
Isn't it all so transient?

Boots crunched over all manner of mundane object. Sleet drifted slowly into the room as the door that had been swinging back closed on its hinges was blown open once more by a gust of wind. If one was looking in from outside, a silhouette could be seen moving slowly through the house.

The man swaggered or minced his way through disorderly room after disorderly room until he reached an office with a closet.

Clothes thrown there, jewelry somewhere else; it seemed like it had been left in a haste or run through by bandits.

As he made his way towards the closet, he noticed a relatively newer gaming laptop laying on its side half open, the screen shattered.

How quickly such things felt foreign. A couple of weeks ago, he might have been enjoying distracting himself from the ever-present stresses of life with such a machine – such a marvel of technology.

That isn't to say that there wasn't still need for such things. Just, the battery was more useful elsewhere now.

He stretched out his hand towards the handle of the closet door but stopped halfway.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew away everything close to the man, opening the closet in the process. Some clothes hangers fell along with an assortment of other garments for the higher class.

A red dress, a purple tux, a couple ornately designed, yet worn golfing shirts. Kakis.

The only thing that didn't fall though was a slightly lower than knee-length trench coat. Heavy, lined with fur on the inside, and plenty of pockets throughout.


The man smiled. It wasn't too pretty, but it showed something the man rarely used to indulge in before the changes, a small moment of happiness. Joy was too strong a word. Joy was a state. Few could afford such a thing before, even fewer now.

The wind blew by once more as he preened himself in the agreeable coat.

As if alerted to something, he instantly stopped moving and cupped his ear a bit.

Hmm? This far in? A new surprise every day. Least I'm presentable.

His body untensed as he laughed at his own joke, deprecating as it was.

His eyes then turned towards the only still intact chair in the room. It was a chaise.

As if to contrast with the gaming laptop, the chaise was old, styled old even. Rather, it looked like a small throne – the wood carved and embellished with florid design, the coarse material of the cambric-esque linen where one might sit adorned with pompous depictions.


In the distance now, one could hear muffled discussion, and the soft crunching of shoes on starchy snow.

The man ran his finger along the wooden back of the chair feeling the carvings as they drew line after line.

Finally, as the voices grew ever louder, he took his seat; his fingers slowly tapped down on the butt of the armrest of the chaise as if lining out scales on a piano.

At the same time, the door, no longer being pushed open by wind, slowly creaked as it closed.


It's been a while sense I encountered others. It would do me good to join them if they know about people like me, given that I am not the sole case of this predicament.

Joanne! Looks like we can get some clothes from here and maybe some towels. It doesn't look too messed up from the outside.

Quieter, Luke! Come on guys! We've got a place to check out!

Finally. It's been hours, Anne…

Yea, shut up Andrew! We're lucky to be one of the first back here!

The small group of people treaded ever closer to the house. Though their words gave little away, emotions were tense.

Shortages were becoming apparent, and the situation around them worse.

The girl named Joanne plodded at the front of the group followed by Luke stalking behind her, pistol ready. The rest scuffed and staggered through the ever-thickening snow.

Let's hope there's good stuff, guys!

Optimistic as always, Luke. Cover me.

Joanne reached out towards the handle of the door. Simultaneously, a cold wind blew by her into the room as she opened the door.


The door squeaked as it turned.

Well, hello there.

The first thing to notice were his silver irises. They were stunning, glowing even.

Joanne blinked for a moment, as she froze. Luke, on the other hand, immediately acted.

Freeze! Hands up!

Ah. I mean no harm. I simply heard you all and felt it'd be better to wait.

The man spoke serenely as he rose his hands above his head.

Who else is with you!?

Contrarily, Luke spoke forcefully as if performing a heist.

It's just me. Can we – calm down? That'd be best for everyone. I'm a loner who simply came for some clothes.

Luke kept his gun aimed at the man but calmed down a bit. By now, Joanne had recollected herself and stared at the man. The other members of the group were still a bit farther back but seemed to have heard Luke and spread out outside of the house.

For a moment, nothing happened.

Joanne stared at the man, Luke kept his gun trained on the man, and the man stared back at them.

Then a yell sounded out.

It's all good! No one else nearby!

Joanne breathed out, relieved.

Well. Why would I – no, never mind. Foolish thought.

The man shook his head, then looked at Joanne and waited.

