
Horror Games: Children Blessing System

Ling Qi obtained his system after staying in the ghost master world for eighteen years. After he obtain the system, he turned the nightmare-level horror game into a simple-level casual game, and also left the ghost masters of the same period far behind. While others were struggling to survive, Ling Qi was eating and drinking and doing whatever he wanted. While others were racking their brains to clear the game, Ling Qi was already killing ghosts that were harmful and was unstoppable!

Ravenchast · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Classroom Task (1)

"Everyone, a human bug came to our class today, and it was a relatively powerful one."

"Although he is a miserable human bug, the principal has admitted that he is very strong, so he specifically asked me to take care of him."

"This round of the tasks will be hosted by me alone. As for you... you should go to class and not be affected by a bug!"

In comparison, Jiang Wei's attitude towards human beings is indeed good.

This guy was like a worm in his mouth, which made Ling Qi a little unhappy.

Of course, Ling Qi wouldn't like to fight for the verbal advantage, and prefers to find opportunities to tear his face slap him directly.

"Ling Qi!" Guan Yu looked at him with arrogant eyes and sneered, "The rules of this round of the game are as follows, listen up!"

"First, you are not allowed to whisper during class time. If you dare to talk to anyone, you will be killed!"

"Second, this round of classes lasts one hour. After the class is over, you will be given a test paper. It's the same as the first task. A score of 80 or above is excellent. If you score below 80, your tongue will be cut into pieces. If you score below 60, I will kill it with my own hands and about you!"

"I hope you can score 59 points!"

"These are the two rules. Let's start class!"


The bell rang for class. After Nangong Qing glanced at him, she picked up her book and began to listen carefully.

He cannot open his mouth to speak during this round of the game, and of course he cannot ask for help from others.

He picked up his chemistry textbook and started listening to Director Guan class.

At the same time, he was distracted by his thoughts.

Not counting the five basic rules of the horror world, there are only two rules in this round of the task that have been added, indicating that there must be secret cards in the task that need to be decrypted.

The simpler the task, the more attention and vigilance it requires.

Ling Qi listened for a few minutes and couldn't see any problem.

The director's class today was not difficult. It was about chemical reactions, and he didn't hear any problems throughout the whole process.

Looking at the ghosts around him, they didn't pose any threat to him.

Guan Yu's voice did not cause mental pollution to him, and he did not need to resort to self-mutilation to maintain his sanity.

Everything seemed too smooth.


"There is obviously something wrong!"

"There must be a hidden card in this game. Just like the last round of cleaning, it requires using your brain..."

"What's wrong?" Ling Qi was listening to the class while looking for something fishy in the class.

Soon Guan Yu got to the point. He wrote a series of chemical formulas and definitions on the blackboard with the chalk in his hand.

It is natural to write down the key knowledge points.

He focused part of his attention and recorded what was in front of him in his notebook.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly and he stopped breathing temporarily, as if he noticed something was wrong.

He happened to catch a glimpse of Nangong Qing out of the corner of his eye.

This big sister was also listening to the class, but she did not write.

He looked at the other classmates again. They were all the same and had no intention of writing.

"Sure enough, something is wrong!"

"The definition of redox reaction...don't you remember such an important thing?"

"Even if one person doesn't remember, it can't be that everyone doesn't remember, right?" Ling Qi took a deep breath, and even gave up listening to the lecture, covering his ears, "The content I heard must be different from what they heard. ."

"Is this class... truly chemistry?" He closed his eyes and tried to solve the problem using the method he used in the previous round, which was to change his way of perception.

So he opened his eyes again and covered his ears.

Ling Qi frowned.

In his sixth sense, Guan Yu was still writing teaching content related to redox reactions.

So this time he covered his eyes and opened his ears.

"Please note that the essence of the redox reaction is the gain and loss of electrons, or the shift of electron pairs..."

Obviously, this method still fails to solve the problem. It does not rely on the eyes, but only relies on the ears. What can be heard is still related to chemistry.

"What's going on?" Ling Qi gave up using his senses to break the situation, grabbed the pen in his hand and kept spinning it.

When the hands are moving, the mind can become calmer.

Time ticked by, but it was so slow in his heart.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and projected the entire scene of Class 3 and Class 6 into his mind. Every detail in the class was reflected in his mind, including the broom in the corner and the chalk box on the table.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and his perspective returned to the moment when he first entered the class. He suddenly turned back and looked out the window, and then stretched out his hand to touch the light switch on the wall.


The lights go out!


The lights come on.

After a simple operation, the lights in the class changed from white to yellow.

Everything in front of me was turned upside down as if the scene of the camera was changing.

Guan Yu transformed from an old man in a suit into a half-rotten evil ghost. The flesh and blood all over his body turned purple dark green, the suit he wore turned into tattered cloth, and the chemical equations on the wall also turned into Newton's second law.

F=MA suddenly appeared in his sight.

Looking at Nangong Qing, she has already memorized the key points of Newton's second law in her notebook.

At the same time, Nangong Qing looked at him, with an imperceptible smile on her lips, and then wrote a line of words on the paper, "Congratulations on passing the task!"

Seeing this, Ling Qi breathed a sigh of relief and began to record the knowledge points of Newton's second law.

The decryption points of this round of games are very concealed. At first glance, there is no problem at all. If it weren't for his strong ability to control details, he would never notice that the lessons he listened to were completely different from those of others.

This detail is the note-taking part.

It is also the most critical core to unlocking this game.

The second core is the street light outside the window, which is also a detail.

The average game player will focus on the game venue but ignore what is outside the window. The two street lights are far away. Fortunately, he noticed this when he entered the class.

The most disgusting thing about this game is that it can't be delayed.

Once a problem is discovered, it must be solved as soon as possible.

The longer it takes, the more knowledge points he will miss. If he hasn't unbuttoned the light switch after ten minutes, he can basically declare failure.

Because the words that are not heard in the front may not be understood in the back.

Even if he understands it, if he cannot answer the previous knowledge points, he will not be able to get an excellent score in the exam. At worst, his tongue will be cut off, and at worst, he will die.

In contrast, the moment Ling Qi pressed the light switch, it meant that the current round of the game was over.

The knowledge points of Newton's second law are not difficult. As long as you listen carefully, it will not be a problem to get 80 points.

Nangong Qing's pen moved again and she wrote a line of praise, "You solved the problem so quickly. You are much smarter than I thought. You are a smart person. I am very happy."

Seeing this, Ling Qi also picked up the pen and responded, "I have never been a reckless man, so there is nothing wrong with being my girlfriend!"

After finishing writing, he placed his left hand generously on Nangong Qing's breasts, feeling her bra. [Can't remember if it was bra worn or not]