
What's happening?

A man lay on a bloodied hospital bed in a shack surrounded by mountains of other such shacks.


Drops. Large and small. Fast and slow. They glittered as they fell and spread out like petals as they shattered on the tin roof before completing this cycle of their journey by soaking into the ground.

Helani. It's coming on again. Helani. Helani! I don't know if I'll come back. I DON'T KNOW.


A short, short-haired Latina burst through the door of a slum in the lower section of City B of the Iron Wall Alliance.

Matthias! Wha-now?! It's okay! You can do it, you can! You will come back. I know you, you know me! Always remember that! Say it, say it!

I know you, you know me!

Again! More, Matthias!

I know you, you know me!




Suddenly, a white line appeared directly down the center of Matthias's body and like that, he was gone.


George, I've studied and studied. Memorized all the formulas, made new formulas, everything! Everything points towards the conclusion that I can't predict the effects of this…monstrosity. No science can help me here. It comes down to choice and the consequences.

A man sat in the dark corner of the room, a cigar between his fingertips. The villa they were in was high on a mountain, surrounded by other villas, though distanced some.

Notably, the cigar, it looked somewhat exaggerated as its size was bordering on that of a ruler.

Listen, John. We'll start small, but you need to do this. There are other beings out there even beyond the ones we've made an alliance with. Things that can't even be relegated to the term species. Things beyond our definition that act for purposes we can't currently understand. Even so, they encroach upon humanity. You. YOU! You've been gifted with this new perspective. A possibility beyond all humans are capable of. You, along with others of such power, can protect us. You can protect your family. You can never suffer such a loss again. Witchcraft, energy, and other such sources do not compare to you and can't truly protect us from the unknown! See, we were both there, John! Your daughter's last words? WHAT WERE THEY?



"Protect momma."

And that broken smile, that sacrificial smile. She died that day at an age younger than most for your sake! For her mother's, Sasha's sake! WILL YOU LET IT ALL MEAN NOTHING?

A small amount of light flickered through John's eyes as he turned his head towards George. Though not total determination, it was sign of a certain level of will. The will to uphold his daughter's wishes, the will to protect his wife, the will to understand why everything happened.

Alright. I'll do it. Do it for her, for us, for humanity.


The number one power in the world, recognized by all other powers, and it was just one person. Not an organization of powerful individuals. Not a union or an alliance. No. Just one individual.

Her name was Shiai. Well, that was the moniker given. Her actual name was Wiki. She was Samoan. Of course, her home had been destroyed, but she had brought with her 3,000 people. 3,000. An insane number that made people remember her name. When everyone was struggling to protect even themselves, even those gifted with powers, she was able to save 3,000 people.

Of course, she had the physical prowess and power to back it up. Nothing could affect her. Spirits, Ki, mana, energy, witchcraft, nothing yet discovered. On the contrary, her strange ability could affect everything. She could make golden light constructs that radiated a certain aura, the same aura that always radiated around her body. The aura alone shattered almost all other types of power. The constructs had not yet met something they couldn't crush. Though soon, it seemed like that was about to change.

Shiai sat upon her throne made of crystal and gold and looked out unto nothing. If you saw her, you might think that she was looking out upon the ocean that her throne faced, however you would be wrong. Truly, at the moment, she was looking upon nothing. Thinking.

What she had just seen had shocked her.

A human…on the moon? A human in a mansion…on the moon.

That's…excessive. What just happened? Was this a vision like before? It couldn't be showing the future…no, it surely showed the present. Why show me this and why was he on the moon?

Suddenly, golden light flashed in her eyes.

Shaking her head, she slowly rose up from her throne to stand on the very edge of the cliff before the drop off.

I am Shiai! What I don't know, I can surely find out!


Hmm. So, you're telling me that was Shiai, that woman who attained a seed of spiritual divinity?

Yea, Kain.

Interesting. The power that connected us however wasn't hers. It stemmed from the spiritual plane.

I could have Ceris check? Since she's already in the plane for training.

Eh. No need. That'd be a pain for her and me. Don't worry about it. Things will crop up. Mrs. Shiai though should be investigating me right about now. Wonder if she'll find out about my moniker down there?

What would you like to do if she does?

She can sit in my coffee shop, have a drink. Hope she won't be overbearing. I mean, she runs a school but sits on a golden throne? I know politics and relations have gotten iffy but jeez.

That was a bad joke, Kain.

Hahaha. It was still funny to me though…

You laugh at yourself too much.

How else would I enjoy my time?

That right there is why you can't find the woman of your dreams, ya know.

And there you go again Helen! Confidence is why I can't find one I click with?


That's BS and you know it. Ain't it time to return to your husband?

Yea, in just a couple of minut-

Actually! How is it working out? You said he's developing powers similar to you?

Yea, definitely. He says he's got a hell of a green thumb. Plants even unwither when he touches them. He's reached the Subtle level.

Alright. Keep an eye out for any crazy things. Wouldn't want him losing control or suddenly manifesting intent…

Of course.

Aight. Cya in a few weeks.

Cya, Kain.


