
Horror Games: Children Blessing System

Ling Qi obtained his system after staying in the ghost master world for eighteen years. After he obtain the system, he turned the nightmare-level horror game into a simple-level casual game, and also left the ghost masters of the same period far behind. While others were struggling to survive, Ling Qi was eating and drinking and doing whatever he wanted. While others were racking their brains to clear the game, Ling Qi was already killing ghosts that were harmful and was unstoppable!

Ravenchast · Fantasía
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29 Chs


In this way, Ling Qi no longer cared about whether the table was clean, but changed his goal and decided to find the invigilator hiding in the room.

First of all, the examiner is using a disguise trick, and secondly, it must be in this room as well.

Therefore, Ling Qi concluded that it must also be using this deception to disguise itself.

So if you want to find it, there must be a way to break this puzzle.

Ling Qi looks at his fingers resting on a plate of humans on the table, closing his eyes and touching it.

The touch is the same as what he saw before, he ruled out this possibility.

The next one is the human brain. The feeling of closing the eyes is the same as the previous feeling, excluding this possibility.

After removing everything from the table, Ling Qi pointed at the paintings on the wall.

Still must compare all ways of probability.

Soon, he discovered the clues.

There's something wrong with that portrait of the haughty king.

It was clearly hanging on the wall, but when Ling Qi closed his eyes, he couldn't touch anything.

"I found you!" He opened his eyes, stared at the portrait of the king that shouldn't exist, and raised the corners of his lips slightly.

In the portrait, an arrogant middle-aged king is sitting on the throne, holding a scepter symbolizing royal power in one hand, and a golden wine glass symbolizing wealth in the other hand. His nostrils are pointing upward, which is quite impressive. Domineering.

Reaching out and caressing the portrait, Ling Qi could clearly feel the aura of the invigilator.

"About four to five hundred ghost points."

"If it's before noon, I really can't handle it."

"But it's different now." Ling Qi laughed inwardly and said to the invigilator, "Still pretending? I have found you."

The arrogant king remained unmoved, as if he had not heard anything, and remained majestic and domineering.

Seeing this, Ling Qi raised his right hand, and the dark ghost vortex wrapped around his arm. Yun Xi's power was also added to it, and the powerful deterrent force exploded instantly.

The arrogant king was still sitting on the throne, but the beads of sweat on his forehead had begun to betray him.

"You can persevere pretty well."

"Your disguise is meaningless!" Ling Qi stretched out his dark claws towards the painting.

The arrogant king couldn't sit still. The hand holding the scepter was trembling slightly, and the sweat on his forehead was rolling down as if he was sweating profusely.


"Fool, your sweat is dripping out of the photo frame now, why are you still pretending?"

"Don't hit me!" Finally, the arrogant king couldn't stand it anymore and came out of the portrait, "Don't you understand the rules? If you kill me, you will also be strangled by the power of the rules!"

"I know!" Ling Qi looked at the invigilator dressed as a king with a smile, "I'm just scaring you."

Of course, Ling Qi would not be stupid enough to kill him directly.

But the deterrent power of the ghost claw is very strong. The examiner had long heard that Ling Qi did not play according to the rules of the game, so he naturally regarded him as a madman.

God knows if this lunatic would ignore the rules and slap him to death.

This slap is more than a hundred points higher than his ghost points value, enough to kill him instantly.

"You...are you scaring me?" The invigilator's face was gloomy, and she stood up in a panic, cursing in her mind, "Didn't the principal say that he only has 380 ghost points? Didn't he say that he doesn't have skills?"

"What the hell is this?"

"He is cheating by hiding himself!"

At this moment, Ling Qi once again took the dominant position. His dark claws suddenly moved forward, grabbed the examiner's neck, and lifted her high.

"Invigilator, you just had a great time."

"I just wiped the table and you immediately stained it for me. What do you think I should do about this?" Ling Qi asked with a sneer.

"I'm just doing what I should do. This is part of the horror game. I'm responsible for creating obstacles." The invigilator said bravely, "Now that you've caught me out, even if you remove the obstacles. Now, I won't hinder you anymore."

"Really?" Ling Qi's hand tightened, and the sharp claws pierced her soul.

For a moment, the ghost points in the examiner ghost's body drained crazily.

Like a deflated rubber ball, the ghost points value of 450 points also turned into 400 points, 370 points, 350 points, 300 points, and 270 points in the blink of an eye...

The escape of ghost points is equivalent to human bleeding. Although it can be recovered, it can make the ghost very weak for a period of time, and its combat effectiveness plummets.


"Are you attacking me?"

"You are committing a foul!" The invigilator's eyes were about to burst.

"Oh?!" Ling Qi raised his eyebrows and said nonchalantly, "I did commit a foul, then come and kill me."


The invigilator was very aggrieved.

Unfortunately, the rules were more binding on the ghost, so she could only give in and say in a trembling voice, "Okay, can I help you clean up together?"

"Huh?!" Ling Qi seemed still dissatisfied after hearing this, and Ghost Claw continued to deflate her.

Seeing that her ghost points had dropped to 120 points, the invigilator quickly begged, "I'll do it, why don't I do it all?"

"Just watch from the sidelines. I'll clean up the room for you. Leave the whole room to me. I'll make it perfect for you, and I'll make sure you get the horror points and ghost points rewards!"

"Is this okay?"


In this way, Ling Qi released her and threw her on the ground, "Hurry up, if you make me lose points, I will poke a hundred holes in you and let all the ghost points in you drain itself."

When the invigilator heard this, she secretly cursed and labeled him, 'pervert', then obediently picked up the broom and started cleaning.

In this way, this round of the game is basically completed.

Ling Qi was about to release Yun Xi from her body.

Yun Xi is still so beautiful, and she is still wearing the same short shirt and shorts, revealing a pair of slender legs, and a considerable chest.

"Yun Xi, just keep watch on her work here. If she dares to resist or run away, deal with her severely." Ling Qi patted her shoulder and said.

Yun Xi's ghost points value is 170 ghost points.

There are only 120 ghost points from the examiner left.

Dealing with her is simple.

"Are you looking for Qin Yujiao?" Yun Xi asked, but there was no mood swing.

Obviously, she can also accept Ling Qi finding a human girlfriend, after all, he has needs.

"Yes, I'm worried that she won't be able to complete the game alone. I will come back before the game is completed. Please take care."

"Yeah!" Yun Xi nodded, holding his arm at the same time, and said in his ear, "You have to sincerely love her and keep caring for her. You can't just leave her alone when you have a new girlfriend to fool around with."

"Don't worry, I won't treat both badly tonight!" Ling Qi kissed her thin red lips, then left the studio and hurried towards the east stairs.

In the direction of the east stairs, Qin Yujiao was circling in the stairs. Beside her, a female ghost was blowing continuously.

When Ling Qi saw this, his face darkened, and he immediately stepped forward and pressed the female ghost against the wall.

The female ghost was shocked. She didn't expect someone to attack me from behind. She said harshly, "Who is messing with me behind my back?"

"I'm her examiner!"

"You are committing a foul, aren't you afraid that I will gobble you up?"

After saying that, her eyes finally caught sight of Ling Qi's face, her pupils suddenly contracted, and she showed an expression of disbelief, "It's you! Ling Qi?"