
Chapter II: Horwich High School

After the big flash, Aiden got up, when he approached the small compartment on the wall he was surprised by what he saw, it was a necklace in the shape of a cross, but on its bottom it was like glass and had strange indentations like those of a key, it also had a strange blue diamond in the center; the young man looked at it, wondering what that strange necklace was he looked at the compartment again and also noticed what looked like an old paper, he opened it and began to read what was written on it:

-"With honor and courage, with cunning and malice, from evil he must protect the ancient relic, only the guardian will be able to save from those dark clutches the secret of his home.

Where silence sounds and the mind prevails, where the voice is not heard and imagination dominates; One to see in Eight times grow Nine are the birds that the bell tower has to have to make sound a Strong noise where everything begins to grow.

C.H 1978"-

Surprised, Aiden asks the spirit the meaning of all that, but it disappears, he says: -Protect, Horwich, Protect"; when a great flash of light disappears, it comes out of the window blinding the young man, when he opens his eyes he notices that he was in his bed, quickly he got up, ran to the window, opened the curtain seeing that it was day, walked to his bed wondering if everything was a dream and to check it under the frame, giving soft knocks on the wall, he noticed at once that it was hollow, observing more closely he saw the same little girl and when he pulled it, the compartment opened; With an expression on his face as if it couldn't be possible, he took both the necklace and the paper and said to himself - I don't understand, what am I supposed to do?" At that moment his mother calls him to come down to breakfast for school, Aiden leaves the things in bed, changes and comes down to breakfast.

As she was eating breakfast, Mrs. Rowell noticed that her son was very thoughtful and a little strange, when faced with such an attitude she asked him:

-What's wrong with you, Aiden? You look weird.

-No, it's nothing, Mom. I just had a strange dream. It's getting late, right?

-Okay, see-

The young man goes up to his room, looks for his backpack, suddenly when he was about to leave, he strangely sees the necklace with the paper and decides to take it to school in order to find out what it was. When he arrived at Aiden's school he wished his mother luck at work and Mrs. Rowell did the same; he got out of the car, took a breath and said, "New school, here we come. At the entrance of the school, all the students were there, all of a sudden you hear the microphone: -Good morning students, it's time to listen to your principal speak, let's give him a big round of applause- that's when the principal comes out, this was a skinny man, with a thick moustache and an attitude that didn't make him look very friendly; he stands at the podium in front of the microphone and starts to say

-Dear students, welcome to a new year at Horwich High School. New students, as you will see in this institution, follow a strict regulation that I hope each and every one of you will comply with, since whoever violates the regulation will be sanctioned and punished accordingly; I want you to leave the name of the educational institution very high, finally, in the secretary's office located in the main hall you will be given your schedules. To the students in general, in three days the mayor of the city will come to visit us, I hope to see an impeccable behavior from all of you; have a good day-

Everyone enters the high school, Aiden looks for their schedule and locker number, then walks around looking at their schedule saying: - Let's see what we have here... science, wow this place is huge, where the science room is supposed to be, well I'll follow my intuition- the young man goes to the left side of the high school to see where the science room was. In one of those while walking down the hall, while he was distracted looking at the schedule he bumps into a student who was holding some books, Aiden apologizes and helps him pick up the books when suddenly he realizes it was Madysin, surprised he asks:

-Study here?

- Yeah, since last year, I didn't think I'd see you here.

- I don't even-

- I see that you are lost, come on I'll help you. What classroom are you looking for?

- The science room, I've been looking for a while, this place is huge - Madysin is surprised and asks:

- Wait, science classroom! What group did you get?

- It says here 3T, why do you ask?

- What a coincidence, I'm in that group too-

- Really, that's good... at least I'm not alone in this place.

- Calm down, come on, we have to get in before it's too late, follow me-

They both arrive and enter the science room, at which point the teacher sees his entire class and begins to say

-Well, that's everybody. As far as I see there are new faces, I introduce myself, I am Professor Edwards your science teacher, I hope we get along well; for this first class I need you to put together pairs or groups of three to investigate the following reports-

While the teacher writes down the notes on the blackboard, Madysin looks at Aiden and quietly apologizes, telling him that he already has a partner; the young man starts looking to see who he could go with, when he turns his head to the left a student with glasses surprises him by telling him:

-Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Hobson, Hobson Burney, I have no problem with you being in my group:

-We saw you alone and knew you were new here. Sorry, I'm Lenz Pott, but just tell me Lenz, don't mention my last name:

-Ok? I'm Aiden, and you two are friends? Hobson was going to answer him, but Lenz tells him first:

-yes, for a year now- Hobson, with a bit of arrogance but without courage, says to Lenz:

-Thank you for answering for my- Aiden laughs and asks Lenz:

-Are you sure you're not with Hobson out of interest? - both are surprised by the question and Hobson answers:

-no, of course not, although it is clear that this fried brain is not intelligent, but it is the only friend I have in this city - in that Lenz answers him:

-hey! -Although on second thought, if it's true- Aiden says to laugh and nods his head no to both of them:

-You two are very funny.

