
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
280 Chs

Chapter 188: "Honkai beast previous era"

The spacious hall, bright lights, and lots of applause from the audience everywhere.

When Kiana realized, she had now entered the interior of Homu castle.

Aurora: "Why are you staying there stupidly!? Get away!"

Creates chains made of Imaginary energy, and pulls Kiana away from Evil Vill-V's position. Aurora, who saw that Kiana was still in a daze, could only sigh helplessly.

This kind of alertness on the battlefield was truly below par. Next time let's tell mother to train her again so she doesn't die young.

"{She's stalling for time.}"

"I know, I'll finish it quickly." Aurora also felt annoyed.

"{No, let her cook.}"


Feeling confused by Thea's very contradictory orders. Aurora asked once again if she had heard wrong.

"Didn't you already know what this person was up to? Do you dare to bear the consequences?"

Thea answered: "{Yes, I'm very sure. If that monster really appears, and we manage to defeat it, the advantages will already outweigh the current disadvantages. I have nothing to lose at all.}"

Aurora sighed.

"Whatever you want. You politicians can only make my head spin with all your messy plans."

Obtained Thea's confirmation, and is currently in no rush to get rid of Evil Vill-V. Aurora drifted backwards, and she crossed her arms, entering the lowest power consumption mode.

She joins the Homu work group, becoming a spectator waiting for the drama to begin.

Evil Vill-V, who noticed something strange with Aurora, frowned in confusion.

"Ah, it looks like this volunteer doesn't want to participate anymore? Why suddenly?"

Aurora answered her: "I'm bored. This nonsense game you put together is clearly just a waste of time. Instead of wasting energy, I'll wait according to what you want. Please don't disappoint me later with your main show."

Realizing that her plan seemed to have been discovered. Evil Vill-V was silent for a moment, and after that she felt uneasy.

"Aren't you guys too cooperative? Are you sure your leader is still on the human side?"

"Don't ask me, I don't care."

"Are you really not going to get in the way of my plans?"


"Really? Are you sure? I'm really going to do it this time. Don't you want to change your mind?"

Aurora: "...."

Evil Vill-V: "...."


Squinting at each other, full of suspicious movements. Instead of making peace, both parties became increasingly wary.

Evil Vill-V approaches Mei slowly. Poking Mei's cheek with her finger several times, and Evil Vill-V, who saw Aurora still standing still, could only shrug her shoulders helplessly.

"Did you see this girl? I'm going to kill her." Evil Vill-V gives a final warning.

"Do it."

Aurora menacing.

Kiana, who had been hearing the tense conversation between the two of them, finally couldn't stand it any longer.

"What do you want to do to Mei! Get away from her!"

Know that every second is precious. After Kiana spoke, she immediately rushed towards Mei to save her.

Seeing Mei draw her Katana sword at her, Kiana, who saw the slash as beautiful as the moon, immediately parried it reflexively.



Taking a few steps back, Kiana never expected that Mei would suddenly attack her.

Seeing Mei standing in front of Evil Vill-V, and taking a position as if protecting her. Kiana became increasingly confused.

Aurora gave a hint: "The girl in front of you right now is the Herrscher of Domination. She has the power to control other people like puppets in a theater. So if you want to save your precious friend, then kill her first."

Kiana finally understood.

"I understand."

Using the power of the stigmata, and creating a greatsword the color of flame red. Kiana pointed it at Mei, and her eyes became very focused.

Bending her legs, and leaping forward like a grasshopper. After several jumps using Homu's castel wall, Kiana slashed, and Evil Vill-V immediately dodged her attack.

"Interesting, performing a backwards turning maneuver very nimbly. If I weren't a MANTIS, I might really be cut down by you." Evil Vill-V gave her honest answer.

In the previous era, all the soldiers who took part in the fusion soldier project already had the strength and reflexes of monsters.

Their strength is almost the same as Herrscher if not including their strange powers.

Kiana, who was still adapting to her body, and wanting to cut her in one try, was just wishful thinking.

"Yeah, I slightly believe what you said before. Then while we wait, can we start the next show?"

"The fight between the white warrior Kiana Kaslana, against her good friend Raiden Mei!"

"Life and death duel!"

"I will announce, the show starts now!"


Homu Worker: "YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Aurora: "Clap... Clap..."

Realizing there was something strange being mixed in the crowd. Kiana, who was blocking Mei's attack, turned to the side with a vicious facial expression.

"Aurora! Why are you just standing there?! Help me save Mei!"

Aurora, who was receiving macaroni from a homu doll, and drinking soda, just looked at her sister with boring eyes.

"You know, Thea said that this would be your test. If you still can't subdue Mei who is still an ordinary human, then she will send you back to St. Freya to study again."

Kiana: "Damn it!"

Knowing that she couldn't rely on anyone right now. Kiana became frustrated, and she started thinking about finding a way out.

One of the abilities of the Herrscher of Domination is to control the body of someone who is weaker than her. If Kiana focused, she could still see dozens of golden threads wrapped around Mei's body at this time.

So, should she cut this gold colored thread?

How to?

Mei spoke: "Kiana please be stay there, and don't move. Let me stab you."

Kiana became angry: "Don't use Mei's mouth to talk freely! She would never say things like that to me!"

Parry Mei's attacks several times, and control her strength so as not to injure her. Evil Vill-V, hiding under Mei's protection, begins to fan the flames.

"This is very ironic, isn't it, Raiden Mei? How does it feel to kill your own friend?"

When Mei became a little conscious, and felt like she could control her body again. A sense of penetration appeared in her hand, and a burst of red color, instantly splashed all over her body.

"Does the blood feel very warm?"

Mei froze: "No... Kiana... No...."

Being able to control her body, but not a good thing. Mei, who was hugging Kiana's bloodied body, her hands began to shake, and her body began to slowly sink downwards.

She couldn't believe she did all this.

But the warm feeling of the body, and the strong smell of blood, did not deceive her at all.

Her eyes became blurry, because of the pooling of tears.

"Can't protect your father."

"You even killed your own friend using your hands."

"Raiden Mei..."

"Why are you still alive?"


In the real world, Kiana who saw Mei lowered her head, and started crying profusely, wearing a confused expression.

"What's wrong with Mei?"

"Illusion, classic."

Aurora answered questions from the audience seat.

Purple lightning bolts began to emanate from Mei body. One becomes two, and two becomes four. Every second that passed, the arcs of lightning grew in number, and grew more violent.

When hatred reaches a certain point, then god will answer their prayers.

In Mei case...

Herrscher of Thunder, was finally born.

"Yeah, this Herrscher is very weak. However the first condition has been done. Then let's move on to the main show!"

When Evil Vill-V finished speaking, the entire Homu castle shook violently like an earthquake, and the black clouds covering the entire dome grew even more violent.

Giant lightning bolts continued to shoot out from the black clouds one after another, giving one the feeling that the sky seemed to be collapsing.

Evil Vill-V was overjoyed: "You must be wondering what the main event of this show really is. Then you are very lucky! You will all witness a historical scene appearing in this world!"

"An entity that appears at the same time as the birth of a Herrscher!"

"A monster that shouldn't be born in this era!"

"Bringer of destruction, apostle of the apocalypse, and herald of the last days!"

"I will present..."

"Honkai beasts, VIPRALOPA!!!"

The sky shook, and tremendous pressure from Gene began to spread everywhere, making all the living creatures and honkai beasts in Nagazora City very afraid.

Without them realizing it, Kiana and Aurora were already breaking out in cold sweat.