

The Shu Empire was suffering from a massive war. The war was between Shu Empire and Lou Empire. Many people lost their lives because of that war. Finally, the Shu Empire was defeated.


"Fast, we need to work hard or the Emperor Lou will kill us."Said a man in dirty cloths. He was young. Looking like his early twenties. He was very afraid. The Emperor of Lou Empire made the Shu Empire's people their servants. The man in dirty cloths name was Si Yuan. His wife was also with him. Her name was Si Ming. She was working hard to done the work that the emperor gave them. There were not only two people, but thousands of people who were doing the same work. The work was hard. The emperor gave them the of breaking stones. What was useless and hard. There were not any resources. But still they had to work hard. What was unfair! Si Yuan's wife was pregnant. But still, she was working hard for her and her husband's life. She wasn't even resting for a short while. And next to up, it was very sunny day.

So that's what happened what everyone thought; she fell unconscious. Si Yuan rushed to her and pour some water on her head.

On the other side, the emperor was enjoying the day with wine and beautiful ladies from Shu Empire. In other sense, the women of Shu Empire were very beautiful and sexy. So the emperor made some very beautiful, gorgeous and young looking ladies his concubines. That list also include the only princess, Shu Yu. She was considered as the most beautiful and gorgeous lady in Shu Empire. The emperor was fourty six years old and the princess was only twenty years old. The princess was very said that she became the concubine of an old man. He was married and his wife was pregnant. Her name was Lou Qing. She was pregnant as Si Yuan's wife. Si Yuan's was the only pregnant woman who was still alive. Because the empress knew that the woman was pregnant, she gave her the change to do light work. She gave her the change to work in the imperial garden. The imperial garden was so big, clean and beautiful. She gave her the work to put water in the garden. Si Yuan was grateful for saving the live of his wife and his future child.

One day, empress called Si Ming. Si Ming immediately came. She said, "Why Your Majesty call me? Did I do something that Your Majesty don't like?" Lou Qing smiled and said gently, "No, you didn't. You didn't do anything that I don't like. You are taking care of the imperial garden very well. I am pleased. You know that I am pregnant and so you are. And my little baby will come out very soon. But I think, you and I will give birth on the same day. It will be very good, right?" Si Ming said with a cute smile, "Yes, Your Majesty. It will be a great honor for me to give birth at the same time as you."