Madysin, on the other hand, tells her best friend Emma:

-We'll go together, won't we?

-Of course, I would never leave my best friend alone," answers Emma.

At that time, there were some students who were two desks behind Madysin and Emma, one of them named Adyson tells the other one her name is Brithany:

-Why didn't you tell the new guy to come with us? -

-Calm down Adyson, don't be so hasty, you'll soon see him eating out of my hand-

After a while Professor Edwards asks for silence and starts to say:

-these are all this year's reports, the first topic of these two weeks will be reactions- in that the bell rings to go out and while everyone is going out Aiden was wondering if he could tell the teacher about what he had found in his house, so without hesitation he went over to ask him:

-Professor Edwards-

-The young man thinks about it even more, but in the end he decides not to say anything in response:

-no, it's nothing professor is a nonsense- the professor a little serious tells him:

-I know it's hard to say something serious to a teacher, especially in this city, they're all very strange, especially the literature teacher, she's really terrified and even more so with the bitter look on her face, but don't worry, I'm not like them, maybe you don't want to say anything to me right now, but you can count on me for whatever you need, you know that-Aiden answers with an affirmative gesture and leaves the classroom.

After a while, the young man arrived at his locker, opened it, taking out the pocket of his uniform shirt, and began to think to himself: - who can I tell about what I found, could it be that I tell Hobson and Lenz? Or do I tell Madysin - and then he hears someone say, "Why is someone as handsome as you so lonely?" Hearing this, Aiden panics, puts the paper in the locker and slams it shut, then notices that it's a student from his class, he begins to say:

-I'm Brithany Calders, but you can call me Bry." When Aiden was about to answer, Bry's friend said:

-And my name is Adyson Graf, a pleasure:

- It's a pleasure to meet you... I'm Aiden- Bry answers you:

- I see you're new, how about I give you a tour of the high school and you get to know it-

Aiden didn't know what to say to him, at which point Lenz and Hobson arrive, and Lenz says to him:

-He can't, Bry:

-but because you can't, are you busy Aiden?- the young man still didn't know what to say to Bry and Hobson:

-yes, Aiden is very busy, we have to go to the library to start the reports- in that everyone looks at the young man, and feeling pressured he says to Bry:

-it's true, I didn't remember, come on- the young man turned around to leave when she told him:

-wait, and if after school I show you the city and we don't have a milkshake-

- I can't Bry, sorry I have to start the reports - in that Adyson says to Aiden

- wait... you can't refuse Bry's invitation, she's the leader of the cheerleaders, you can't tell her not to

-Bry answers him:

-well, I'll see you tomorrow at three after school, I look forward to it, bye

Bry and Adyson leave, in that Aiden tells his friends:

-Uff, from which they saved me, I owe them one," Hobson replies:

-you don't have to thank us, but seriously, we have to start the reports- Lenz puts his arm around Aiden's neck by telling him

-that's it! -You have a date with the most popular girl in high school-

- don't get confused, it's just going to take me to know the city that's all, besides I didn't want to leave it bad, you know-

The three of them were leaving, and while they were leaving Lenz was singing and saying to Aiden: "You have a date! You have a date!"; on the other hand Madysin was in his locker talking to his friend Emma and she asked him:

-What do you have with the new guy?

-Who are you talking about? Of Aiden -Madysin answers

-if it's the same, you always stare at it-

- It is normal, he is a lonely friend who is beautiful, has very pretty eyes, and his hair - the young woman takes a sigh, as if in love, in that a student puts his hands behind her as if hugging her saying:

-Who are you talking about, not me?

-Hello Ezequiel- answers Emma

-if Ezekiel was yours- Madysin answers with a sarcastic tone

-Hello glasses... hey love, let's do the reports together, don't leave me bad-

-yes... it's okay-

-that's love you're the best, you never let me down- Ezequiel starts hugging Madysin and kissing her on the cheeks, so much so that she started to get uncomfortable, telling Ezequiel to stop and in that Aiden was going in that same corridor with Lenz and Hobson, when he saw Madysin so uncomfortable and telling them to let her go, the young man grabs Ezequiel from behind the sack and turns him around telling him:

-She told you to let go, are you deaf?

-hey, what's wrong with you! Don't you know who you're messing with?

-With a flesh and blood person I guess," Aiden says.

-Calm down, don't fight," says Madysin

-It's very quiet love, and I hope this will stay in your mind, I'm Ezequiel Broston the captain of the soccer team, don't mess with me if you know very well where your place is... I better go, I have practice and I don't want to be late-

Ezequiel leaves, and Aiden, all surprised, asks Madysin:

-Is that your boyfriend?

-yes, I love him very much although sometimes he is too stubborn-

-well (telling Madysin with a little bit of a complaining attitude), well changing the subject, I need to talk to you about something important I want to tell you-

That's when the doorbell rings to go to class, and Madysin goes with Emma and says:

-we talk after school, we see each other-

-that's good- answers Aiden a little disappointed