
Horror Short Stories Collection

Chilled Paranormal Keeps Happening Around Us , Few are Victims while other are total unaware of such malevolent Entities

Sanjeev_Bhide_5554 · Ciudad
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5 Chs

The Box

(Horror Stories) The Box

         Years had passed since "Raj" inherited his father's wealth and property. He had indulged in all sorts of vices and pleasures that money could buy. His father's death had brought him immense wealth, but it had also made him a haunted man.

       One night, while "Raj" was high on drugs and alcohol, he received a strange package at his doorstep. It was a wooden box, with no sender's name or address. "Raj" was intrigued by the box and opened it immediately.

      As soon as he opened the box, he felt a chill run down his spine. There was nothing inside the box except for a note that read, "You will pay for what you did."

      "Raj" was puzzled. He could not understand who had sent him the box or what the note meant. He dismissed it as a prank and went back to his vices.

      But the box kept appearing at his doorstep every few days, each time with a new note that threatened him with dire consequences. "Raj" grew increasingly paranoid and started seeing shadows and hearing whispers in his house.

      One night, while he was alone in his room, he heard a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he found the wooden box lying on the ground. He picked it up and opened it, only to find nothing inside.

      Suddenly, he felt a cold hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see his father's ghost standing behind him, staring at him with empty eyes.

     "Raj" screamed in terror and tried to run, but the ghost followed him everywhere he went. The box kept appearing at his doorstep, and the ghost kept haunting him day and night.

     Finally, "Raj" could not take it anymore. He went to perform funeral rites for his father, hoping that it would put an end to the haunting. But as soon as he opened the box, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He collapsed on the ground, dead.

    The funeral rites for "Raj" and his father were performed at the same time, and it still remains a mystery how they both died together. But some say that the wooden box was cursed, and whoever opened it would suffer the same fate as "Raj".