
Horizon Academy

Horizon Academy is an action and fantasy book set in a world where magic and superpowers exist. In a country full of mystery and secrets that pose a threat to civilization. It follows the story of a high school whose students (the protagonists of the story) and staff cross paths with a 'terrorist'/ villainous group known as The Order of Blight.

FlamingAcee · Fantasía
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61 Chs

Teacher vs Students (part 5)

The kids celebrated with one another after hearing the announcement.

"Hayasato, you're a legend" Rani said, hugging him.

"Since when could you open more than one portal?" Koda asked

"Well, it takes a lot out of me, but it's the result of all the training I've been doing. After Dr Yahara's lesson on Rika, something clicked in my head."

Fukuma looked surprised. "You already figured out how Rika works?"

"Not quite. I mean, I have some understanding. For example, before today, you've only seen me open one way portals that emerge from my palm but I was somehow I was able to create multiple simultaneously by leaving rika deposits around me. The best way I can help you visualise this is if you think of rika like an invisible shroud around your body. Each time we use our abilities, that shroud decreases. So, in that sense, I was able to deposit little bits of that shroud all around me. Though I can only create very small portals from those deposits as you saw today"

His friends all looked shocked and confused.

Koda laughed, "That's a lot to take in right now but I'd love if you could explain more in detail sometime but I'm pretty sure Mr Zuno isn't making it to Dr Hirime's office."

The group laughed as Hayasato created another portal leading them to the entrance where Zuno was laying on the floor asleep.

Hayasato attempted to create one more portal leading to Hirime's office but he fell to his knee, and his hand began shaking.

Koda placed his hand on his friends shoulder, "Take it easy, Hayasato" We'll carry him there or I'll just create a rock bed for him.

Hayasato nodded and smiled, [I guess I exhausted my Rika. I still need better control]

Group E

The Urban zone felt like a city to the students.

There were numerous sky scrapers around, even numerous roads with broken down cars, bridges and different types of buildings. All abandoned.

Yashiro, Hirase, Minako, and Murake all walked side by side, admiring their environment. While Mika walked directly behind them.

"Feels so realistic" Murake said, "ground zero is really impressive"

"Sure is" Hirase added, "great spot for us to let loose. I wonder who our teacher will be"

Minako looked a little concerned "there are a lot of blind spots though" She looked behind her, then at Yashiro before tapping his shoulder. "Do you think she'll cooperate?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I guess we'll see"

Minako sighed, "I don't know, she's gone back to being distant.

Getting the attention of the whole group, Murake asked, "So, what's the plan guys?"

Minako was first to respond, "We can't really make a plan until we know who our teacher is"

"We've got a powerful group" Hirase added once more, "We should be alright"

Hirowa's voice rang through the speakers, "begin"

"I think this is going to be easy. We may not even have to fight. I'll just create an illusionary wall in front of us and all we have to do is wait for five minutes" Murake said, before making an illusion that made them blend into the background.

"Is this really going to work?" Minako asked, slightly concerned.

A few mechanical wolves stepped out in front of the students, growling and snarling.

"Oh, Shit" Hirase said to himself, "Mr Tokiho"

[surely, they can't see through the illusion] Murake thought.

He was wrong.

The wolves charged straight at students, as if Murake had done nothing. Their infrared vision allowed them to see exactly where Murake and the others were.

Speaking forcefully, Minako slightly pushed Murake aside "Move back Murake"

She sent a wave of ice towards the wolves, entrapping them. "It's Mr Tokiho. There's bound to be more of them"

Surely enough, all around them, numerous growls were heard. From rooftops, Windows, roads and even in flying in the air were vicious looking mechanical creatures with sharp teeth and claws. The students were completely surrounded.

Hirase laughed, "he hasn't changed"

"Always trying to overwhelm his students. How the fuck do we deal with this?" Murake added

They huddled together, trying to think of a plan, while Hirase held the crystal.

One of the "birds" swooped in, claws aimed the crystal, but Minako sent an ice spike into its mid section, destroying it.

Hirase looked around, then at his friends. "Guys, I have a plan. Minako, take care of the winged creatures. I'll take care of the grounded ones in front of us. Yashiro, you, Mika and Murake take care of the ones behind but everyone use me as a reference point. Don't go 20metres away from me.

Everyone nodded, Minako stood beside Hirase, who crouched and put his fingers on the floor, while the other three faced the other direction.

Yashiro took a deep breath, before activating his power, tripling the sizes of all the muscles in his body.

There was silence for a few seconds as if both the robots and the students were waiting for either party to make the first move.

"Minako, I'm about to do something drastic but the repercussions will leave me defenceless for a few seconds. Watch my back please" Hirase said, as the mechanical wolves and four legged creatures in front of him began charging.

She nodded in response.

Hirase sent an immense tremor through the ground that shook the entire surrounding area. For Minako, it felt as though she was standing in the middle of an earthquake.

The buildings in front of her swayed violently, before the ground began to split, swallowing both the animals sprinting towards the students, and the buildings around them.

