
Hope for kumerica

Juvinile_Perfect · Ciudad
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3 Chs

The attack

In the residence of the president Headquarters. Gilbert espress his fears of the evitable.Since Lance had escaped and there no telling of what he will and can do.He planned of sending special forces to take him down.But listowel is having none of it.

Coz he feels Lance is doing it all for something and not for the fun of it.Gilbert  feels Lance made a silly mistake that can be used against him.

Just then Gilbert remembers something. Before he could talk everything happened too fast for anyone to talk or act. The room just explode with heavy chemicals which made it's victims chance of survival very small. Listowel checks up on the president to ensure his is ok.He replies on the opposite and listowel acts quick covers up his master with his suit.

Listowel gets to work clears a path. And carries his boss on his shoulders. And with the last blink of energy sends him outside safely. He dials and calls isreal Hawking's first. To inform him of the explosion. Then be called at the hospital for an ambulance fast.


     "Yes it's me prime minister what can I do for you. This is Israel Hawking's of The FBI head operation what can I do for you?

       "I need the media immediately. And don't forget to get ambulance plus fire service fast before you come here".

         "Why will that be necessary?.

      He was clearly shocked by listowel words".

Then listowel takes time to breath in and out and reveals he was with the president discussing national issues. Then out of the blue their whole quarter blow up. Isreap gets worried about the president state of well being. Then listowel tells him to work on getting an ambulance there in time.

Listowel explains it's only your quarter that was blown. Leaving the other quarters unharmed.And no irregularities or invasion was sounded.Meaning it was a master plan that could counter attack anything. Israel assures the minister he will ensure the ambulance get there in time to ensure the president surirves and eages listowel to try from his side to get help as fast as possible.

Listowel cuts the call with Israel to call the hospital and tell them of what's happening.

            "Hello is this the founders memorial hospital officials?".

            "Yes please any problem?".

            "Yeah there's a big problem.

             The president is down.

             We need an ambulance fast".

              "Ok we be on our way now

              We be there in 15 minutes

Exactly 15 minutes as promised the ambulance was at the president headquarters and they act fast in picking the president unconscious body. Fire service came along to combat the fire while Israel came with the media and press.

   The nurse reassure listowel he be ok as a desperate can't let go of Gilbert even for a minute. And they push him into the ambulances and drive off.

Listowel and Israel then begin to talk

About everything that has happened so far. He asked him how he is pulling up but listowel is disturbed to give him a proper answer. And just says not to good. He is stressing that's there's a lot on their table and the last thing they needed was this attack. The economy is in crisis after the 1.5 trillion embezzlement. Israel feels he is invading listowel personal space. And makes up a statement he was going to grab clues. Just then he realized the media heading towards his direction and he smartly dodges in a way that they see listowel approcag him and start bombarding him with questions left and right. Listowel tires to call Israel back so he could come bail him out but Israel quickly escapes leaving him to deal with a thousand questions at once.

            "Good afternoon prime      minister"

            "Afternoon"listowel replies frustrated. But Ellie continues with the unbearable questions.

        " We are here because we heard Israel leaked a possible attempt on the president life. Can you tell us more in detail what you know.

Listowel explains he was discussing important national issues with his Excellency. Just as they were to reach a compromise the whole place explode. He reavealed only their quarter was blown meaning they were dealing with a bomb expert.

Ellie added that it's suspicious how that was possible trying to say within the flat it wasn't safe for any of them.

He adds they are still putting the pieces together and they will soon catch the one responsible. And deal with them adequately. Listowel returns the favour and throws the reporters on him saving his own skin.

They catch up with him and surround him and he has no choice but to go along and answer their questions.

Ellie asked what he thought about the apparent attempt murder on the president life. He explains they are dealing with highly trained personal.

Who is dead serious to take his Excellency down.and will go beyond any boundaries to destroy their enemies. But Israel guarantee them the person stepped on the wrong toes and entered the wrong den coz he will find them and deal with them in a way they won't forget.

Ellie points out he admires his courage his stand on justice and fighting for what is right. Ellie was interested how only one quarter was blown in a way it didn't touch the other quarters. Israel just says only people who been the military have such knowledge. Who is specialized in programming bombs. And smartly he passed all security protocols undetected and without resistance.

Turns out CCTV went blank as of that time. He tires to leave but Ellie stops him for one last question to ask about the president well being. As to if he's die or what. And he angrily replies his Excellency only has a few health complications and nothing much.

Scene shifts to Lance were house the Mastermind behind the bombing of the San Francisco pub.

He is with nikita,Diego,Suarez and Albert planing and discussing their next plans.