Your eyes are stunning.

Thank you.

We mean no harm. We just want some clothes and towels.

Go ahead.

Go ahead?

Go ahead. I've got what I came here for.

The man kept his hands above his head but pointed towards the trench coat.

You came here for the coat?

Yes, I got lucky that it was this though. Good quality.

You're seriously here for nothing else?


Alright! Guys, come in and start searching! You, stay seated.

Sure. Can we talk though?


Well. I am a loner. Eventually, loneliness might drive me insane. I'd like to join y'all.

Absolutely not.

Luke butted in immediately.

You can't trust me, right? Did I lie about being alone?

You didn't, but why should we trust you?

Would you trust someone who lied about being alone? Would you trust someone who didn't lie?

Well, I wouldn't trust all the words of someone at gun point.

Well, I would've reacted the same. I can also be beneficial to you all.


Well. You can see my eyes. You might know what that means.

You're special.

Luke spoke once more.

You're one of those individuals that has strange powers. All the more reason not to trust you.

Hmm? I guess that's fair. For all you know I could be using them right now, but more than that…It seems to me you've had a bad experience with someone similarly afflicted.

Anne, come here.

Joanne sidestepped to Luke's side and he whispered something in her ear. She then whispered back. Thus, they began a private conversation.

Meanwhile, their groupmates had entered the house and were each in a different room searching for useful things.

The man kept his hands raised the entire time, but his eyes wandered off while Luke and Joanne discussed.

They followed the crease between the wall and ceiling in the room. Evidently, the house was rather old as the paint was long worn down. There were even warble-like bumps in the wall that pointed towards botched methods of architecture or something else.

His eyes kept moving until he landed on another girl in the group that was checking the bedroom nearby.

I believe her name is Sally. Well. Isn't that something? Someone actually named Sally.

She has potential. She might awaken soon.

The man's eyes became unfocused.

Voices flitted through his head willfully. No one else could hear them. They weren't his either. No, they manifested along with his powers.

Schizophrenia. That was he had thought at first, but their appearance was too coincidental. Thus, he theorized that they must be a result of his powers.

Sometimes, they were loud and many. Other times, other places, they were soft.

Here, they were few. Very few. In fact, when he had put on the trench coat, they had stopped.

A moment of silence was a rare and welcomed gift.

You there. Name?

Like thunder, Luke's question startled him out of his haze.

Ah. Yes. Kain.

Kain? Like from the bible?

Well, I don't exactly subscribe to that, but yes. Like the first sinner.

We'll only let you in on two conditions. First, you answer our questions. Second, you hand over any weapon on you.


Alright. The other person we met mentioned voices. Can you hear them?

The man was surprised for a bit, but then regained his usual demeanor.


Are they loud? Maddening? Do they tell you to kill us?

They are not loud anymore, nor maddening. They also do not tell me to harm anything.

What did they say to you when you first awakened?

"We see. We see. You are. Unique. You seek. Nothing. No. Deeper. Ah! We see. I see. You. YOU! YOU ARE! I see. We see. It is ordained. By you! YOU! You are. Unique." Something of the like.


Luke stared into the man's eyes.



What are your powers?

Joanne propped up a little.

Well. Wind likes me. It seems to find me, to listen to me, and allow me to listen to what it carries. It also protects me, sometimes.

What do you mean it allows you to listen to what it carries?

Well, Luke. What do you think?

Luke tensed up immediately upon hearing his name.

Things like that, Luke. It brings to me voices, smells, even feelings from things afar. It's like I'm a spider and wherever the wind blows nearby is the web. I can feel so much of what is around me, even know approximately where it is. It provides a sort of sixth sense.

Luke shivered a bit at the description.

And it protects you?

Well. It's easiest to demonstrate, but not so good an idea in this situation. Basically, it will flurry and misguide things. Have you ever tried jumping in a windy field? It's a bit hard to land back on your feet perfectly if the wind blows when you jump. Strong enough winds can misguide things, like bullets per say. Is that good enough?

Luke immediately turned his head and whispered forcefully to Joanne. Joanne replied with even more aggression.

So then, you could hear us just now?

That is true. The windows are broken.

Then, you know our answer?


Then, what is it?

Luke asked while toughening up his expression as if to intimidate the man.

A mutually beneficial one. Yes.