The disastrous aftermath left Minako's jaw dropped as she stared at the multiple shattered buildings, rubble and destroyed robots, and the cloud of dust that remained.

Hirase sunk to the floor, holding his head with his free hand and clenching his jaw.

However, the birds still remained. They circled the two students, and Minako wasn't sure why they were not attacking but she prepared herself anyway. Soon after, the birds stopped circling, and hovered over them.

They all opened their "beaks", and a purple light burst forth as they charged beams in their throats.

[Ohh, fuck] Minako thought

"tsk, fuck this" Her pupils turned blue and began to glow before raising her hands towards the sky.

The air around her grew colder, to the point where Hirase's breath was visible.

She released a giant blast of ice upwards completely freezing the birds. Those who aren't hit by the blast were still eventually frozen due to how cold the surrounding air was.

The birds dropped all around her and broke into pieces as they had been frozen to the core.

Meanwhile, the second Hirase released the tremor, Yashiro charged at the Mechanical creatures in front of him. In his initial dash, he took out three of them. Kicking the first one into the second, and smashing the third with his fist.

Controlling his jump, he leaped about 12 metres into the air and grabbed one of the winged robots that were in his direction. He ripped off the one wing and threw it like a dart at another. The bird powered down as the wing pierced it, before dropping like a fly.

Murake looked to his side, noticing that Mika's hair was rising. Yashiro landed and was about to launch an attack on the next group, but was stopped in his tracks.

All around him, dark spikes emerged from the shadows of the creatures and impaled them. Roughly 15 of them fell to the floor after that, completely destroyed.

Murake turned around, saw what Minako and Hirase had done, and laughed.

"I really should just sit this one out shouldn't I?"

"It's not over yet" Yashiro responded, pointing to the few birds who were still flying around. This group also stopped flying and began charging the purple beams in their throats.

"What the fuck is that?" Murake asked, slightly taking a few steps back.

Yashiro picked up a handful of rocks, took a deep breath and threw them with maximum power in the direction of the birds.

The force with which they were thrown allowed the rocks to rip through the bodies of the birds, causing them to explode mid air.

Murake looked around, observing every destroyed robot, "was that all of them?" He asked

"seems like it" Minako responded

"I feel pretty useless. I haven't been able to do anything"

"Dr Yahara talked a lot about compatibility. I guess this is one of those instances where it's really bad " Yashiro said, attempting to reassure him.

Murake smiled, though he currently felt inadequate, he was still confident in himself.

"I think we should keep moving. If we are lucky, we may find out where Mr Tokiho is controlling these robots from" He turned to look at Hirase, who was still holding his head, "are you okay?"

"I'll be fine" he said, slowly standing up with Minako's help "let's get moving"

The students began jogging deeper into the urban zone, each step sent a wave a pain to Hirase's head but he powered through.

About 45 seconds into their jog, a large purple beam ripped through the air, almost hitting the students but Mika put up a "Shadow veil" in time, blocking the attack completely.

[Insane reflexes] Yashiro thought

As she dropped the veil, multiple humanoid robots surrounded them.

"Round 2, I guess" Murake said to himself.

The humanoids closed in on the students in groups. There were several types.

The vast majority had normal human features, like anatomically accurate limbs. The second group of humanoids had weapons and tools for fists, like sledgehammers and or shields.

The last type of humanoid was the robot responsible for the initial beam. It was bulky and was 9feet tall with a large cannon mounted on its right shoulder, smoke emanating from it.

It's left arm also had a shield attached to it, and it's right hand was enlarged.

There were 20 humanoids in total. 10 in the normal group , 9 in the weaponised group and finally, 1 with the cannon and shield.

Minako looked at Hirase with a slightly concerned look before asking, "Hirase, are you going to be alright"

He nodded, smiled and raised his thumb "I'm better now"

She smiled back at him before focusing on the robots once more, making certain observations in her head [These robots are clearly more intelligent than the last group. They aren't grouping together like the wolves, so a giant ice blast will not work. They look more durable too]

The group 1 humanoids attacked first. Attempting to swarm the students. Hirase sent another wave of tremors through the ground, but the two robots who were attacking him leapt in opposite directions, avoiding his attack completely. They spun rapidly and were both about to kick Hirase before Minako intervened. The robots were in mid air so dodging was extremely difficult and so were frozen by the Frost mist that enveloped the both of them.

Before Hirase could even thank his classmate, the group 2 robots started their attack.

A sledgehammer narrowly missed Minako's head as she dodged right. The movement of the two groups caused all the students to huddle up together.

"At this rate, we'll be overwhelmed in no time" Minako said, "we need a bloody plan"

To their surprise, the robots cleared the way, some went left and some right, leaving the students grouped up in the middle.

They soon realised why.

The last humanoid had been charging another purple beam in its cannon, and released it immediately the robots made space.

Minako created an ice wall but it lacked the structural integrity to block the beam, and was shattered.

Luckily, she was backed up by Mika, who set up a shadow veil behind the ice wall.

Most of the beam of absorbed by the veil before it crumbled, allowing a tiny amount of the beam to slam into the students.