So, you're telling me that there's some powerful guy no one knows anything about who goes by the name Erasmus the Ascetic King? Why didn't I know about him 4 years ago?!

Shiai's voice reached a shrill for a moment. Not out of anger, but simply to express the comical betrayal she felt towards her friend.

You don't exactly ever endeavor in politics or society Lady Shiai…like ever. The only time you intervene is when serious situations crop up and you don't even stay for the afterparty…

Yea well, all of those people are deceptive assholes. "Higher society", please. Power doesn't justify actions. They've all got horrific skeletons in their closets and watch the others like tigers. Now, tell me about this Ascetic King…Why the name?


The woman should be…


A golden guitar the size of a trailer slammed into the sand in front of a small coffee shop built on the boardwalk of Vales Beach, the fastest developing port-city of the Iron Wall.

Naturally, this was a rather surprising spectacle. It immediately attracted a lot of attention from the various people walking along the beach and the workers who allowed for this great seaside city to operate.

However, upon seeing the guitar made of lights, there was a mass uproar. After all, there was only one line of people who could create such things. The heritage of Shiai. Currently in that heritage, there was only one individual – Shiai, herself.

This was Shiai! In the flesh!

Cameras flashed and the buzz of discussion covered even the seemingly omnipresent crashing of the teal tides for a time. Even so, no one approached her. They all knew better than that.

She was the single strongest human on the planet, the strongest force even – a being that could prevail against nations. Even getting close to her and experiencing her famous aura might send them to the hospital.

So, all the crowd could do was watch as the light slowly faded, and she began to walk up the boardwalk towards the coffee shop.

Isn't that the coffee shop of old man Era?

Yea, he did supposedly help when that dragon came down.

I saw it! He forced it away with one hand!

Yea, right, Johnny. Always exaggerating! Where's your mom?

Who knew he had such important guests?

How could he? He talks to us regular people. None of those powerful people, except Shiai, have ever even been documented talking to people who didn't have the potential…

Well then, avert your eyes because this is history in the making! Old Man Era meets with Shiai!

My agency will blow up with this scoop! Let's go back boys! You stay here and see if anything else happens, Mod!

Yes sir…but isn't Era's shop closed today?


Oh, yea. I feel the string vibrating.

Shiai was certain this was the right place. That golden string of fate of hers was strumming violently in its influence. This signified that a connection was about to be made. Particularly, there had never been so violent as strumming as the one that was going on right then.

Thus, with confidence almost spilling out of her body, she walked up to the coffee shop and knocked on the door even though she had seen the cheap, plastic "Closed." sign.

She could feel the difference in pressure. She was well-aware that there was someone inside.

Even so, there was no answer to her knocking.


She struck the door heavier this time, letting each knock be distinct and separate to leave space for an echo.

To not answer the door for me? There's not one person in the world.

Her in-born arrogance that lie in the center of her confidence was beginning to cause a few reactions in her. None of them would be savory.


The sign on the door that had said "Closed." suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a luxuriously accented wooden sign spelling out "We. Are. Closed.".

This did not bode well. This was an afront to the strongest human.

Before the sign could even stop rattling, Shiai's fist had already launched through the door. However, as opposed to the destruction one might imagine when a being of such power punches out, the only things indicating she had punched at all was the lack of sign where there had been one and a perfect whole in the glass that had been in front of said sign.

Quickly, another sign went up – this one just floated there. It read out, "Fine, come in.".


The door swung open by itself and Shiai took deep strides into the shop before the door closed behind her and the windows fogged up, blocking anyone else from looking in.


So, you're the man they call "The Ascetic King"? No, there's something weird about you.

Shiai stood next to the check-out counter of the shop where one might pay for their drinks. Next to her was a only an empty glass and the register.

Well, hi there. What a way to introduce yourself.

Kain was sitting at one of the tables in the customer area. Rather, it was the only table and chair out at that moment.

What are you?

Something along the lines of human. Want some coffee?

He began to pour a liquid out of one of the cups on the table in front of him.

No. Why do you have a shop here? How did you help take down the dragon?

He mixed in some sugar which seemed to come out of nowhere.

You sure? No coffee? Maybe some tea? Really harmonizes the senses.

A tea bag popped into existence above his head and slowly floated down towards one of the cups he wasn't using.

NO. Answer my questions!

Maybe some milk? Keeps the bones str-

Ask me one more thing. See if I do-

Water then.

Kain waved his hand filling the glass on the counter in an instant. He also watched as her face began to contort before she gained control of her senses once more.

Ask me what you really want to know. Being the most powerful, I know your intelligence network must be solid.

Are you…the man on the moon?

I am one of the beings on the moon – the one whose estate you saw. Certainly.

So, you are the Head.

They're all humans from Earth, mostly.

How did you…why? What even?

I know. Strange, isn't it? Well, here. We'll start easy…

Wait. We're not alone.

A dark circle suddenly popped into the room, before, as if a being was trying to escape, a leg came out of it. Quickly, a whole body followed and by the time the last hair had escaped the sphere, it was gone.

Sir, I bring tidings.

Suddenly, various other spheres all appeared in the room behind Kain.

Ah, Ramiel, have you good tidings? Or…disastrous ones?