
Hope for kumerica

Juvinile_Perfect · Ciudad
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3 Chs

Things get tense

Instantly listowel phones starts ringing. And he's surprised he is getting a call at that time of the day. He chooses to ignore it. But the call kept calling till Israel insisted he picked emphazing it could be an emergency. He picks the call Midway without even realizing it. It gets lost in his memories and the caller on the other side snaps him back into reality.

when the caller said hello am on the phone.

"what is it you devil?".

" We are coming up on you with full force and might and there's nothing you can do to save your master and stop us". She brags and reminds him of her incredible feat that even most elite solider a don't match her. Fear is written boldenly on his forehead. And he goes into a state of frenzy. Israel snaps him back when he asks in a huge masculine tone what Nikita said. He answers on auto pilot mode informing Israel. Nikita plans to attack them with full force and might and that there was nothing going to stand in their way. Or anyone or anything that can stop them.

Israel replies not shaken,super confident they could counterattack every threatyjay comes their way. And says the bravest words that them she will have to answer to him.

After saying that he picks his walkie talkie and sends commands to corporal tiisha,sergeant Elvis telling them to come to their side immediately for a secret information.

Tiisha and Elvis replied in their most obedient military voice. Then in the next 5 minutes tiisha and Elvis made it to their boss.

Israel reveals they know the culprit. And Elvis feels that everything will be ok soon and a piece of cake. But everyone shares the opposite view. They taunt the two to guess. But they make terrible guess. Then listowel drops the bomb shell revealing it's Nikita the best overall student during Elvis summer training time. Then they realize Nikita works for Lance. The most wanted criminal who managed to embezzle a huge significant amount of 1.5 trillion pounds. He was branded a national disaster and a world wide criminal wanted by all investigation agency in the world. He reveals they been warned of s tough match with the odds been any man's game. Then it's revealed Nikita kicked Elvis ass ,5 times. That is he has been beaten by her. Tiisha laughs at Elvis but realized Nikita won't be an easy catch clearing.

They are ordered to guard the entire premises heavily leaving no space for a sneaky attack. And they are dismissed to call for back up and go to their various post.

While the government officials are planning heavy resistance force.

Nikita, Diego, Suarez and Alberto getting ready for their ultimate attack.

Lance remkmds them they had one simple task to eliminate the president and be super rich to live on for him and his descendents.

Nikita replies Lance assuring him she got everything under control and Lance has nothing to worry about. She turns to her team mates to command them they are leaving that very second. And the time tell her they're ready and set out for the mission. Nikita reminds them to grab a disguise before they get in the car. So their identities don't get discovered. They all pack and Alberto becomes the driver that day.

Back to the founders memorial hospital.

Tiisha can't stop laughing and Elvis finds it annoying. But gets pissed off discovering it was about him and Nikita beating him up.

He tries to turn it around claiming it was long ago they were still in their development stages. And he flexes his God mode muscles to prove a point. To assure Tiisha he will defend her and destroy Nikita. Saying he will tear Nikita into half. The statement sounded like a joke to Tiisha and she got crazier with the laughing. She says she will see it with her own eyes when Nikita and her crew attack. He talks about a secret weapon and Tiisha looks at him as if he is a ghost.

scene shifts to Nikita, Alberto,Suarez and Diego at the founders memorial hospital from a distance that was easy to avoid been seen.

Thinking about a silent plan to penetrate the hospital without resistance and less Attraction. After throwing the whole squad ablaze with their warning. They realize it's heavy guarded but still reasoned there's still a chance to enter,

"Finally we are here" Suarez breaks the silence Ice.

" Then I guess you got a perfect plan to get in quietly?. She asked in sarcasm to put Suarez in check.

"of course the idiot doesn't has no brain to help the Operation been successful.

Instantly Suarez lands a pinch on Diego for his comment without warning".

" enough of you two kids". Nikita stands in between them after causing a separation.

" Here I was thinking I could leave a mission in your care. Diego without knowing while angry swaging his hands pointed his touch in the direction of listowel and Israel.

And the dip are fast to discover the light and irregularities in the atmosphere. Listowel shouts in a loud tone asking ago it was pointing touch in his face.

It's alerts the entire team. Then Nikita snatched the touch and breaks it with her hand instantly. She insults Diego after the mistake they might destroy their entire plans

Back to listowel and Israel they were wondering who could have been pointing the touch in their direction.

"What was all that about listowel?.

"I hope you are not asking me coz am more confused and surprised than you".

Israel tells listowel from how he was seeing it.

They had to go check the place out. But listowel doesn't think it was anything serious or had to do with them and their mission.

Israel tells listowel he feels his conscious telling him that move will go a long way to stop a whole lot. He stands his ground proclaiming he was going with or without listowel. And asks him if he join him.

Listowel reluctant agrees and goes with him