Knocking them to the floor, and slightly damaging them.

Even then, the humanoids didn't give them a chance to catch their breath and swarmed again. Minako's eyes glowed once more, and there was a terrifying look on her face.

"Mika, do that shadow translocating thing you do and move everyone away from here"

"Don't tell me what to do" Mika responded, before her shadow expanded till everyone but Minako was standing in it.

They quickly sunk into the shadow, leaving Minako and the horde of 17 humanoids charging at her.

She took a very deep breath and let out a yell that could only be equated to a battlecry, and there was a giant blast of ice from her body, spreading outwards.

The wave stood about 10 feet tall, swallowing and freezing everything in its path, the air, the humanoids, and the buildings that were close enough to her.

She fell to the floor in a weakened state, and began to sink into Mika's shadow.

She transported her friends to a nearby building, and immediately spat them out of her shadow. They were in a living room with no furniture, so there was a lot of space.

It was a unique experience for the students. So, after coming out of the shadow, they were all queasy, with Murake throwing up in the corner.

"It felt like I was in an eternal freefall. What the fuck was that?" He asked.

Mika ignored him, she was breathing heavily.

The students turned their attention to the window. There was rumbling outside, as the 9foot humanoid broke free.

"I think the girls have done enough" Hirase said, addressing the other boys in the room. "It's our turn now. Let's take that titan down"

Murake turned to Minako, who was shivering, then at Mika who was still breathing heavily. "Will you be okay Minako?" He asked.

Shakily, she replied, "we'll be fine, just go rip that thing apart"

After the boys jumped out of the window, Minako sat up and tried to have a conversation with Mika.

"I appreciate you being here"

Mika sat down and looked out of the window, holding onto the slightly cracked Crystal and refusing to respond.

Minako continued, "You don't have to pretend you're out of breath. You recovered ages ago"

Mika smiled.

Yashiro charged at the "titan", punching it with all his might, but it raised its shield, absorbing all of the damage. It smacked Yashiro into the ground with the enlarged hand.

Yashiro rolled backwards onto his feet almost immediately. [That shield has got to go]

The cannon charged up once more.

"Oh, fuck" Yashiro said to himself, before sprinting in the opposite direction while being mindful of his distance from the crystal.

The beam hit Yashiro in the back and sent him crashing into the giant ice block Minako had created.

"Murake, help Yashiro. I'll take care of that shield"

He ran towards the titan and leapt at it. Just like he wanted, the titan raised its shield to block. As his fist connected with the shield, he sent a large wave of tremors into the shield, and up the titans arm.

The shield, and a small part of the titans arm crumbled to the floor.

The titan shot it's right hand at Hirase before he landed. He blocked, but was still smashed into the ground, and the hand was recalled.

"Yashiro, you good?" Murake asked.

Yashiro grunted and got back to his feet, looking extremely angry.

He didn't respond to his classmate before dashing at the titan once more at twice his normal speed.

He mounted the titan, grabbed the cannon, pulled back, and ripped it off.

He jumped, and smacked the back of its head with the cannon, causing it to go head first into the floor.

Yashiro leapt several metres into the air with the cannon still in his hand and brought it down hard into the back of the titans head, sending it deeper into the ground.

"Yashiro, move" Hirase yelled, before sending another giant tremor towards the robot, which completely destroyed it, breaking it and the ground around it into pieces.

Yashiro sat on the floor, breathing heavily, and returning back to his normal size.

[what was that? How can he create robots so powerful?] he thought to himself.

Murake walked up to the cannon and began tinkering with it.

Mika and Minako walked out shortly after, both of them looking better.

"you guys okay?" Minako asked.

Everyone nodded, except Murake, who was still tinkering.

"30 seconds left" Hirase said, "we should be good. Doesn't look like there's more happen-"

Another humanoid landed in front of the students.

There was only one this time, and it was huge. 12 feet, with enormous arms and feet.

It wasted no time, and punched Yashiro who was the closest to it.

Yashiro flew several metres, but Mika reacted quickly. She sent numerous Shadow tentacles at him, wrapping around his arms, waist, and legs. She managed to stop him travelling 20 metres from the crystal, after he travelled 19.

She pulled him back towards the group as the others tried to fend off the final humanoid.

Minako's ice walls didn't hold, and Hirase's tremors were now too weak to do any substantial damage. They were both easily brushed aside. It was interrupted before the rampage could continue.

"Over here, you bastard" Murake said, before firing the cannon in his hand. The recoil knocked him several metres back, but the blast from the beam knocked the robot through a building.

However, it was back up in seconds, but Mika was ready for it, with her hair up again and an evil looking grin on her face.

It charged at her but she sent multiple shadow slashes towards it, slicing it's arms, legs, and head off simultaneously.

Her classmates were completely stunned. Mika's aura was different, it reminded Yashiro of the flowing fist tournament, where he had first met her.

Her hair slowly dropped back down, and she began walking back towards the entrance as an announcement rang out.

"Five minutes have passed, and the crystal is still intact. Group E wins"