : wuwuwu system I want to quite system : you jumped into the pit yourself A/N : English is not my first language, so if I make some mistakes. let me know, so I can correct them and thanks for reading my novel. Tags # System # Modern world # western # fantasy # Historical # vampire # cultivator # beastmen # mafia # demons # game # obsessive male lead # quick transmigration # game #zombies #ghost #CEO # survival.

NightFariy · LGBT+
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21 Chs


" I want to marry xiao Qing "

"pffft "

Mr lu and Mr zhou choke on tea. Dead silence filled the hall . Everyone was believing they heared worng and lu chenan repeat his words again.

" I want to---"

"stop" lu chenan father was the first to speak he continued " son what are you saying, marriage is not joke "

"l'm not joking. Xiao Qing also said she like me"

Everyone : whaaaaaaaaat?!!!!

( xiao Qing and little white : whaaaaaaaaat)

This time Mr zhou asked xiao Qing : princess is he telling the truth

Xiao Qing clamly said : yes

But she was not clam inside .

( Little white :what is he talking about host )

( I don't know what's going on inside his head. He did asked me this afternoon that "I like him or not " so I say yes. I didn't know he was going to do this, but dude I like you as friend. You're going wrong way boy)

Then she heared Mrs lu said : l also like xiao Qing very much . How about we do engagement first.

Before xiao Qing dad speak to deny, her mom speak first : good, l was thinking about this. Engagement first and when they grow up if they are willing . We will marry them.

Everyone agree with Mrs zhou suggestion.

( system what I do now)

( little white : don't panic host, we want to change the story from original so this is also change and when lu chenan become adult he will fall in love with female lead before that our mission will be complete and we will leave this world so, don't worry host♪\(*^▽^*)/\(*^▽^*)/)

( yeah, you're right) but why I think something is wrong .

Mr zhou look gloomy and see Mr Lu smirking

(I know it, he was jealous of me because I have daughter , now he want to snatch her.

In your dreams)

Mr lu set beside xiao Qing and gently said : xiao Qing now you're also my daughter so call me dad.

" why she call you dad. I'm her dad " Mr zhou said furiously and hug xiao Qing

Mr lu was enjoying teasing him . lu chenan was happy. Their mothers were talking with each other ,IN this mess xiao Qing has one thought (someone save me)

That's how storm pass. Next day after breakfast Mr zhou said : after two days we will go back.

Mr lu said : why not stay longer .

Mr zhou said : some unfinished work and princess birthday is coming in three days. I want to threw a birthday party

Mr lu said : then you can do that here, children will be also happy

Mrs zhou said gently : hmm good, baby what you think .

Xiao Qing said softly : I want to Celebrate my birthday party here.

Mr lu happyly said : it settled then

Mr zhou was unhappy he thought ( he really wants his son to secude my daughter to stay here )

Mr zhou pay attention to xiao Qing and pet her head and gently said : princess what you want as gift .

Xiao Qing thought ( he already give me everything clothes, shoes and toys 🤔

------------oh Σ(⊙▽⊙")

Xiao Qing shyly said : I want to go Amusement park with brother chenan.

( l will get mission complete)

" then we all will go " Mr zhou said

Mr lu assistant brought tickets and they all had lunch in restaurant . They enter Amusement park ,it was very lively. Lu chenan and xiao Qing was holding hands and chatting happyly. They play games and lu chenan win teddy bear and give it to xiao Qing. She happyly accept it. Xiao Qing also give Lu chenan pendant as gift. They also try many snacks and it was evening. Lu chenan want to go to Haunted house after this they were going to dinner in famous western restaurant . Lu chenan was very happy after spending time with xiao Qing.Love meter was now 30% . Xiao Qing also come with him and one body guard was coming with them .

When they entered haunted house Lu chenan held xiao Qing hands . Xiao Qing was silent so lu chenan thought she was scared but actually she was talking with system . Suddenly system warning come

(host run, some suspicious people are following you)


Xiao Qing run around to see their bodyguard was missing . Her guts was telling her something bad was going to happened.

She hurriedly said to chenan : brother uncle is missing . Did something happened

Lu chenan also noticed their surrounding change . He held her hand to run but before they do something, they felt pain in neck and everything trun black .

"Host wake up "

Xiao Qing come to her senses. She look around to see they were tied on the chair. the

place they were kept look like abandoned factory and she can heared the noise of sea waves, so this place must be near beach.

" Host are you okay. I was so worried about you "

" yeah. I'm okay but why didn't you informed me earlier, if you did this must not have happened "

" well . I didn't notice them and my detecation rang is not that wide. When I get upgared.... "

"okay. stop did this happened in original story back ground "

Little white check story plot again and said

" no, except lu chenan unaffection and abnormal behavior there is nothing mentioned about kidnapping . I think host because of you it's change again "

"No we're missing something"

She mumble "It's someone else....."

Little white didn't heared so he said : what you say host.

" we don't have time for this. send our location to my parents "

Little white " leave it to me "

Xiao Qing try to wake up lu chenan " brother wake up. Brother.... "

On the other side when 20 min passed and xiao Qing and lu chenan not come out, they got worried and call the manger . Police also come . After some investigating and seeing cctv they confirmed it was a case of kidnapping.but who kidnapped them and for what? They don't know. Police was gone to investigate others clue and then Mr lu phone ring. He pick up the phone it show an unknown number .he look at everyone and put on loud speaker .

Stranger : How are you Mr lu . I know you're hearing me and for your information I have your children .

Mr lu know this voice he said fiercely : Chen you bastard ,so this is your doing. Where are our children if you do...

Chen cut him: Mr lu relaxed. Your children are safe but for now. If you want your child come back safely then give me the correct project ,IN the first place that was mine . You have only one day to decide.

Then call was cut Mrs lu and zhou was crying . Mr lu and Mr zhou was also not in better condition .

Mr lu said put his hand on zhou shoulder and said guilty " sorry he kidnapped your daughter because she was with my son.

"no it's not your fault and this is not your problem, we are together in this "

Mr zhou phone vibvibrate he take out phone from his pocket there was a message with unknown location. Mr zhou without wasting time send the location to police .his guts were telling him that children are there.

Police track the location and it show around the beach .mrs lu and Mrs zhou were send back home . Mr lu and Mr zhou was going with police.

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